Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 997: cancer

The news of another revolution in Paris spread, and the entire European world was confused. First, the Revolutionary Party revolutionized the Bonaparte dynasty, and then the radicals in the Revolutionary Party revolutionized the Revolutionary Government. Now I don’t know what party is revolutionizing the Radical Government.

If you count the royalist coalition outside the city, France has gathered all the people of this era. News reports are all strenuous, not to mention ordinary people eating melons.

Ordinary people can watch the excitement, and politicians will be busy. The situation is so chaotic that this year's war reparations will definitely be unnecessary.

Regardless of which government comes to power, it won’t change money for a while. The country that counts on the French indemnity to subsidize the family is now completely lost.

The Vienna Palace, Franz, who just reached a compromise with Belgium, is now worried and happy. There is no way, more and more people come to borrow money recently.

If it is an ordinary commercial city loan, then simply help introduce the bank directly. As long as they can afford the interest and have enough collateral, the financial system of the Holy Roman Empire can help them complete financing.

With the defeat of France and Paris falling into decline, the financial center of the European continent became Vienna and Frankfurt side by side.

Finance also needs to be linked to politics. After the European War, Britain and Austria conducted a secret negotiation on the international situation and post-war reconstruction.

The result is of course self-evident. Looking at the organizational structure of the European Union, you will know that if the two sides negotiate, Britain will not be excluded from the Union.

There is no doubt that this is the ending of both sides. Excluded from the circle of Britain, its right to speak on the European continent has dropped to its lowest point in nearly two hundred years. In addition to having some influence on maritime countries, continental countries no longer buy their accounts.

The Holy Roman Empire won politically, but suffered a blow economically. Not only did the plan to raise funds in London went bankrupt, but even Aegis was run on, and the value of the currency fell by five points.

It is not Franz's style to just be beaten and not fight back. The British ran on the Aegis, and the Vienna government launched a tit-for-tat attack on the pound.

Both are gold standard countries, and then an interesting scene emerges. On the one hand, the Aegis was exchanged for gold from the Shenluo and shipped back to the British Isles, while the other side took the British pound to exchange the gold from Britain and shipped it back to the Shenluo.

Both of them are big gold reserve countries, and they have tossed back and forth many times, and the people who eat melons will be dizzy. In the end, no one can do anything.

Of course, this is on the surface. In fact, the Vienna government still suffered. The financing plan failed and the value of the Aegis currency was to be stabilized. The government had to tighten its belt to live.

Affected by this, the progress of post-war reconstruction in Lorraine, Alsace and other areas has been affected. The boss is uncomfortable, and the lives of the younger brothers are even worse.

Of course, financing is not impossible. Although the British government sees everyone unhappy, the British consortium still welcomes the **** of wealth. It's just that the interest rate is a little bit higher than normal.

Regardless of whether other countries can accept it, the Vienna government would rather tighten its belt than borrow money from the British.

Hard days are temporary. Capital pursues profit, and no one is willing to give up the big cake of European reconstruction. Even if the British government does not support it, it cannot stop the determination of capitalists to make money.

In particular, the funds that originally flowed into the London market from the European continent first began to flow back to the European continent, transited through the two major financial markets of Vienna and Frankfurt, and entered the post-war reconstruction project.

Although there is money, not everyone can borrow it. In a sense, in the capital market, countries and individuals are "the strong will always be strong, and the weak will become weaker."

The richer the country, the easier it is to borrow money; the less rich the country, the harder it is to obtain capital.

The Vienna government with a strong family background is naturally a high-quality customer of the capital market. The poor Belgium, Sardinia, Lucca, Tuscany and other countries are tragedy. Their reputation is not enough, and they cannot provide enough collateral, so they will be caught The predicament.

One or two Franz are happy to show the spirit of a big brother, but now they are swarming up to borrow money, Franz has a headache.

In fact, this is not the first time a country has borrowed money. From the beginning of the Anti-French War, these boys were basically raised by the Vienna government.

I don't know, I was taken aback. All these small peasants are billionaires. Judging from their economic situation, let's talk about repayment in the next century!

