Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1011: Seemingly fatal misunderstanding

Facts have proved that efficiency is forced out. Ordinary international conferences often fail to reach a consensus in ten and a half months.

The European Economic Summit is different. Seeing the continuous wave of revolution, governments of all countries panic. Continue to drag on, no one knows how far the situation will deteriorate.

The horror mark left in 1848 still echoes in the hearts of the rulers. Although the revolution was finally extinguished, the impact was far-reaching.

In a sense, the current situation in Europe was created by the 1848 Revolution.

If the Orleans dynasty were not taken away by the revolutionary wave, there would be no Bonaparte’s Great French Empire; if the Great Revolution had not provided an opportunity for reform, the Habsburg dynasty would not have been revived so quickly; if the Great Revolution had not stimulated nationalism, God Luo will not be so easy to unify...

After a series of coincidences, it has become inevitable that the international situation has developed to this point.

The revolution means the reshuffle of the distribution of interests, and those with vested interests are naturally unwilling to do it again. Whether reshuffling is good or bad for the country, nobody knows until the shuffling is completed; but it is definitely a disaster for the ruling class.

In order to avoid the situation from continuing to deteriorate, representatives of all countries attended the meeting with full sincerity. In just three days, the countries reached an agreement on the issue of a joint "bailout".

On September 1, 1894, the Economic Commission of the European Union issued a rescue announcement. The eighteen countries of the European Union jointly invested 1.2 billion Aegis to revitalize the European economy.

According to the plan, the funds required for the economic revitalization plan are all allocated by the "jointly funded" countries according to their actual conditions. In other words: in which country the money is spent, the government of which country is responsible for paying the money.

It fully embodies the principle of fairness, taking into account the interests of all parties, no one can take advantage, and no one suffers.

As for the source of funding, it is natural to "print" banknotes. Franz still pays attention to food, this time there is no cheating. Although the Aegis was issued by the Vienna government, the benefits from the additional currency issuance were shared with other countries.

Whether it is interest-free loans or material assistance, it is a kind of compensation in disguise. The larger the economic volume, the more you can get, and the smaller the volume, the smaller the compensation. The match is that everyone should bear the risk together.

At the same time that the European Economic Revitalization Plan was passed, countries have also linked their currencies with Aegis. Franz's "European Economic Integration" strategy finally took the first difficult step.

The political impact of the "rescue plan" was not visible for a while, but the impact of the economic crisis began to ferment immediately. No surprises, the first to be affected is the capital market.

The stock market has begun to climb slowly, and capital has quietly entered the market and began to buy bottoms. The market in a pool of stagnant water finally began to splash.

While the market is picking up, governments of various countries have taken measures one after another. The first large-scale government intervention in the economy has begun in human history.

At this time, no one blamed the government for not interfering in the economy. All walks of life are not having a good time, and the talkers are also facing an unemployment crisis. The people are busy for their livelihoods, and they don't even have the mind to listen to them.

Regardless of whether the government interferes in the market, at least jobs are available. Although the job is not so satisfying, at this time, having a job to support the family is more important than anything else.

The most eye-catching thing is the three-year trip to Africa, with low requirements and high salaries. As long as you are strong and able to do it, it is difficult to not be noticed.

Of course, this "high pay" is also relatively speaking. If before the economic crisis, this kind of treatment could only be regarded as ordinary in most countries, but now is the period of economic crisis, it is the conscience of the enterprise to get a salary of 40% off.

In this context, it is definitely an enviable job to be able to get an ordinary salary in the usual period, especially when the requirements of this job are very low.

The only regret is that the place of work is in Africa, and there is no plausible letter in which pimple, and where to assign depends on God's blessing.

This little dilemma does not affect everyone's enthusiasm. After all, people always have to eat. Although the government is also issuing relief food, the black stick is obviously more suitable as a weapon than as food.

If it weren't for being too hungry, absolutely no one would go to receive the terrible relief food. From this point of view, bureaucrats are not useless, at least to ensure that these foods can really enter the hands of people in need.

The European world is busy rescuing the market, and the Philippine war has reached a turning point. Originally, Japan and the West were fighting for resilience, betting that the other party could not hold it.

The situation is different now. With the announcement of a joint bailout by the 18 European countries, it is obviously unrealistic to expect Spain's domestic economic collapse.

