Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1023: Foggy

It's okay to pretend to be confused, but not to be confused. Junior was unwilling to investigate further, mainly because he was worried that the final result would be the enemy they didn't want to face.

You can still pretend to be confused without opening the lid. Let's play this political game together. Once you find out something, you can't restore it to the present.

The Marquis de Taboyada nodded thoughtfully, his expression a little sad. The former empire that never sets in the sun has actually been reduced to the point where it has been conspired to pretend that nothing happened.

Just pretend to be deaf, but the problem still needs to be solved.

The addition of a hidden enemy means that the Spanish government must allocate more energy to prevent emergencies.

This is undoubtedly a torture for the Spanish government, which is already suffering from a headache.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room became quiet, Antonio decisively chose to change the subject: "Well, the colony problem, everyone can be more vigilant. Let's talk about borrowing first!

Unlike last time, now there is no incense accumulated in the anti-French war, and it may not be easy to get interest-free loans. "

As a veteran empire, although Spain has fallen, Antonio still knows the rules of the political game among the great powers.

Frankly speaking, Antonio was already very surprised to get a large interest-free loan from the Vienna government before.

According to the normal rhythm, the Vienna government should take advantage of the fire in the Philippine war. Unexpectedly, just because of a previous promise, the Vienna government gave up.

It’s good to talk to a boss who talks about credibility, but the boss also wants to eat meat. The Holy Roman Empire is able to own the great territory of today, and the Vienna government is definitely not as harmless as it seems.

The last time I was willing to help, maybe it was because of credibility, or maybe it was because the Holy Roman Empire became a European hegemon and needed a political show.

It is absolutely impossible for a similar thing to happen twice, even if the Vienna government is willing to help free of charge, Spain cannot afford it.

Based on past political experience, Antonio is very clear in this world that “the more you want, the greater the price you need to pay”.

The advantage of the dominant country is definitely not easy to take advantage of. Once it is contaminated, when it is repaid in the future, it might kill Spain half-life.

For example: the conflict between Britain and Austria has escalated and Spain, which has taken advantage, must act as a pawn.

Don't expect to be able to run the bill, Spain has no such capital at all. Just being a France could not stop Shinra's revenge.

Not wanting to be the cannon fodder in the struggle for Anglo-Austrian hegemony, Spain must maintain sufficient autonomy while holding the thighs of Shinra.

European governments do this. Despite the existence of the European Union, the Vienna government still has no compulsory binding force on all countries. To do something, it still needs to exchange benefits.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Siegfried: "Don't think about interest-free loans. The Austrians are not charitable.

Unless we can come up with sufficient profits in exchange, otherwise this loan will be an ordinary commercial loan.

The Ministry of Finance has communicated with the domestic bank consortium, they require the government to use salt tax as collateral, and can only provide a loan of 50 million match towers.

The loan handling fee is 8%, the annual interest is 8.9%, which is divided into 30 years to repay, and the principal and interest are paid 398,700 per month.

I have calculated it, and the loan of 50 million actually got 46 million, and the total principal and interest to be repaid is 143532 million.

This is already the most favorable commercial loan we can get. For ordinary private commercial loans, the interest will be doubled.

Even the government cannot afford such a high interest rate, let alone ordinary people. The money has been made by these vampires, and it is no wonder that our economy cannot develop.

We need to conduct two wars at the same time, and 46 million competition towers are only enough to pay two months of soldiers' salaries. If used in war, it would be a miracle to be able to sustain it for a month.

According to the most optimistic estimate, if we put down the Philippine rebellion within six months and suppress the Cuban rebellion within the year, the government still has a funding gap of 880 million yuan.

If converted into Aegis, it is about 70 million. If calculated at an interest rate of 8.9%, the interest on funds that needs to be paid each year will almost catch up with a quarter of our fiscal revenue.

The actual situation will be even more serious. Given our current financial situation, no commercial bank dared to lend us so much money.

Even if there is a greedy vampire who dares to take over the business, the interest will be terribly high. Only 8.9% of the income is not enough to make them risk losing money to lend. "

(1 game tower is about 0.29 grams of gold)

Since the outbreak of the Philippine War, the Spanish government has lived a life of borrowing. Today, Spain's total debt has reached an astonishing 330 million Aegis.

The debt has caught up with one-fifth of Shinra’s total debt, but Spain’s fiscal revenue is far less than one-fifth of Shinra’s, or even less than one-twentieth.

There is no way, this is the difference between a semi-industrial country and an industrial country. Spain, which has one-seventh of the population of Shinra, has less than one-twentieth that of Shinra.

Today, more than half of the Spanish government’s annual fiscal revenue is used to repay domestic and foreign debts.

In this context, the Spanish government's finances will naturally not get better. From the first day he became Chancellor of the Exchequer, Siegfried lived the life of tearing down the east wall and repairing the west wall.

This is still in the context of the establishment of a large number of interest-free loans, otherwise the interest on the funds alone can crush the Kingdom of Spain.