If it is just these, it is not unacceptable. There is a huge political return, and it is not a big problem for the funds to return to the capital for a long time.

The key is that economic development requires direction, and post-war reconstruction is not just about having money. Although Belgium has suffered heavy losses, its industrial foundation is still there, and as long as it has funds, it can recover soon.

This Italian state is truly a tragedy. It wants resources without resources, industry without industry, even if it is to develop agriculture, it is still being beaten. The most important thing is that the limited land cannot support so many people.

When they originally mixed with the French, in addition to a small amount of handicrafts, they mainly acted as a commodity sales market and the role of labor export.

With the collapse of the French Empire, this fragile industrial chain also collapsed. The Holy Roman Empire only needs the merchandise sales market, but does not need these labors.

No matter how cheap it is, it is useless. The current economic development has not yet reached that stage, and the number of jobs that can be created in society is limited. Letting these people in is just making ourselves trouble.

The only choice left to them is to use cheap labor to develop labor-intensive industries without technical content, thereby driving domestic economic development.

The problem is that Franz knows it's useless. The rulers of all countries must understand for themselves so that they can formulate a reasonable economic development policy based on their own actual conditions.

However, the most people in this world are people who lack self-awareness. Of the seven Italian states, none of them has reached formality.

All the guys with good eyes and low hands, who think they are smart, keep up with the trend of the times, and play with high-tech electrics and internal combustion engines.

Well, this is Franz pot. The Vienna government has long regarded the power of science and technology as a national policy, and it has now become a social consensus, and even the younger brothers have been affected.

It cannot be said to be wrong. The problem is that the development of science and technology also requires an industrial foundation. There is no foundation, and you will be at the forefront as soon as you get up. It will fall to death.

After finally borrowing money, it was wasted by these guys with good eyes and low hands. And the backward production capacity that the Vienna government deliberately eliminated, the first to jump out to take over was actually Belgium with the best industrial base.

Brothers don’t worry, Mother Nature will have a headache. Nobody's money is brought by the wind. According to their tossing method, no results will be seen without billions.

With so much money, is it not good to keep developing oneself? Who is so brain-dead, and wants to borrow it out to fight.

Faithful words are not always effective. Franz didn't think he would be able to wake up this group of guys who lacked social beatings and persuade everyone to return to the right path, which is thankless, he would naturally not do it.


Franz: "If we refuse to provide them with loans, how much impact will it have?"

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "The impact on diplomacy is not significant. The French civil war is about to end, and the situation in Europe is basically stable, and some disturbances will not affect the international situation.

Given the current situation in countries like Sardinia, Lucca, Modena, Parma, Tuscany, the Papal States, and Two Sicily, it is reasonable to refuse to grant them loans. "

No one stipulates that the boss must raise the younger brother. The Vienna government did not take anything away from the countries. Instead, it helped them gain independence and provided large amounts of financial assistance, which has done enough.

If anyone feels unsatisfied and wants to gain a long view of Shu, then he has to ask the empire’s iron fist whether to agree.

If you want to jump back, just ask which country dares to accept them. The situation in Europe is very clear right now, that is, the Holy Roman Empire is the dominant family, and if you reach inside, you must be ready to be cut off.

Minister of Economy Reinhardt: "The economic problem is very big. In fact, the supply and demand of the capitalist economic market have long been problems, but because the European War delayed the crisis.

The current market boom is just a huge bubble built on the dividends of war. Anything that goes wrong may cause the bubble to be burst.

Without loan support, the Italian economy will soon collapse. It is very likely to become the fuse of the crisis and detonate the economic crisis that is brewing. "

No one anticipates the economic crisis, it is impossible. In fact, every time an economic crisis breaks out, there will be signs and signs. The first reaction of the insiders was not to issue a crisis warning, but to retreat first.

In fact, it is useless to issue an early warning. The market always needs to take over. The bursting of the bubble will definitely bury a large group of people, and the only thing that can change is who is buried.

The Great Depression after the Great War was itself a natural law of economy. The Great Depression has not broken out, mainly because the economy of the Holy Roman Empire has supported it.