From their own standpoint, European countries will not let the situation in Spain get out of control now. After all, the revolution is contagious. It finally quelled the revolutionary wave, and if Spain collapsed, all previous efforts would be lost.

In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating again, not only can not let Spain collapse now, but even the Philippine War European Union must intervene.

Otherwise, Spain's defeat will stimulate the nationalists in the country and cause a chain reaction to cause the situation to get out of control. Who will be responsible?

As for the interests of the Japanese, is this important? For a small Far East country that most people don't know, just follow the arrangements; if they don't know the current affairs, the iron fist of imperialism will let them understand what social cruelty is.

Under the efforts of the Spanish government in public relations, on September 9, 1894, the European Union made a resolution to interfere in the Philippine war.

Frankly speaking, such a decision made at the economic summit is obviously out of date and uncoordinated in any way.

No way, who makes European countries not take it seriously?

An international conference dedicated to this?

Sorry, everyone is busy now, and there is no time to worry about how the Japanese feel. Coupled with the influence of Spain's public relations, just cut the mess quickly.

Who makes the Japanese bad luck and offends many people?

Just a few years ago, when Nicholas was traveling around the world, he was assassinated by a Japanese entourage in Tokyo. Although he was killed, the two swords still left a shadow on the young crown prince.

If it was just that, it would be fine, but the Japanese government was perfunctory and only sentenced to life imprisonment after the assassin was caught. The more ugly thing is still to come. The assassin with the title of "Patriot" was clearly imprisoned, but was not actually sanctioned.

Affected by this, Japan-Russia relations have directly dropped to a freezing point. Not only did Crown Prince Nicholas want revenge, but even Alexander III, the best-conserved, repeatedly clamored to give the Japanese "billions" of color.

If it were not for the Russian finances, and Japan itself did not have much oil and water, the Tsarist government would have sent troops to help the Spaniards.

Although no troops were sent, the Tsarist government provided convenience and allowed the Spanish government to recruit mercenaries from the Russian Empire to participate in the war.

Perhaps out of vigilance against the Russians, or for the benefit of the Bourbon dynasty itself, the Spanish government finally chose the French mercenaries.

The Dutch are also unhappy with the Japanese. As a small country, the Netherlands can occupy the most prosperous island of Java in Southeast Asia, relying on political skills.

The Japanese, who did not understand the rules, suddenly broke in, breaking the political rules that the European countries had abided by, and the Dutch Southeast Asia suddenly became precarious.

With no one taking the lead, shocked by the British position, the Dutch government can only secretly make small moves. Now that someone takes the lead, it must vote for it.

Coupled with the fact that Shinra has already stood in the team, and Spain, which is fighting the Japanese, almost all the important countries in the European Union have participated.

Anyway, to intervene in the Philippine war, these are enough. The remaining countries want to contribute, but they have more than enough energy but not enough. It is enough to apply political pressure along with the wave of flags and shouts. Naturally, there is no reason to refuse.

In this context, a sternly worded diplomatic note was delivered to the Japanese Minister Hidehisa Yamamoto in the name of the European Union.


"This is impossible!"

"You can't do this, it's unfair to the Great Japanese Empire!"


Although he has received a lot of blindfolds in Europe, Hidehisa Yamamoto was the first to encounter such a bullying.

There is no way, the staff of the European Union are all stationed in various countries. After the alliance made a resolution, a staff member from Spain took the initiative to draft the notes.

The basic meaning did not change, but the tone and wording changed a little, completely rubbing the Japanese face on the ground.

For the sake of everyone's "Aegis", the officials in charge of the audit didn't mean to make things difficult, and simply ignored this little difference.

The "little difference" in the eyes of bystanders fell into Hidehisa Yamamoto's eyes, and that was killing people.

The nonsense of the previous principles can be skipped directly; the big hat accusing the illegal Japanese government of invading and destroying world peace can also be ignored. After all, the newspapers have been scolded a lot.

The most unacceptable thing is that the European Union ordered the Japanese troops to withdraw from the Philippine Islands within the year and surrender war criminals for trial by an international court established by the European Union.

Otherwise, the alliance will send troops to interfere in the Philippine war, and reserves the right to further hold the Japanese government accountable.

