= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

“Help me! Help me! ”

The second prince, Rupel, screams.

He was put in a small box.

It was made of a metal box resistant to magic called 'Eltera'.

I won't even be able to resist a grumpy vampire.

Around the box stands a priest and swordsman Oskar.

They will now enter the 24-hour surveillance system.

2As the pope, we will exclude those who approach thoroughly.

There were wagons lined up in front of them.

Among them are wagons arrested by the Three Crown Prince Rupels.

To be precise, I am preparing to leave with White for another circumcision.

I glanced at the palace from the wagon.

A part of the palace crumbles down.

It was like blowing up an acquaintance's house, even though it was a losing country.

Tinya stares at her palace dazed.

“... I'm sorry. ”

I looked at Tinya and said,

The skeletons summoned by the commanders are in the middle of repairs at the palace.

It won't take long, but until then, Aslan will be unstable.

Tinya is flabbergasted and wriggles her hands together as if she were fine.

“No, it's okay. Because when Damon gets here, it's going to cost you to recover. No one was hurt because of you."

Damon, who was guarding the congregation at Aslan's Grave, has decided to come.

Well, there are a lot of dragon relics there.

It will cover the cost of restoring the palace.

“But you're really leaving. When he first said he was the Crown Prince of the Holy See, he was very surprised. ”

Tinya smiles bitterly at the wagon.

And he looked at me and said,

“I haven't paid you back yet. ”

“There's more to tribute than repaying kindness, right? I'm sorry, that's not something I can control."

“That's okay. because if it's hard now, it's going to get better eventually. ”

“If you say so. ”

I've had my fill.

He is a very positive child.

“If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll do my best, as much as I can. ”

“I will gladly accept it. ”

To be honest, Aslan didn't seem to need much help.

Even if there is a war against vampires, the Holy See will never collapse so easily.

Most of all, Tinya will be quite busy maintaining unsafe Aslan.

“Your Highness.”

I turned my head.

Charlotte approaches and whispers in my ear.

“I'm investigating the warp where the vampires escaped. Lord Haman has something to report. ”

At that, I nodded.

I and Charlotte head for a residential street far from the palace.

The paladins are on high alert.

Deep in the alley, you head to an empty mansion.

An old lung that seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

There's a warp gin on the floor.

The paladins are encamped around the lungs, and the alchemists and Haman are investigating.

“Are you here?”

Haman looks down at me.

I looked around my lungs.

There are runes engraved like all kinds of doodles.

These are characters that I don't know either.

“How's it going? ”

Haman sighed at my question.

“It looks like a warp gene from a long time ago. ”

He frowned on his own.

A long time ago, the Vampires drew warp jeans in the Aslan region.

“So the Vampires are free to use the warp. ”

“There are likely to be other warp jeans around here that are used by vampires. Probably built it to escape in case of emergency. And it's got a lot of technology. Alchemists say I've never seen such sophisticated skills before. ”

I heard that even the Vampires executed the warp.

A warp gate using runic characters that is different from the scroll used by alchemist Hans.

It was similar to what Rich Nathus used.

That means you can freely go back and forth between regions.

“Is there even a law enforcement agency? ”

“You can see it that way. Perhaps there are many. ”

This is a pain in the ass.

Don't you think there are facilities for vampires to install and escape?

Haman groans.

“Also, it's almost impossible to locate where they've moved. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

A warp gin with runic characters.

That means that the warp jeans are connected on the other side.

If I could just interpret the coordinates of the Warp Jinn, I'd know where they live...

“Coordinates unknown. ”

“You can't pinpoint their location? ”

“Yes, I'm sure the coordinates are shown, but the ritual is too complicated…. ”

Haman looks at the alchemists.

Alchemists sweat in shifts between warp jeans and books.

“There's no way to get the coordinates. This warp is made by an ancient technique. It's too powerful to detect."

A group of well-known alchemists gather to try to decipher the warp jeans, but everyone shakes their heads.

I felt sorry for him.

If we only knew where they were, we could strike back. We can't help but find out it's impossible.

“Hey…. ”

Then Hans, who was watching in the corner, spoke.

“I can decipher it, though. ”

The alchemists stare blatantly at Hans in surprise.

The people gathered here are renowned alchemists of the Holy See.

You'd be amazed at what these people can't decipher. A merchant with no reputation, no honor.

They were talking nonsense in front of me.

“That's nonsense.”

“That's ridiculous. ”

“It's an ancient text thousands of years ago. What a defensive alchemist... ”

I ignored what the alchemists said.



“How long will it take to decrypt and get the coordinates? ”

Hans opened his eyes to me.

Was he happy to believe what he said?

He exclaims with a bright expression.

“Four months! No, three months is enough! ”

It takes more than I thought.

“Can you pinpoint the exact location? ”

“If I could interpret it, I'd be able to warp inversely! which, of course, requires a lot of energy."

That's a good point.

It means you can send paladins there.

“Does it ever work? ”

“All you need is enough material! ”

“I'll give you access to the Imperial Book. If you want, I can help you with anything else you need. ”

I pointed my finger at alchemists and said,

“You can make them your accomplices. ”

Hans nods several times.

Then, a priest approached Haman. Then I whispered in my ear.

The synagogue report hardened Haman's face, and he looked at me and noticed.

