Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1035: Disaster

Moroccan tribes who originally hated Spain, after acquiring a large number of weapons and ammunition, it is self-evident what will happen.

Since all arms sales have put on the British vests and continue to pretend to be the British government to support the anti-Western movement in Morocco, it is even more so.

There are precedents for supporting the Cuban independence movement, and then secretly supporting the anti-Western movement in Morocco is also a very natural operation.

At least in the thinking mode of the chief of the Moroccan tribe, there is no reason to doubt at all. Besides, other things can be deceived, but genuine weapons and ammunition cannot lie.

The difference in cognition filled the last loophole for this scam. The chiefs couldn't possibly think that weapons and ammunition that were invaluable in their eyes were not much more expensive than potatoes and wheat in the eyes of another wave of people.

The gun is the guts of the Moroccans, as the saying goes, "You have a gun in your hand and don't panic in your heart." When the chiefs who had obtained the weapons faced the Spanish colonists, their confidence suddenly came up.

To swallow, it doesn't exist. To know that there is the support of the British Empire behind it, looking at the British warships in the Strait of Gibraltar on the opposite side brings unparalleled confidence to the chiefs.

Driven by hatred and interests, the Spanish immigrants in Morocco lost their blood mold for a while. Being knocked on a sap is nothing at all. It is lucky to be able to get a life back, and the unlucky ones are sent to see God.

Fortunately, there are no cannibal tribes in Morocco, otherwise you might have to go to the barbecue grill.

There is nothing wrong with the civil conflict. The corrupt Moroccan government cannot control the tribes below it internally, and dare not offend the great powers externally.

The same is true in the original time and space. The Spanish fought several battles with the local Moroccan tribes, and the Moroccan government was pretending to be deaf.

The decadent Moroccan Sudanese government is worried, and the Spanish government, which is in endless trouble, is also uncomfortable at this moment.

On the one hand, the personal and property safety of the diaspora must be guaranteed; on the other hand, the exhausted Spain is unable to open a third front.

Diplomatic strength is actually just bluffing. If the indigenous tribes do not buy it, it will not help to scare the Moroccan government.


Madrid, Cabinet meeting room.

From the moment he stepped into the venue, Prime Minister Antonio tapped his fingers on the table, as if lost in endless contemplation.

"Everyone is here, so let's start today's meeting! I believe you have all received the news, and our most worried thing has happened.

Following the rebellions in the Philippines and Cuba, the Moroccan region is unstable. The indigenous tribes that are hostile to us have received funding from the British and are causing us trouble.

What measures should be taken next to safeguard the interests of the empire is a topic we need to discuss today. "

Regardless of whether the British support the Moroccan anti-Western movement, the British must now support it. This is a political need.

Today, whether the Spanish government is willing or not, it must stand on the opposite side of the British.

The money from the Vienna government is not for nothing. If it does not show its position, it will not only be the turmoil in Morocco, but the turmoil in Spain.

Unlike the notorious and strait-blocked British, the influence of the Holy Roman Empire on the European continent is far more terrifying.

If the Vienna government ceases to support them and turns to support the Revolutionary Party, Spain will not only be unable to defend the colonies, but even the mainland will be in chaos.

Although the Vienna government, which is the stronghold of the conservatives, cannot support the Revolutionary Party now, the Spanish government does not know?

No one can say about politics. There are too many stories about screaming and killing, and secretly providing support.

Anyway, the relationship between Britain and the West has always been bad, and the British have recently lost half their lives on the colony issue, so they can simply go to the black and go directly against the British.

Of course, the Spanish government’s anti-British efforts are limited to shouting a few slogans politically to express its position. It is the Holy Roman Empire that really shoulders the heavy responsibility of anti-British.

If Britain really falls, Antonio doesn't mind rushing up and down, otherwise it's better to stay on the sidelines.

"Military means are obviously undesirable. The war in the Philippines is unstoppable, and the suppression of the Cuban rebellion has reached a critical moment. Not only the military can't bear it, but the finances can't stand it!"

The Chancellor of the Exchequer Siegfried said earnestly. It's not that he wants to help the military shirk, but the government's pockets are really not.

