Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!

Chapter 110: Jie Luo's remnant soul is in Qin Chu's body? (3)

  Chapter 110 Jie Luo's remnant soul is in Qin Chu's body? (3)

  The Eye of True Sight is a very special kind of magic. The fluctuation of magic power is extremely weak, and it is almost impossible to find it without careful investigation.

  Ordinary magicians may think that the picture of the eye of true seeing is seen by their own eyes, but in fact it is not. The picture peeped by the eye of true seeing is directly instilled into the brain through a special magic channel.

  In the haze, the caster even feels that those images are not what he saw, but what he experienced personally, which can easily lead to insanity.

  Athena maintains her own powerful magic power and firm will, no matter what kind of picture she peeps at, it will not affect her consciousness.

   It's just that Athena never expected that she would see such a bad scene.

   It's so... so... shameless.

  Is this something you can do right after you come back from outside?

   Don't they all take a break?

  Also, Ekaterina, I really didn't expect this woman to come to your door so actively, you shameless vixen.

  Qin Chu was the same, he was so pampered when he was hugging Angelika before, he turned around and pushed Angelika away, and fooled around with Ekaterina.

  Bah, scumbag!

  The picture directly stimulated the brain, making Athena tremble and flushed all over, and the strong sense of shame even made her feel that the temperature of her body was constantly rising.

  Her reaction made Rossweisse a little puzzled: "Sister Athena, what's wrong?"

   "No, it's nothing..." Athena blushed quickly and waved her hands, her towering chest still rising and falling rapidly.

   Coughed softly, Athena barely suppressed the confusion in her heart.

She wanted to cut off the connection with the Eye of True Sight, but she was worried that she would miss some important content...Don't think about it, she has no interest in what Qin Chu and Ekaterina are going to do, she just I was worried that I might miss the conversation between the two. With Athena's level of magic power, as long as she concentrated, she could even hear some of the voices in the Eye of True Sight.

"It's like this, the second-generation hero, I feel that there may be something wrong..." Athena said vaguely. Although her eyes were fixed on Rossweisse, she couldn't feel the existence of focal length in her pupils at all. Consciousness is gradually attracted by the picture projected in the mind.

  Oh my god, Ekaterina is like this?

   Can it still be like that?

  Athena felt as if she had opened the door to a new world, and suddenly mastered a lot of poses... Ah no, it was knowledge.

Rossweisse on the opposite side didn't think too much about it, and immediately replied: "Of course, I have always felt that there is a problem with this man. Isn't this the biggest problem that this man has better talents than Master Zero? ?"

  Athena focused on two things. While monitoring Qin Chu and Ekaterina, she tried her best to maintain her rationality and continue to communicate with Rossweisse.

   Athena was quite helpless to Ross Weisser's words.

  In Roseweizer's heart, being better than Zero is a sin...Although Athena doesn't think there will be a man who is better than Zero in this world.

  However, what Athena really wants to say is not here.

"I'm referring to Ekaterina... Don't you think that Ekaterina is being manipulated by Qin Chu?" Athena considered her words, trying not to feel the more and more excessive feelings that kept popping up in her mind. The picture and voice: "With Ekaterina's character, how could she throw herself into Qin Chu's arms, and even let that man do whatever he wants?"

   Now Ekaterina is still doing such a thing.

  Athena felt that this was really abnormal, it didn't fit Ekaterina's character, this woman would kill Qin Chu directly, right?

   Rossweisse shook her head briskly, denying Athena's speculation.

   "Why are you so sure?" Athena was a little suspicious: "What did you do?"

  From Rossweisse's tone, she could feel that this woman seemed to have done something shameful.

   Roseweizer did not hide her true face from Athena. Her true face can fool other people, but not Athena.

  The two have each other's black history, and they both know who the other is. Because of this relationship, the two have become even closer, and they have almost become good sisters who talk about everything, at least on the surface.