Such overbearing and explicit mediation notes are rare in the history of the world. Obviously, it will not happen in normal diplomatic activities.

However, this is not a problem for the Spanish government that has been pressed. If it can irritate the Japanese government and expand the situation, it is estimated that the celebration banquet of the Madrid government can be held for a month.

Maybe it was Minister Hidehisa Yamamoto's expression that was too exaggerated, or maybe the Spanish effort played a role. Dalton, who was responsible for delivering the note, interrupted: "Your Excellency, calm down.

This is a common resolution of the eighteen countries of the European Union. You'd better pass it back to your country earlier. If you have any questions in your country, you can raise them in the subsequent mediation meeting.

However, before the mediation meeting is officially convened, please follow the contents of the note. Starting next month, the alliance will formally impose economic sanctions on your country.

All spheres of influence controlled by the alliance will temporarily suspend all trade with your country, and the seas of all countries are also forbidden areas for ships of your country. "

If any officials attending the meeting are here, questions will be raised immediately. Does the alliance meeting talk about economic sanctions?

It seems to be there, but that was built after the Japanese government refused. The current practice of imposing sanctions no matter what, is obviously the result of adding oil and vinegar.

It's a pity that these are not what Hidehisa Yamamoto can know. Even if you know it, it's useless. The Spaniards have done a good job of public relations, and the alliance will not accept their complaints. Right now he can only send back the content of the note intact, and the rest depends on how the country chooses.


The question is, does the Japanese government have a choice?

Regardless of whether there are changes to the content of the note, once submitted, it represents the position of the European Union.

Everyone wants face, and as the world's largest organization, the European Union is no exception. The note sent out will be retracted, that is, slap yourself in the face. The Japanese obviously don't have this amount.

What's more, what the Spaniards did seems to have tampered with the content of the note. In fact, it would not be successful without the acquiescence of some people.


The Japanese government has not yet received the news, and the British have already received the information first. The London government was directly stunned, and Robert Cecil never dreamed that someone would be so unethical.

Originally, the European economic recovery plan was already stimulating enough, but I did not expect that there will be more stimulating "intervention plans" later.

On the surface, this is just a simple international cooperation among European countries in order to retain their domestic economies. The Japanese have only suffered unwarranted disasters.

However, politics can never just look at the surface. Today the European Union can intervene in the Philippine war for the benefit of Spain; then tomorrow the European Union will be able to intervene in overseas affairs again for the benefit of **** countries.

Come so many times, European countries will discover the benefits of the alliance. With the tiger skin of the European Union, even a small country can have the status of a great power overseas.

If things go on like this, and driven by interests, this loose international organization will become a true alliance.

At that time, let alone a small country like Japan, even if Britain, as the world's hegemon, encounters the union of the European world, it must stand aside.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil, who thought he had an insight into the Vienna conspiracy, immediately broke into a cold sweat.

We must know that Britain’s most enduring national policy is the European Balance Strategy. Although it failed after the European War, the London government believed that this was only temporary.

In those days, Napoleon also swept across Europe and suppressed all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Including Robert Cecil himself, many people in the British government are waiting for Shinra to make a mistake, ready to go up and stabbing at a critical time.

However, the plan did not change quickly, and Shinra's anger and grievance did not wait. A freak called the European Union appeared first.

I originally thought that there were many contradictions among European countries, and that this loose alliance would sooner or later be torn apart due to differences in interests. As the boss of Shinra, because he couldn't reconcile the contradictions between the parties, he ended up not being human inside and outside.

It is a pity that an unprecedented economic crisis broke all these illusions. In order to save themselves, European countries have to temporarily give up their contradictions and join forces to overcome the crisis.

As a master who always pursues interests first, Robert Cecil knows very well that as long as the interests are large enough, there are no contradictions that cannot be reconciled.

Once countries have realized the benefits of union, it will be difficult to disintegrate the European Union. With such a freak, how can Britain live?

With a slap on the table, Robert Cecil said fiercely: "The European Union must be disintegrated! From now on, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has only one focus of work-to stir up conflicts between European countries and disintegrate the European Union.

I don't care what method you use or where you start. In short, a freak like the European Union must not exist in this world. "

"At all costs, disintegrate the European Union." This was the only thought in Robert Cecil's mind at the moment. As for Japan as the party concerned, it is no longer in his consideration.

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