Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 974: The Vienna Treaty

Everyone who has left the earth still rotates. Therefore, the president's admission to the hospital did not affect the normal progress of the peace meeting.

Without Robert, there can be Libert and Lambert. If anyone is dropped from the French delegation, the script can continue.

Although the camera recorded everything that happened in the venue, there is still no way to pursue the murderer.

All the representatives of various countries are involved, and all of them have diplomatic immunity. More than 20 countries are involved, and it is impossible to pursue them!

Ignore the protests of the French and ask the representatives who participated in the violent actions out of the meeting room, and the matter is over.


"No, this treaty is too harsh, and it has exceeded France's ability to withstand it, and we require amendments.

We can accept the cession of part of the colony, but the clauses for ceding the land must be deleted; war reparations are acceptable, but the amount of reparations must be reduced; punishment of war criminals is possible, but the list of war criminals is not realistic and must be re-determined.


After the change of personnel, the performance of the French delegation was obviously much more normal. It can be seen that in addition to President Robert, the Parisian government has sent a professional negotiation team.

"Mr. James, there is always a price to do wrong. Your country has provoked this frenzied war. Do you still want to be irresponsible?"

In international negotiations, the interests of small countries are most easily sacrificed. Regardless of the agreement reached within the anti-French alliance, as long as the formal treaty is not signed, there may be repetitions.

Belgium paid a high price in this war, and the spoils it received were also high. In order to get the benefits to the treaty as soon as possible, Prime Minister Jules, the representative of Belgium, had to act as a vanguard.

James shook his head and replied solemnly: "No, I'm just stating a fact.

The Aegis of 80 billion war indemnities, calculated on the basis of five-thousandths of interest, would be as high as 400 million Aegis per month.

Do not say that now, even before the war, France's fiscal revenue for a year was less than 400 million Aegis. It's not enough to sell France. What do you want us to pay back?

No great nation can tolerate the division of the country, and France is no exception. We cannot accept all the terms of ceding the country.

If you are to forcefully cede land, there will be no peace in Europe. "

"I can understand, is this a threat?"

Juul asked tit-for-tat. Today is different from the past. Bela’s hatred has deepened into the bones. Offending the French is not a problem at all. On the contrary, not taking the opportunity to weaken France is the real danger.

James repeated in a very firm tone: "No, I'm just stating a fact!"

Despite the threat, public recognition is impossible. Breaking the tank and falling, can indeed cause trouble to the anti-French alliance, but it is France that loses more.

If the anti-French alliance is angered and given them a ruthless one, France really has no future.

The only thing you can rely on now is that the anti-French alliance wants to stop losses. At this point in the war, it will not be possible to obtain greater gains if it continues, and it will be possible to maximize the benefits only if it is good enough.

If there is no France, not only will the war reparations be lost, but even the anti-French alliance will be dead.

Without the alliance, Austria's desire to dominate the European continent is not as simple as it is now.

Without the threat of the French, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, and the Italian states would not be as obedient as they are now.

In a sense, Austria is copying the original time and space of the Americans after World War II, using the threat of the Soviet Union to tie European countries to their ships. When the supremacy was consolidated, the Soviets were kicked off again.

This is a conspiracy. As a neighbor, there is no one who does not want to carve up France, but limited by his own strength, he really can't eat it. In this context, everyone has to rely on Austria.

Seeing that the scene might be out of control, Wesenberg said slowly: "Mr. James, I can't afford it or accept it. That is your country's problem. The losses caused by the war are so great, and this responsibility is yours.

Of course, we will also consider the actual situation and formulate reasonable compensation standards.

The world is developing, and we have to look forward. Not being able to lose it now does not mean that we can't lose it in the future.

Since entering the industrial age, the wealth created by mankind has grown exponentially. Aegis of 80 billion is a lot, but I believe in the capabilities of your country. "

Bargaining is necessary. Everyone knows that France cannot afford the 80 billion Aegis compensation. Without devaluation of Aegis, no country can afford this huge sum of money.

The so-called future repayment, if interest is not calculated, there is no problem. Unfortunately, this is a compound interest calculation, and the cumulative interest rate is amazing.

Fiscal revenue and economic development are linked, and if we want to outperform interest rates, our economic growth rate cannot be less than 7 points.

The second industrial revolution is still going on, and the economic growth of all countries is dissatisfied. If you work hard for seven points, it will not be hopeless, but there is another thing called "economic crisis" in the world.

If people have no hope, they will give up on themselves. The same applies to the country, working for others for the rest of your life without seeing the slightest return, no matter who you are, you will get tired.

If you want the French to work hard to repay the money, you must leave hope. Therefore, debts can be negotiated, but there is no negotiation about the cessation of land.

They have all been eaten up in their stomachs by various countries, and if you want everyone to vomit it again, it is impossible to do it at the negotiating table.

James bowed politely, and analyzed self-deprecatingly: "Thank you for your trust, but you really overestimate us. If France is really that great, I won't be here.

The French colonial empire has collapsed, the Italian region has become independent again, our homeland has been hit hard by the war, and the economy is on the verge of collapse.

The overall national strength of France now is less than one-third of the pre-war level. The domestic mess alone is enough to keep us busy.

In twenty years, we will be able to restore the economy to its pre-war level. God bless us.

The numbers will not deceive people. The current annual fiscal revenue of France will not exceed 50 million Aegis, and even domestic expenditures are not enough. What is the compensation?

No matter how large the compensation is, if you can't get it, it's just an illusory number, with no value at all. "

The tone is sincere and the content is dry. France now is indeed a mess.

The mixed provisional government, the hungry people waiting to be fed, the local powers opposing the revolutionary government, the millions of anti-French alliances, and the huge amount of compensation being negotiated are all problems facing the Paris government.

