Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1002: "Loving" people haunt

Facts once again proved that the boss is not easy to be the boss, and at the critical moment, he must also fight thunder for the younger brother. The debt between Prussia and the British is something that everyone knows, and no one can deny it.

"Repaying debts is justified."

Even if the political situation has changed, but the creditor of the Kingdom of Prussia is still there, the debt will naturally exist. The British must collect the accounts in accordance with the agreement in the loan contract, and no one can say that it is wrong.

Originally, this had little to do with Franz. The debts of the states were not the debts of the central government, and the empire had no obligation to bear them for them. Even if the British are collecting debts, they cannot find the Vienna government.

The problem is that now the Berlin government is pretending to be dead, and the "debt problem" has been raised to safeguard national sovereignty, and the matter has fallen to the Vienna government.

It is impossible to fulfill the contract. If it is implemented in accordance with the treaty, the people's spitting stars can drown Vienna.

It is impossible to give money. If we help the Kingdom of Prussia to pay off its debt today, we don’t know how many governments will go bankrupt tomorrow. In the face of interests, politicians have always had low morals.

A breach of contract is even more impossible. As a newly emerging overlord, the Vienna government must maintain its international image.

In particular, the Vienna government still has debts to collect outside. If it takes the lead to play helplessly, in the future, people can use "international practices" as an excuse to go wrong.

It can be said that the Vienna government is now forced into an extremely embarrassing situation. William II personally came to Vienna to ask for help, probably not just for help, I am afraid it is more to "please".

Having caused such a big mess, it is obviously impossible not to give an explanation. Even with a high degree of autonomy, the central government can also give them small shoes.

Now that I have been selling miserably, except for the face that I have some trouble, the actual loss is minimal. Even if the Vienna government deliberately asked them to settle accounts, after this wave, there was no way to do it.

The rules of the game are like this. The Kingdom of Prussia did something unethical this time, but the kings of the family came to apologize personally.

Rubbing his forehead, Franz asked concerned: "The cabinet is going to deal with Prussia's debt problem?"

Prime Minister Carl: "The most ideal result would naturally be for the British to make concessions. Allow the Prussian government to postpone payment or carry out debt restructuring, and part of it will be compensated by the indemnities distributed by Prussia during the Anti-French War.

This is almost impossible. Britain has also continued the economic crisis. The London government is now in need of funds. If there is no greater benefit, they have no reason to accept debt extension.

Debt restructuring is even more troublesome. The situation in the Kingdom of Prussia is pretty good. If it weren't for a bunch of unfinished projects by the Berlin government before, there would be no financial bankruptcy.

France is the real giant pit. Judging from the current situation, it is God blessed that the Paris government can not go bankrupt. As for war indemnities, in the next two or three years, we cannot have much expectations.

On the debt issue of the German Federation, we cheated the British. Now I am afraid that they will not accept the transfer of claims anymore.

On the premise of not breaching the contract and not sacrificing national sovereignty, I am afraid that only secretly traded in interests in exchange for the British to make concessions on the Prussian debt issue. "

Although the benefits of gambling on the success of national games are great, the cost of failure is also very heavy. In recent years, the Kingdom of Prussia has been paying the price for the failure of the previous gambling national luck.

Even if they became the victors of the anti-French war, the compensation they received could not fill the hole left by them.

Thinking of this, Franz suddenly understood the decision of William II. Without getting rid of the mountain of "debt", the Kingdom of Prussia will always be at the bottom of the Holy Roman Empire.

Yes, it is the bottom. Tens of millions of Aegis are paid every year, and the Berlin government has no extra financial resources to build the country.

After the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire, another major event occurred in the Berlin government. Someone in the government proposed to transfer two domestic infantry divisions to the Central Army.

For no other reason, I can't afford it. Throwing the army to the central government not only saves a sum of money, but it is still these people who guard the safety of Prussia.

In the eyes of government officials, anyway, even if the army is retained, the command power will be taken away by the central government. Even if the king still has the power to command, it has nothing to do with the Berlin government.

Only this move was strongly opposed by William II himself. The military command power taken by the central government is only in the war period. The highest military commander of the state army in the peace period is the king.