At this time, the biggest problem facing the Spanish government is not the level of loan interest, but the ability to repay the debt.

The more money you have, the easier it is to borrow money. The same applies to the country. Spain, which has lost the ability to repay its debts, naturally wants to borrow money.

Even if you can't get a loan, don't even think about issuing bonds. The capital market has always been the most realistic, and no one wants to lend money to a poor man.

Antonio rubbed his forehead: "The issue of high domestic financing costs will be discussed later. Now we must first find a way to raise funds and tide over the current difficulties.

If we want to obtain this loan from Shenluo, what price do we have to pay? "

Obviously, these problems are not the first time. In fact, high financing costs are also a common phenomenon in this era, not an isolated case in Spain.

The interest on commercial loans of ten or twenty points may seem high, but in this era, it is really nothing.

Behind the high interest rate is high overdue and high risk. It is common for defaults to run away. Once the debtor leaves the country, the bank simply cannot pursue it.

Even if assets are mortgaged, there are often multiple and repeated mortgage loans. Limited by poor information exchange, even if banking institutions are cautious, they will inevitably step on thunder.

"High risk" can't frighten bankers. As long as the loan interest rate is raised, the losses from default are allocated to other debtors.

This is why the cost of government borrowing is much lower than the interest on commercial loans. After all, there is little risk of default when lending money to the government.

Of course, the Spanish government is clearly not a premium customer. Therefore, the loan interest cannot be lowered even if the collateral is required.

Siegfried shrugged, pretending to be humorous: "It depends on what the Vienna government wants. Maybe they are in a good mood, suddenly showing kindness, and directly lent us the money."

Siegfried didn't believe this, and everyone would not believe it.

70 million Aegis is not Aegis 7000, unless the heads of the Vienna government are collectively flooded, otherwise such charity will definitely not be done.


Franz was in the same mood as the British. It is impossible to explain, this kind of thing can only become darker and darker.

Analyzed from the perspective of pure interest, the Vienna government's motives for arbitrarily playing against Spain are too strong.

Spain, where “children’s downtowns hold gold bricks”, is a target for everyone to watch. As long as there is strength, there is motivation.

Unhappy, unhappy, but Franz can't do anything yet. The Spaniards just secretly suspected that they didn't even check down. What else could they do?

After eating this dumb loss, Franz also resented the black hand behind the scenes.

This method and method are too familiar. With the same formula and the same routine, Franz really didn't expect to apply it to himself one day.

It can only be said that there are still a lot of people in this world. While provoking the Cuban independence movement, they not only hide themselves, but also find several scapegoats.

If it weren't for calculating, Franz doesn't believe that even if the British are backing their heads, the Spaniards will find other international forces involved.


Franz asked: "Have you found the man behind the scenes?"

The Spanish government is worried that if it finds out the truth that it does not want to see, it will not end, and it is unwilling to investigate it. This does not mean that the Vienna government will not investigate it.

Although it is not necessary to fight for such a small matter, it is indispensable to find out the black hand behind the scenes and take precautions.

Prime Minister Carl shook his head: "No! This black hand hid too deeply. After provoking the Cuban independence movement, he quickly disappeared.

The clues left are all messy, some pointing to us, some pointing to the British, the United States, and the Confederacy. There is no way to distinguish between true and false.

However, it was mostly the British hand that brought the Spanish government's attention to us. In order to disintegrate the European Union, the London government is going crazy.

It's just that the British didn't expect that the Spanish government would be so embarrassed that they would not look down at all, so that their arrangement was useless. "

Unable to find out, it means that the gangster Vienna government has backed it up. This kind of thing does not need evidence, as long as it is considered to be sufficient.

Just as Prime Minister Karl thought it was the British who framed Shinra, and it was just a conclusion drawn out of speculation, Franz still took it as true.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it out. But the government's emphasis on the United States and the Confederacy will be raised to a higher level.

Especially there may be British people in the middle.

The current international situation is very unfavorable for Britain. In the context of the inability to dismantle the European Union, it is inevitable that the British will not panic and run to get warm with the Americans.

The best way to stop the Anglo-American confluence is to bring up the contradiction between the United States and the Confederacy. As long as the relationship between their two countries does not ease, the British can only choose one of the two. "

Frankly speaking, Franz is not too worried about easing relations between the United States and the Confederacy. Giving up hatred is easy to say but not so easy to do.

The grievances of the southern states of the original time and space towards the north continued until the 21st century, and they were not completely eliminated.

Needless to say now, let alone the blood flow of the North and South fighting, the key is that the two have already separated.

Today, hatred of the other party has become a political correctness.

Unless the external pressure is too great, threatening their survival. Otherwise, before the death of this generation, the United States and the Confederacy will not be able to ease relations.

There is no doubt that such pressure does not exist at all. Neither Britain nor the Holy Roman Empire has the strength to destroy the United States and the Confederacy.

The vast ocean is their best defense line, restricting the power of European powers.

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