Trouble in any one place may lead to the collapse of the nascent Parisian revolutionary government.

In fact, if it were not for the suppression of the place by the anti-French alliance, France would have been in chaos.

A chaotic France is certainly not in the interest of all parties. Not only can you not get the compensation, but more importantly, chaos equals variables.

In troubled times, heroes are not necessarily produced, but heroes are for sure. In case there is another military genius similar to Napoleon, it will be another European War.

"Mr. James, we have considered these issues. After the war, your country only needs to pay 30 million Aegis in a lump sum, and the remaining debts will be paid in installments later.

From 1893 to 1895, your country only needed to pay 10 million Aegis each year; from 1896 to 1900, an annual increase of 1.5 million Aegis compensation; from 1901 to 1910, an annual increase of 3 million Aegis compensation..."

With year-on-year incremental compensation, when the debt can be paid off, this question can only be answered by God. Anyway, the provider of Wesenberg’s plan does not know.

The only advantage is that the compensation is probably within the tolerance of the French government. As long as the Paris government is frugal, for example: abolishing the army and reducing administrative expenses, it will be able to pay compensation.

As if thinking of the consequences of terror, James hurriedly protested: "No, with this payment method, we will not be able to pay off the debt in a hundred years.

The responsibilities of our generation cannot be imposed on the next generation, and they are not obligated to bear the responsibility that does not belong to them. "


Now that the show has started, it must continue. In the face of interests, both the representatives of France and the representatives of the anti-French alliance countries are fighting for reasons.

As the scene became popular, the representatives of various countries as witnesses gradually became lubricants, as if they were doing their best to reconcile the conflicts between the parties.

It can only be said that everyone is an excellent movie king, even if they have not read the script, they can still catch the lines.

The quarrel lasted for more than a month, but no agreement could be reached. It was not until the release of President Robert the Backer that the verbal battle ended.

Throwing the treaty drafted by the Anti-French League on the ground, Robert asked sadly: "Mr. James, is this what you achieved these days?"

The territorial cession has basically remained the same. The colonies are definitely gone. The land area to be ceded has not shrunk. The only valuable change is the reduction in compensation.

The reduction from 80 billion to 40 billion seems to have shrunk by half. There is no change in essence, and the revolutionary government of Paris still cannot afford it.

Compared with the original treaty, the list of war criminals has changed the most. Finally, the main leader of the Revolutionary Party was taken down from above and replaced with a high-level government in exile.

It is a pity that this has no real meaning. The government-in-exile has long been hiding away. Except for Napoleon IV, who is still bubbling publicly, the rest of the people have changed their identities and cannot be captured at all.

The revolutionary government has just taken power, and no matter how it throws the pot, it is impossible for them to bear war crimes. The Anti-French Alliance also adheres to rules. Even if the leader of the Revolutionary Party goes to a war court, he will eventually be acquitted.

The revolutionaries escaped, but all the money holders behind them could not escape. Consortiums, arms dealers, bankers, and other big capitalists, these guys who were hit by Napoleon IV once again were targeted by the anti-French alliance.

In general, they have not been wronged, and they have indeed encouraged this war. Being defined as a war criminal is totally justified.

Although they dragged down the French government in the war and made outstanding contributions to the victory of the anti-French alliance, who made them too fat?

Napoleon IV only took away the cash in their hands. A large number of mines, factories, and real estate were still in their hands. This small wave of people controlled at least half of France's wealth.

The members of the Anti-French Alliance are basically too poor. How can we let everyone let go of such a huge wealth?

It is impossible to get all of them. It is always possible to get a part of it to make up for the losses of the family in the war.

The Allied forces stationed in the French mainland took action early. Except for a few lucky ones who escaped, the rest of the guys just came out of the wolf den and entered the tiger's mouth.

There are only two ways before them, either to hand over a considerable amount of money to buy life, or to go to the war court.

For politicians, from the moment the revolution succeeds, the value of these funders is greatly reduced. If the Anti-French Alliance can help kill these guys, it is estimated that many people will be secretly happy.

After all, France’s plates are already small. If these vested interests are not resolved, how will the latecomers rise?

Of course, President Robert is not included. In his opinion, this is betraying his comrades-in-arms, which is very immoral.

James shook his head: "Your Excellency, no one wants things to develop to this point, but we have to face reality.

The Anti-French Alliance issued an ultimatum. If we refuse to sign a treaty, the revolutionary government will have no value. They will control France in the military and act on behalf of the government.

At the peace meeting, the Russian representative also put forward proposals for regional occupation. If it gets there, France will become their colony. "

"No existing value" does not mean dissolution. If it is the time when France is occupied by regions, the revolutionary government of Paris becomes a stumbling block.

The stumbling block will be kicked off, and the Revolutionaries have rebelled. If you don't kill them, they won't be able to sleep!

When the butcher knife was raised, the revolutionary government of Paris could not stand up. With the exception of President Robert, the man behind the wheel, everyone else is ready to compromise first.

President Robert, who was not firm, wavered again and asked concerned: "Can Congress agree to it?"

Considering himself a democratically elected president, Robert respects Congress very much. To be able to elect him, a president who is concerned about the country and the people, is enough for the French Parliament to be...

Faced with the worried President Robert, James was still a little unbearable, but in the end reason prevailed. A dead dao friend is not a poor daoist, and there is always someone who has to take the blame.

"Your Excellency, when you were injured, Congress had already sent a telegram. It's just that I deducted it on my own terms to make you feel at ease.

The army of the Anti-French Alliance is reckless and reckless in the country, and the people are living in dire straits. The pressure in the country is very high now. The most important thing at the moment is to send the garrison away. "


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