Once transferred to the Central Army, it will be different. Even the Constitution of the Holy Roman Empire stipulates that the state monarch is the highest military commander in the region where the army is stationed, but the real commander is the state army.

As for the Central Army, military expenditure is allocated by the emperor, and generals are appointed by the emperor. William II would not naively think that after losing these rights, only a nominal supreme command can control the army.

Normally, there seems to be nothing, but if something really happens and you need to use the army, you suddenly find that you can't command the army, then it will be over.

In a sense, losing military power means losing the ability to overturn the table. The people below can unscrupulously overhead the king and play purely in accordance with the rules of the game. I am afraid that few kings can play the minister below.

Just look at the many states of the Holy Roman Empire, but none of them have given up their military. Including those great aristocrats who were sealed overseas, one by one, within the scope of the law, they formed their own private army.

According to statistics from the Vienna government, the total strength of the armies of the states + private armies of the nobility in the Holy Roman Empire accounts for about one-third of the total number of the imperial army.

If you add various colonial groups and civilian armed forces, this ratio is likely to be more than half. In other words, it is these various armed forces that are equal in number to the Central Army.

This is an inevitable result, and the state is a legacy of history. If the Vienna government doesn't pay attention to food, why should people mess with you?

Not to mention the private armies of the nobility and the civilian colonial armed forces. Without these people, where did the empire's colonies come from?

Jiangshan was all shot down with a single shot. When it comes to dividing the cake, can you still kick them out?

Even if you cross the river and demolish the bridge, you have to wait for things to be considered after crossing the river. The territory of the Holy Roman Empire has surpassed any country in history. If you play directly under the central government, even if it is not dragged to death by administrative expenditure, you will be killed by endless uprisings.

Really think that Franz is willing to give up a big deal? Not all of them are practical needs. If you don't divide the cake, why should the people below give you their lives?

Judging from the actual results, the major colonial empires are all troubled by national uprisings, but the Vienna government has never bothered.

In fact, the private army of the Holy Roman Empire is not the most. The British have the most private armed forces, but they are named companies, colonial governments, and dominions.

To put it simply, you opened up a colony, and the British government appointed you to form a colonial government, such as the East India Company.

Of course, whether you can keep it in the end depends on your ability to move, or your background background in China.

If it is really managed directly, with the number of lobster soldiers, at most one can rule Canada. There can be no more, no more.

The rights that everyone is struggling for, William II, who has already obtained it, is naturally unwilling to give up. If you analyze it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the bankruptcy of the Berlin government was the result of a compromise between all parties in Prussia.

After pondering for a while, Franz shook his head: "Prussia owes a lot of money to the British. Even if the London government is willing to compromise, the consortium behind it will not stop.

The exchange of interests requires us to exchange interests with them. You can't make major strategic concessions just because of the debt problem, right?

When the British come here, talk to them slowly. Delay as much as possible, and maybe after the economic crisis passes, the Kingdom of Prussia will have the money to fulfill its debts. "

In the face of interests, no one is worth mentioning. The current situation is very obvious, and it is difficult to solve the problem. If you don't want to solve the problem, then there is no trouble.

Anyway, it is the Kingdom of Prussia that is not paying the debt, not the Holy Roman Empire. The current debt fulfillment is in conflict with imperial law, and that is not the responsibility of the Vienna government.

The big deal is to let the British go to the Imperial Court to sue, so that the guys in the court have a headache. It is precisely this opportunity to push the Legislative Council to issue a law that prohibits local mortgages from raising debts.

Before this, Franz had already let out the news, but seeing the strong willingness of the governments of various states to boycott, there was no proposal for a long time. The Prussian debt crisis is just an opportunity to come.

The definition of "public power" is very broad. National sovereignty, government revenue, state-owned industries, and government office buildings can all be regarded as part of public power.

Once the law is passed, the governments of various states will not be able to take out any collateral if they want to borrow, and the only thing they can rely on is the credibility of the government.

For pure credit loans, Franz doesn't need to worry about it. Not to mention whether anyone dared to borrow a huge amount of debt, even if it is really borrowed and a debt default occurs, it will not involve national sovereignty.