Although the Minister of Foreign Affairs went out for a round and borrowed two huge sums of money to come back, more than expected, but no amount of money can withstand the consumption of gold swallowing beasts.

At the expectant glances cast by everyone, the Foreign Secretary Juniol frowned, and his good mood disappeared instantly.

"Don't expect too much. The Kingdom of Morocco has only nominal power over the tribes below. Even if an agreement is reached with them, it will not be able to bind the natives below.

Can't expect us to talk to uncivilized indigenous tribes? There are thousands of tribes in Morocco, large and small, more than our diplomats. "

Deep down, Junior had already secretly complained: I really thought the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was omnipotent, and everything could be solved?

Knowing that the situation in Morocco is turbulent and someone is manipulating behind it, and still expecting a settlement through negotiation, it is simply...

Colonial Minister Marquis Taboyada said indifferently: "Military is undesirable, diplomacy can't do it. We can't just let it go, right?

Those uncivilized indigenous people do not understand what international rules are. If the government does not take early measures to combat their arrogance, I am afraid that subsequent attacks will not be an exception.

The face of Spain has been trampled on the ground. If you continue to let it go, everyone will know what will happen in the future. "

In fact, the conflict between Spain and the indigenous tribes of Morocco is not once or twice.

In order to solve this crisis, the Spanish government has sent troops many times. However, the final result is very touching.

The original space-time Spain and the Moroccans continued to pk until 1926, and finally joined the French to carve up the northern Morocco area.

Although the original space-time lost its richest colony in the Spanish-American War and Spain's national power suffered heavy losses, Spain is not much better now.

Except that the Luxiyong area was reclaimed and the face was brighter, there was not much difference in essence.

Although Cuba and the Philippines are in their hands, the two colonies are fighting for independence. Not only cannot blood transfusion to the country, but also constantly **** blood from the Spanish government.

The dilemma of choice is a headache for any government.

To fall on the inefficient Spanish government, let alone. Meetings and discussions are held every day, but there is no feasible plan.



As the international situation continues to deteriorate, as the well-deserved hegemon of this era, John Bull will naturally not sit still.

It is almost an open secret that the Vienna government has adopted diplomatic means to continuously contain Britain. Limited by geopolitics, the British government has no way to compete with Shinra on the European continent.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that if we go on at the current pace, the longer the time is, the worse it will be for Britain.

However, neither procrastination nor success. Although the Holy Roman Empire is Britain's biggest competitor, the development directions of the two sides are completely different.

One is based on land power as the core and supplemented by sea power as wings; the other is to completely center on sea power and give up land power development.

If there is a showdown now, no one can help and no one will say. The key is that in the confrontational war of attrition, Britain is likely to be dragged to death by the opponent.

The population is insufficient, the industry cannot keep up, and there is a lack of allies. How dare the British government showdown?

Without breaking the skin, Britain's hegemony can be maintained. Once you really turn your face, you may fall immediately.

A sane government will naturally not play the influx of national gambling. It is not suitable for players who already wear shoes.

As an old-school empire, Britain is best at acting as a shit-cutter. It's just that the current situation in Europe limits their performance.

But these difficulties did not scare the British. If there is no condition, then create the conditions yourself.

Fighting Spain is only the first step, and it seems that Britain has not gained much from it, but this has cut off the help of Shinra.

The only problem is that it overestimated the strength of Spain and misjudged the importance of Spain to Shinra.

But this can only be regarded as bad luck for Spain. Britain is unwilling to see the three major powers on its own and must find an opportunity to differentiate the relationship between Russia and the West.

If the Russian-Austrian alliance is not broken, it can only be done with Spain. The divorced Ossi relationship was indeed successful, but Spain was almost abolished, and the hatred between the two countries broke out.

The new hatred and the old hatred together, the relationship between Britain and the West is completely cool. Fortunately, Spain is in decline and is unable to retaliate, otherwise the London government would capsize this time.

It doesn't matter whether the process is tortuous, as long as the final result is good, that's fine.

Although there are not many real gains, Britain is still the nominal victor after Spain is dismissed.

