Home of the Brave

Chapter 74: Love IQ

The lower level of the Warhammer Workshop is the transfer station of the former abandoned mine. Dai Yang and the old dwarf set off from here on a mine cart to the redstone ore vein to collect the special ores needed to build the knight’s equipment.

What needs to be explained is that the underground of Tieyan Mountain has always been a battlefield where dwarves and demons compete for territory, and the redstone veins are under the control of demons, so the two girls are extremely worried about the decision of the man to go alone. Xia Luwei and Miranda unanimously made requests to go together, but they were relentlessly refuted by the man.

Seeing the minecart carrying Dai Yang and the old dwarf slowly into the dark mine, thinking about the countless demons entrenched in the underground mines, the two girls' hearts became heavy involuntarily. Xia Luwei lowered her head and muttered, Miranda turned her head to look at the other minecarts parked on the track, her eyes flickering, and after thinking about it for two seconds, she proposed to the female knight.

"Xia Luwei, shall we catch up?"

"Catch up...Catch up?" Following the witch's gaze, Xia Luwei also saw other minecarts parked on the track. She understood the meaning of the witch, but showed a clear hesitant expression. "But, Yang just couldn't tell us to go down... If he followed without permission, he would be angry, right?"

"Don't be afraid, we will follow far behind, and wait for them to help when they are in trouble." Miranda pointed to the silver crown in front of her forehead and said. It is worth mentioning that the forehead crown worn by the witch is Albers's treasure. It has the magical power to grasp the surrounding environment through the flow of air. If you use this magical power to track someone, it is really difficult to detect.

"Moreover, this kind of minecart is designed for one-way traffic. Even if it is discovered, he will not be able to drive us back. At most it is only a reprimand." Miranda continued to persuade the female knight. "Besides, don't you worry about his safety? I don't know how many demons are hidden in the mine veins below! If you encounter the situation of last night again, it will be impossible for the two of them to cope with it?"

"Yes, but..." These words had a decisive effect, and the female knight wavered. "We are not familiar with underground mineral veins, in case it is unhelpful..."

"Don't be afraid. Although it is more difficult to use Albers' magical equipment underground, haven't I just got a new treasure?" Miranda showed the holy flame wrist wheel on her hand, showing an enthusiastic appearance. It seems to her that this adventure in the mine is somewhat of a test of new equipment.

Under Miranda's instigation, Xia Luwei was persuaded after all. The two girls pushed one out of the spare minecarts. Miranda sat in the front and Xia Luwei sat in the back, posing as an adventure. Miranda, sitting in the front driver's seat, took a deep breath and calmed down, and then pushed down the brake handle like the old dwarf.

Just hearing a mechanical sound "click", the minecart started to move slowly along the slide rail.

As the minecart slid, the dark mine tunnel forced from the front, and the two girls felt nervous unconsciously.

"No... don't worry, they just set off for a few minutes. If you speed up a little bit, we will be able to catch up soon. Maybe when we get out of the car, they are still swaying in place..." To resolve the panic Emotions, Miranda spoke first. "Well, but you can't hide in this way. It's better to be prepared to be scolded first..."

"Um... Um." The female knight nodded, and then suddenly noticed something. "Well, Miranda, I just thought about..."

"Huh? What's the matter?" The witch was closing her eyes and grasping the situation around her. The wind passing by made her feel refreshed.

"In front of this..." the female knight asked cautiously. "Is there no divergence?"


…In fact, the mine tunnels of the dwarves are by no means a simple straight line, but a three-dimensional distribution in the shape of a spider web underground, and some of them are also mixed with the devil’s lair. If you compare it to the level of the maze commonly divided by adventurers, it can be said that it is a super giant maze that is two steps higher than the deep red corridor of the "devil's domain" level, and has reached the level of "purgatory"!

The only relief is that because the maze itself is an underground mine, the related facilities are very complete. There are tracks installed by dwarves everywhere in the mine, and the minecart can reach almost anywhere in the mine. Of course, due to the complexity of the maze itself, the minecart track has a complex structure like a spider web, and forks can be seen almost everywhere. . In front of each fork, there is a transmission rod that is convenient for switching the tracks. Only by switching the tracks in the correct order, you can theoretically reach any place you think of.

For the old dwarf who regards the underground mine as a backyard, switching tracks is nothing more than something that can be done with his eyes closed. Even other dwarves can reach the desired goal in the established order. But for the two girls who were in the mine for the first time, let alone the order of switching tracks, they didn't even know the existence of this feature.

I thought that I could easily reach the destination with Dai Yang and others, but facing the countless roads on the way, the reaction of the two girls could only be described as bewilderment.