If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. If you go bankrupt, you will go bankrupt. This year, many local governments in continental Europe went bankrupt. No matter how much you play the ball, you can't play against the central government.


The Prussian debt crisis is just a small episode. The economic crisis has ravaged the world. European people are now very anxious, they are almost out of food, and have no intention of eating melons.

Even if there is a newspaper publication, it can't help everyone to have no money to subscribe to the newspaper. In the overwhelming wave of unemployment, people are now most concerned about recruitment notices.

Take the Holy Roman Empire as an example. After the economic crisis broke out, the domestic unemployment rate directly doubled by five times, and there are signs of continuing to expand.

This is a good situation, after all, the Shenluo Empire has an African continent that can vent its pressure. Before the economic crisis broke out, the domestic unemployment rate was already very low.

Like previous economic times, after the outbreak of this economic crisis, the colonial government and noble lords still came to the mainland to attract people.

Just look at the newspapers and you will know that the overwhelming recruitment advertisements are all going to work in the colony.

That's right, it's "going to work". After so many years of immigration, I have already left for immigrants. The rest are not wanting to leave their hometown, or for some reason cannot leave the mainland.

In order to keep pace with the times, current soliciting advertisements no longer directly ask for immigration. It only requires signing a long-term labor contract, and working for 5 or 10 years will do.

After all, time is the best catalyst. After five or ten years in the colony, even if you want to leave, you must think twice.

No way-treatment. All the noble lords these days are "good guys". Not only do they provide high salaries, but the key is that they are very "loving" and are willing to help their subordinates when they encounter problems.

I especially like subordinates to bring their family members there. Not only are they willing to provide free housing, but they can also guarantee the resettlement work. Even the education of children is also solved.

It’s really "loving". Looking at the Imperial Orphanage, most of them are abandoned. The few remaining houses have only some children with unsound health, and all orphans with healthy limbs are adopted by these "loving" people. Up.

Even some time ago, the problem of orphans and refugees on the border that had troubled the Vienna government was solved by these "loving" people.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the scope of activities of "loving" people has expanded from the empire to the entire European continent. Where they are, you no longer have to worry about having more children.

In a sense, this is also a highlight in the current economic crisis, and fewer people are starved to death than before. If you are hungry, you can go to these "loving" people.

Of course, not everyone wants it. "Loving" people are very tolerant of children, but they are still very strict with adults.

Don’t street gangsters, don’t have criminal records, don’t have bad minds, don’t have grievances against the society, hatred...

These requirements have nothing to do with Ives. As a five-good young man, if he is willing to work in the colony, there are at least hundreds of employers to choose from.

Yes, it is to choose an employer. Almost all the fiefs and nobles of the Holy Roman Empire are short of people. In order to increase the labor force, everyone has tried every means.

If it is not for worrying about language barriers, which is not conducive to territorial management, it is estimated that everyone will go abroad to grab people.

In fact, intermediary companies specializing in providing immigration for the fiefdom nobles have long been born. If the local people can't attract people, they go abroad to find a way.

It doesn't matter if the language is impassable, they can provide training; the eating habits are different, and they are all hungry. Why are you still picky?

Even labor skills and obedience can be trained. The immigrants cultivated by certain intermediary companies can even do what they do.

The only problem is that the immigration costs of such training are too high. Most nobles can't afford this kind of high-standard service. In order to save costs, everyone would rather hire people by yourself.

The honest and friendly local youth like Ives happens to be everyone's most welcome talent, so naturally they don't have to worry about work.

The problem is that Ives doesn't want to leave his hometown, but just wants to find a job locally that can support his family. Unfortunately, there is not.

If you were to find an ordinary job locally before the economic crisis broke out, there would be no problem.

It is a pity that this is a time of economic crisis, and most companies and factories are too late to lay off workers. Who can't figure out how to recruit at this time?

Searching through today's newspapers, Ives finally found a local company recruitment information in a small corner.

Before he could be happy, Ives' face collapsed. No way, the above recruitment conditions are too high.

Not only requires a high school degree, but also requires professional work experience, which happens to be something he does not possess.

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