However, this support is also risky. Just like a malignant tumor on a human body, the longer it stays, the greater the damage it will bring.

There is no way, some things must be carried to death. Having just become the European hegemon, the Vienna government also needs time to consolidate its position.

It just so happened that another secret battle broke out with the British. If an economic crisis broke out at this time, the power of the Holy Roman Empire would be diluted.

Perhaps it was perceiving danger, and the Gladstone government wanted to retreat completely, not wanting to detonate the crisis at the end of its term. After a wave of tentative waves, it decisively closed its hands.

After hesitating for a while, Franz said slowly: "Fine! Sooner or later, I will come to this point, and there is no need to hold on.

Tell the governments of all countries that if they want to obtain loans, they should come up with a sound economic development plan to convince the banks that we cannot continue to provide them with guarantees. "

Frankly speaking, Franz is least expecting an economic crisis to break out. As the world's largest economy, the Holy Roman Empire alone occupies half of the capitalist world economy.

Once an economic crisis breaks out, the losses of the Holy Roman Empire will certainly be the heaviest. On the contrary, those feudal agricultural countries that were economically backward were relatively less affected.

However, there is no way to delay the outbreak of the crisis by relying on the power of the government, and there is also a certain limit. No one knows when this malignant tumor will be detonated. Instead of waiting for others to detonate it, it is better to puncture it yourself and have a certain amount of initiative.

As for the transfer crisis, it is natural to do it. The problem is that today is different from the past. The economy of the Holy Roman Empire is so large that no one can handle it even if it undergoes a transfer.

As a sequelae of the continuation of the European War, it should have erupted as early as the end of the war. It's not easy to be able to drag it until now.

Even if the government has repeatedly intervened in the economy, the crisis is still a crisis and will not disappear with a few administrative orders. In short, this bitter fruit Franz must be swallowed.

The only difference is that this time it is not pure overcapacity, but the uneven development of various industries. Mainly affected by the war, the military-related industries were overdeveloped.

The elimination of market freedom is an economic crisis. Smart people have already earned enough and retreated from related fields. Now the remaining takers are still dreaming of making a fortune, each of them fantasizes about the French Civil War or the expansion of the Japanese-Western War.

I don’t know if I can get rich, it is impossible for war to expand anyway. Neither London nor Vienna was ready for war.

War is not about children's play, unless they are forced to a corner, otherwise there is no certainty, who would go to war with a big country stupidly?

Britain and Austria do not turn their faces directly, no matter how the proxy war is fought, the scale will not be much larger. It is not easy to be able to help clean up the inventory. If you want to make war fortune, go home and wash and sleep!


Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "Your Majesty, although the Japanese-Spanish War is still in a state of anxiety, judging from the current situation, the Spaniards' hope of victory is very slim.

According to information from the Governor of Southeast Asia, since the outbreak of the war, the Spanish Expeditionary Force has killed 27,000, including 3,400 navy members; while the Japanese army has killed 39,000, including more than 5,700 naval officers and soldiers.

The Spanish have an advantage in the exchange ratio, but this advantage is not obvious. The Japanese occupy a favorable position, and their army is replenishing much faster.

If there are no major changes on the battlefield and continue to consume so much, Spain's defeat is only a matter of time. "

The exchange ratio is dominant, not because the Spanish army is better able to fight, but mainly because of the gap in weapons and equipment. If the technological gap between the two warships is ten years, then the gap between the Army’s weapons and equipment is an era.

Being able to lag behind by an era with weapons and equipment, and hit a record of nearly 1.4:1, Franz has some doubts whether the Japanese have broken up.

The Spaniards also did their homework. The European Union imposed a material embargo on the Japanese early, even if someone smuggled weapons and equipment into the hands of the Japanese army.

Franz has a say in this point. The navy of the Holy Roman Empire often checks posts on the Suez Canal, the Strait of Malacca and other maritime traffic points. The smuggled munitions are almost cold on the way.

Even if you can still get equipment from the British, the king of army equipment this year still depends on the Shenluo Empire, followed by France, and the weaponry of the lobster soldiers is really not good.

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