Rossweisse smiled gently: "I didn't do anything, I just told Ekaterina that your attack on Qin Chu will lower his evaluation of the entire brave team members, which will affect the future resurrection of Zero You have to apologize to Qin Chu, and of course the apology must be sincere."

"She probably knows that this man, Qin Chu, is very interested in beauty. Although she is an idiot, she still looks good and has a good figure. Moreover, if she can make Qin Chu obsessed with her body, it will be very helpful for us to backstab the brave in the future... This Everything is for Master Jie Luo, so she made a small sacrifice."

   After a pause, Rossweisse showed a beautiful smile on her face, she was a little proud:

   "It seems that Qin Chu is very satisfied with Ekaterina's apology."

   "Now, Ekaterina has become an excellent spy we placed next to the brave."

  "Fate is really wonderful. I even feel that Ekaterina and Qin Chu will be a pretty good couple."

   Oh, that's it.

  Ekaterina was indeed manipulated, but it was not Qin Chu who manipulated all this, but Ross Weisse.

  She guided very cleverly, making Ekaterina undress in front of Qin Chu while thinking that all this was for Jie Luo.

  Ekaterina even felt that she had made such a big sacrifice in order to resurrect Gero, and she fell into self-movement.

Even Ekaterina's drunken madness must be Roseweizer's masterpiece, just to facilitate the current scene, make Qin Chu deeply infatuated with Ekaterina's body, so that Qin Chu can place a a nail.

   It seems that my previous doubts were purely overwhelmed.

   This is really a terrible woman.

   This method of controlling people's hearts is really vicious.

  However, Athena didn't mind, after all, it wasn't her who was pressed under Qin Chu's body and fiddled with.

   What's more, the road to resurrecting Zero is destined to be difficult. She needs a teammate as smart and ruthless as Ross Weisser... At least, when it comes to resurrecting Zero, the two of them have exactly the same interests.

  Athena's legs were intertwined subconsciously, and the fighting situation peeped by the Eye of True Sight became more and more intense. Their movements were rough and wild, full of beast-like wildness.

  Qin Chu's roar and Yekaterina's soft voice echoed in Athena's ears.

Obviously, she was discussing something very important, but Athena's attention was constantly attracted by the picture in the Eye of True Sight. A pair of beautiful chestnut eyes appeared slightly confused. Ekaterina's figure It's really great, and the body flexibility is too powerful.

  Athena forced herself to return to normal.

   "From this point of view, the eyes of true seeing I left in Qin Chu's residence seem to be redundant."

"How could it be?" Rossweisse tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair with a soft white finger: "Qin Chu may not have absolute trust in Ekaterina, let alone Ekaterina can't do anything about it." Stay by Qin Chu's side at all times, and the Eye of True Sight can obtain information that Ekaterina cannot provide."

   "I'm a little worried about whether Qin Chu will notice the existence of the Eye of True Sight." Athena still had some concerns.

"As Qin Chu's strength becomes stronger and stronger, he will be discovered sooner or later, but at least for now, it should not be possible. He won't be able to detect the true seeing eye left by you who has the strength of a great sage, but An Jie Lika is in trouble." Rossweisse frowned.

  Thinking of Angelica, because seeing Athena's slightly good mood suddenly turned very bad.

  How to kill that woman?

   That woman was buzzing in front of her like a fly, why couldn't she die?

   "I did it very carefully. Angelika hasn't noticed the Eyes of True Sight for so many days. Otherwise, she would have wiped out the Eyes of True Sight long ago, right?" Athena said after thinking for a while.

Angelika's strength is good. If she has the strength before being sealed, it is indeed possible to find the Eye of True Sight, but because of being sealed for several years, Angelika's strength has not increased but decreased, and she is still far away from her heyday difference.

  She once left the Eye of True Sight in some obvious places, but Angelica didn't notice anything when she walked by there.