The minecart carrying two people was speeding on the intricate track at a high speed that was almost out of control. There were dazzling sparks between the wheels and the track from time to time, and the violent bumps seemed to rush out of the track in the next second. Whether it was Miranda, a daughter of a Duke, or Xia Luwei, a knight, had never experienced such a situation. The two girls without any experience didn't even know how to correspond, so they could only scream and hug each other, letting the mine cart carry them into the unknown darkness.

I don't know how long it took, from the continuous downhill to the long flat road, that the speed of the minecart slowly slowed down.

Feeling the change in speed, Xia Luwei and Miranda slowly raised their heads, but before they could recover from their panic, the minecart suddenly shook and slid out of the track like a hard object. Turned out. Fortunately, the speed of the minecart was not fast at this time. Although the two girls fell out, they only rolled on the ground a few times. The female knight protected the witch with her body, protected by armor, but neither of them suffered much harm.

"Um..." Xia Luwei endured the pain from behind, caring about the witch in her arms. "Miranda, are you okay?"

"Um... Um, it's okay." Miranda lay on the female knight's chest, and it took a while to recover from the shock of the dizziness, and looked up around. "Where are we... where?"

Surrounded by dark mineral veins, if there is no fluorescent light emitted from the cracks in the rock wall, the outline of the surrounding environment is faintly visible-as far as Miranda knows, this is a mineral called "sparkle stone", which has been refined The latter shimmering stones can emit a brighter light, and the mineral lamps made of shimmering stones can be said to be everywhere in the hot spring village and the iron rock fort. Since gravel veins usually appear in the stratum with a thickness of less than two kilometers, Miranda can only speculate that they were taken to a place quite deep in the mine, but the exact location is completely unknown.

"It seems that I didn't see Dai Yang and the others..." Xia Luwei said after looking around.

"Of course, the number of side roads may be lost at the beginning..." Miranda tried to stand up. The toss of the minecart along the road did not bring her physical trauma, but On the spiritual level, it caused a great blow. "I didn't even think of such a simple thing, I really..." The witch bit her lip, sinking into deep regret.

It is almost unthinkable for the ordinary witch to make such a stupid mistake. If a bad middle-aged person is present, it should be summed up as "love will make people blind"?

No matter how clever a woman is, once emotional, she will often do stupid things that are usually unimaginable. Miranda is in this state at this time. However, for the maiden who has fallen into self-condemnation, it may be quite difficult to realize the reason for her mistake, or maybe she will not admit it even if she knows it.

"...I'm sorry, Xia Luwei." Miranda lowered her head and apologized to the female knight in a frustrated voice. "Because of my indiscretion, you are also in danger..."

"Don't say that, Miranda." Xia Luwei shook her head and shared the responsibility. "It's not your responsibility. I followed your proposal after agreeing to it, and before I set off, I didn't expect such a thing...Finally, both of us are fine. Just think of a way to go back." The female knight leaned on the stone wall and stood up, looking back at the endless darkness behind her, she couldn't help but sigh. "But it seems impossible to return along the same route..."

"Well, unless you remember the right direction..." Miranda frowned in distress. "But there are hundreds of forks on the way, so I can't figure it out at all..."

"Is there no other way?" Xia Luwei tried to knock on the stone wall. The metal hand armor hit the rock with an empty echo, and the darkness was more profound, and the two girls couldn't help but shrink their necks.

Surrounded by boundless silence and darkness, anxiety and fear emerge from my heart. If there is only one person, it might be hysterical. However, the fact that there are friends by his side has somewhat offset the oppression brought by the darkness. Miranda reached out and pressed her forehead crown, trying to calm herself down.

Panic was of no help to the situation in front of her. Miranda concentrated on thinking about countermeasures. The memories and knowledge in her mind were flipped through page after page. It didn't take long for a vague impression to emerge.

"...I remember that when I was in the academy, I read an adventurer's travel notebook, which talked about the structure of the dwarf mine." Grasping the fleeting inspiration, Miranda extended his thoughts in this direction.

"The mines of the dwarves do have a rail transportation system extending in all directions. These rails are intricate, but roughly divided into two types. One is a downward gravity rail, the other is an upward power rail...the downward gravity rail is what we just said. The passing one moves downwards with the help of gravity and inertia. The upward power track must be lifted up with the help of mechanical force, and the number is much smaller than that of the gravity track."

Miranda said as he recalled.

"The minecart descends along the gravity track, loads the minerals in the underground, and then goes to the power track to merge, and is lifted out of the mine under mechanical power. This is the basic way of dwarf operation... Because the power track needs to be equipped with complex mechanical devices, so There are often only one or two, traversing the entire mine, and there is no fork in the road..."

"In other words, as long as we find the power orbit, we can return to the ground?" Xia Luwei's eyes lit up.

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