It shattered the possible "Oossi Anti-British Alliance", and yes, just because of a "possibility", it caused a cold in Spain.

At this point, the competition between the powers is so cruel. If you feel threatened, you can shoot you down. The reason is that simple.

At 10 Downing Street, the British cabinet meeting opened again.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil: "The Russian-Austrian Alliance has lasted for almost half a century. If you go back, it can continue into the last century.

After a long period of alliance, the interests of the two countries have been intertwined. It is difficult for us to separate them simply by relying on traditional methods.

But this alliance poses too much threat to us. Once we turn our faces one day, we will face the threat of two powers.

The Russians went south to India, and the Shenluo went out of the Mediterranean. The four continents of Asia, Europe and Africa will become battlefields, and the empire is unable to deal with so many fronts at the same time.

The time has come to test us. If Britain's hegemony is to continue, it must break the Russian-Austrian alliance.

The worst thing is to let one of the countries remain neutral in the event of a conflict, and the empire cannot face two enemies at the same time.

There is not much time left for us. The Central Asia Railway, which was built by the Vienna government for the Russians, has completed one-third of the project, and the railway is likely to be opened to traffic before 1900. "

Only mentioning the Russian-Austrian Union, not talking about the European Union, is naturally not ignored by Robert Cecil. The main reason is that the Russian-Austrian alliance is deeply entrenched, while the European Union is only a grass-roots team.

Although in its response to the previous economic crisis and intervention in the Philippine campaign, the European Union played an important role and strengthened its cohesion.

But the Caotai team is the Caotai team, and it is impossible to straighten out the grievances and grudges within the alliance in a short while.

There is no problem in letting European countries be the wings and waving the flag. If these countries were to send troops to war with Britain, Vienna would not be so good at face.

Of course, the most important thing is strength. After Spain was abolished, Russia and Austria were left in the European Union. Even if the remaining countries dared to participate in hegemony disputes, they would not have enough strength.

Even if Shinra finds a way to pull these small countries into the water, he can't count on this bunch of clowns to really contribute. The existence of the European Union is purely political than military.

In contrast, the Russian-Austrian alliance is the existence that Britain has to face. The Russians took away India, and Shinra took over the remaining colonies and hegemony of Britain, and the distribution of benefits was clear at a glance.

Foreign Secretary Cameron: "We have tried to divide the relationship between Russia and Austria, but the final result is everyone knows, every time is in vain.

The bureaucrats of the tsarist government have been corrupted by their interests. The Russian-Austrian Alliance and their personal interests are tied together. Anyone who wants to cut off their financial means will be hit hardest.

Not to mention the horrible internal stability of the Vienna government, there is still an emperor with the highest prestige since the establishment of the Habsburg dynasty.

If it's just these, the key is that after the strategic southward move from the tsarist government, there will be no conflict of core interests between Russia and Austria.

No matter how we provoke the relationship between the two countries, the first strategic goal of the Russians is always India, while the strategic goal of Shinra is world hegemony.

It just so happened that we blocked the way of Russia and Austria at the same time and became their common enemy. "

Common enemy + common interest = closest ally.

The truth formula is here, and no one can overthrow it. It is indeed difficult to expect the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to split the Russian-Austrian alliance.

"Otherwise it will lead to disasters?"

The Minister of Economy, Aquina, proposed: "The Russians' strategic choice is not just India. There is also a wealth of land comparable to India in the east.

The Tsarist government also has a Yellow Russia strategy. The only problem is traffic. Since the Austrians can help the Russians to build the Central Asia Railway, we can also help the Russians to build the Siberian Railway.

With the greed of the tsarist government, they will not give up their ambitions for the East. If you can become the boss, no one wants to be the second child.

It is impossible for the Russians to be unclear. Once Shenluo gains hegemony, it will be the end of the secret agreement between the two countries.

Once the Shenluo gains hegemony, even if they win India, the strength between Russia and Austria will not shrink, but will further increase.

We now provide them with a new choice, an opportunity to surpass Shinra. The tsarist government would refuse without reason. "

A dead fellow is not dead. In the industry of digging holes and burying mines, Britain is definitely a master.


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