  Athena thought of the woman she discovered, which was not in the information: "By the way, what about that big woman, what is the origin of that woman? Will she find the eye of true sight..."

   "That woman is very strong. She just beat Karthus to the ground with her fists and soles...but she is a fighter."

  Athena imagined the scene of Karthus, who was tall and covered in armor, being beaten by a woman on the ground, which was actually a bit funny.

  In the picture peeped by the Eye of True Sight, the fierce battle has reached its peak.

   After a long time, the picture subsided, and Athena also breathed a sigh of relief, her entangled legs were finally released, and she no longer had to endure this torture.

  The two embraced each other, talking about something irrelevant.

  Athena didn't take these conversations to heart at first, but suddenly her nerves became tense, because she heard her own name from Qin Chu's mouth:

   "Little Sina has also come to the imperial city. Do you want to call her over? I am going to tell her the truth."

  The three words "Little Xina" made Athena's eyelids twitch uncontrollably, and her eyes were instantly covered with mist. This is what Gero used to call her.

  Only when the two of them are alone, Jie Luo will call her little Xina affectionately.

   It’s been a long time since I’ve heard this title, but when I heard it suddenly, Athena’s heart couldn’t help but slow down half a beat.

  Even the other members of the Brave Team didn’t know Master Jie Luo would call him that. Why did this name come from Qin Chu’s mouth?

  In an instant, Athena felt that things that were a little clearer suddenly became very confusing.

  After Rossweisse's explanation, she had already given up her doubts about the second-generation hero, but now she suddenly discovered that this man seemed to hide a far more terrifying secret than she imagined.

  Athena concentrated all her energy, staring at the picture seen by the Eye of True Sight, and listening to the sound coming.

  Ekaterina's fit body changed into a more comfortable position in Qin Chu's arms. After hearing Qin Chu's words, she seemed to be taken aback, and quickly raised her head:

   "Little Xina? Are you talking about Athena?"

   "Ah, by the way, I don't think I've ever called her that in front of you."

   "No, don't tell Athena the truth, this woman is not worthy of trust." Ekaterina suddenly became agitated, her hands grabbed Qin Chu's slap vigorously, and placed it on her chest:

   "The only one you can trust now is me."

  Damn it, what the **** are these two talking about?

  For a while, Athena was in a state of disarray.

In the eyes of true vision, Ekaterina looked at the man in front of her affectionately. Athena could tell that there was tenderness in those eyes. Ekaterina really loved that man deeply. She wanted to To monopolize the man in front of you.

  That is a feeling that can never be faked.

  Even if Ekaterina would throw herself into Qin Chu's arms because of Rossweisse's guidance, she would never have any real feelings. What is going on here, why did Ekaterina really fall in love with that man? This man also uttered a nickname that only Gero knew, could it be...

   "How could it be, Xiao Xina is a very good person." Qin Chu tilted his head in the eyes of true vision, and dropped a bomb in a gentle tone:

"Do you still remember the time when we were surrounded by the four heavenly kings and the seventeen generals under the command of the demon king Nag? We ran out of ammunition and food, we were exhausted, and there was only a little dry bread left to eat, Athena secretly Called me aside and handed me her share of bread, she said she was not hungry, in fact her stomach was growling."

   These words made Athena feel like being struck by lightning.

   If it is said that the name Little Sina may be accidentally heard by other companions, but Athena is very sure that there is no one else around at that time, only she and Jielo know about giving her own bread.

  Why did Qin Chu know? According to Qin Chu, this incident seemed to happen to him.

  Athena's brain began to diverge in an instant, and various thoughts quickly emerged, and the more she thought about it, the more surprised the expression on her face became.

Qin Chu looked through all the diaries. In fact, Jie Luo ate Rossweisse, Athena, Ekaterina, Sylph, Irene, and Aili six girls, plus the noble son Luo Nader's bread for seven...his appetite is a bit big.

"No, please remember, the only person you can trust now is me, don't trust that woman Athena, she is very close to Karthus and Rossweisse, she is not worthy of your trust." Ye Katerina shook her head vigorously, her long red hair swayed from side to side along with her excited body movements.

  Damn it, you can't be trusted!

   "Also, don't appear too often. You should know that you are just a remnant soul. If you appear too many times, you may be noticed by Qin Chu..."

  Remnant soul?

  Athena grasped the point keenly.

  Ekaterina is obviously not talking to Qin Chu, she seems to be communicating with another consciousness in Qin Chu's body.

   "Moreover, it will cause unnecessary trouble. Last time when you were facing Natia, you suddenly appeared, and as a result, Natia was fascinated."

   "My body and my heart belong to you only. I don't want to have **** with Qin Chu, but in order to restore your soul as soon as possible, I will endure."

  Ekaterina's voice was still echoing in Athena's ears.

  This remnant soul, whose remnant soul is it?

  In order to restore this remnant soul, she even did not hesitate to have **** with Qin Chu. Whose remnant soul could make Ekaterina pay so much?

  Athena can think of only one person, and that is...Jello.

  Athena didn't know that when she was spying on Qin Chu and Ekaterina, Qin Chu was also speculating about Athena's reaction.

   This is a smart woman, she is cunning, intelligent, and suspicious.

   What Qin Chu has to do is not to run directly in front of Athena and say it openly. It is useless at all, but it will arouse the suspicion of this woman and make her even less likely to believe what you said.

  But if you overhear it, your credibility will rise in a straight line.

  If you guide yourself a little bit...

  This suspicious woman will desperately diverge her thinking to speculate on various possibilities.

   Just as Qin Chu planned, Jie Luo's name did not appear from the beginning to the end of his conversation with Ekaterina, but to Athena, every finger pointed at Jie Luo.

   Then Athena will extract all kinds of clues to confirm the guess in her heart.

  The conclusions drawn by integrating various clues by yourself are far more convincing than what others tell you directly.

  When Athena was almost certain in her mind, and Qin Chu stood up and made the final decision, Athena would feel that my speculation was indeed correct.

   "Sister Athena, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, **** it, an eye of true seeing was accidentally destroyed by a guard, it's really bad." Athena's complexion quickly returned to normal, and she complained with some dissatisfaction: "This guard even took it from me. A bottle of fine wine worth three hundred manna."

   "Sorry, the position of the Eye of True Sight is very important, I have to make it up in time." Athena stood up, and said goodbye to Rossweisse with an excuse.

  Because Roseweizer's name also appeared in the conversation between Ekaterina and...Qin Chu just now, so Athena didn't tell Roseweizer what she saw and heard from the Eye of True Sight.

  She also had some doubts about Rossweisse.

  She wanted to find out what was going on, why did the nickname that only Jie Luo knew appeared from Qin Chu's mouth?

  Why did Ekaterina, who loved Jie Luo so deeply, love Qin Chu so deeply?

  Why did Qin Chu know about the bread he gave Jie Luo? No one saw this at all.

  What about the remnant soul? Whose remnant soul is it?

   Too much confusion filled Athena's head in an instant. Could it be that there is really some kind of connection between Qin Chu and Jie Luo?

  Athena is very smart and confident. It is precisely because she is smart that she is more suspicious, and at the same time, she can reason better!

  Because of her self-confidence, she believed in what her eyes of true seeing saw. The two warriors, Ekaterina and Qin Chu, did not discover the ability of the eyes of true seeing, so they deliberately acted in front of her.

  Athena connected all the clues together in her mind, and she made up the missing part in her own brain, and then came up with two inferences that made her shudder...

  Could it be... the remnant soul of Master Jie Luo was parasitic in Qin Chu's body?

   Thank you for the reward of 1,500 coins for the first book of the test paper, and the third one will be delivered today.



  (end of this chapter)

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