I looked at Haman and asked him, because he was a liar.

“What's the matter? ”

Haman stared at me and said with a blank expression.

“Looks like it's begun. ”


“Your Holiness...”

He mutters as he looks at the wagon with the far three princes.

"... Purge the traitor. ”

* *

Sweet music flows from the palace.

Celt, who was listening to the music, closed her eyes quietly.

The band plays a soft tune, and the musician sings the chorus in the appropriate voice.

“Huff... huff... huff."

I heard strange noises in his ears.

Celt opens her eyes quietly in the throne room of the Holy Father.

A reality that must always be clean and sacred. There, a bloody old man groaned and knelt.

He is Gail, one of the five archbishops of the Holy See.

His left and right paladins draw swords at his neck.

“West, West, Holy See, Your Majesty. I really, really don't know anything! Please have mercy...! ”

His face was filled with horror and he repeated the same words.

The Holy Father Celt looked at him and said with an indifferent look.

“Is that true? Rafael.”

Raphael sighs, who was next to Celt.

He gives out a document, and the Holy Father Celt, who received the document, frowns.

“Unlike your testimony, the data the imperial court investigated was different. ”

Celts clasp themselves against the back of the throne.

“I will ask you about the emperor's mercy and the emperor's three sons, and those who interact with them. ”

The Holy Father Celt narrows his eyes and throws the document in his hand to Archbishop Gail.

As the document falls right before you, Gail's eyes shake.

Celt opens her mouth.

“Are there any conspirators behind them, Cardinal Michael? ”

Archbishop Gail's mouth is tightly shut.

I just bow my head trembling.

When he is silent, Celt takes it as a positive nod.

"You know what the traitors Rose and Rufel believed and shared with Aslan. In the Vampire Diarrhea, in Aslan, in the Old Testament... This is it. I'm in the middle of nowhere. ”

The Holy Father Celt stands up.

As he shakes his hand, the paladins and the musicians head down to the throne room.

The door is securely closed.

Only Celt, Raphael and Archbishop Gail exist in the throne room.

Realizing that no one was listening, Gail slammed her head into the ground and yelled.

“Your Holiness! I was just following Cardinal Michael's orders, and never my will...! ”

“Why? You said it would get me elected to the next cardinal if I just followed it? ”

Celt has moved on.

He reaches out and grabs the head of Archbishop Gail on his knees.

“The Archbishops seem to be getting old these days. I can't believe you're blind to your greed. But you're on the wrong line."

“Vast, Holy Father! Once, if you give me a chance.... ”

You hear something explode.

The red carpet in the throne room wets wet.

Celt wipes her bloodied hands off her clothes.


Archbishop Raphael approaches Celt and bows his head.

Celt straightened out Rafael's collar like that.

Rafael frowns as his bloodied hands stain his clothes.

“Your Holiness, your clothes are getting dirty. Take your hands off me. This is a precious dress from my granddaughter. ”

Even after the death of the archbishop of the same class, Raphael was confident.

Rather, it seems unpleasant that the clothes are polluted by the Holy Spirit.

Celt was relieved to see that.

“I like your honesty. ”

“I was so honest that I was beaten by His Holiness along with Oskar when I was younger. ”

Celt smiles.

He turns to Raphael to look at the dead archbishop.

“Then, whose line are you? Is it me or Michael? ”

“Is there a line in the world? Your Eminence is also a martyr of the Holy Father. Besides, I'm still going to take the position of Cardinal. We need to go on separate ropes. ”

In Raphael's words, Celt tilts her head and asks.


“Yes, Holy Father. ”

“How old are you now? ”

“I'm 100 years old.”

“How old is Cardinal Michael? ”

“105 years old.”

“He's not thinking about retiring. So when do you want to be promoted to Cardinal? The remaining cardinals are both young."


In response, Raphael smiles bitterly.

You're right.

Even though the Holy Father is a longevity country.

Raphael is now a prisoner.

Even if you become Cardinal, you will not be in power for long.

“I don't like them. Aren't they the ones who hid in the corner when Amon the commander was king? ”

“Still, didn't their support win you over? ”

“They were funded. Poor bastards are playing around in a place with power and safety. Corrupt and disturbed.”

Independent power organizations of the Holy Father and Mother Nature.

The Catholic Church was a troubled place.

It was a church established by the Cardinals, a deterrent device designed to prevent the corruption of the Holy City, and an institution to train priests to worship the faith.

Historically, it was a different color depending on the leadership.

There were times when they were cleaner and more faithful than ever, and there were times when they were corrupt and more corrupt than ever before.

because of the way the Cardinal was elected by a vote.

If a faithful and good person was elected, evil and arrogant people were elected.

In addition, over time, its properties continued to deteriorate.

At some point, the Cardinals who were once in power began to covet power, and it was a place where corruption and corruption, as well as filthy lives, could not be found in the mouths of the clergy.

Nevertheless, it was sustainable because it had some of the power of the Holy See and also had a huge funding line.

“I was expecting something. ”

They wanted total independence.

They would have tried to use the war against Aslan and the Three Prince Rupels to take their rightful place.

The 3rd Prince and Rose Darina would have believed them and waged this Aslan war.

He would have ended the war in the right line and taken advantage of Aslan.

“But they crossed the line. ”

According to Celt, Raphael agreed.

As an Archbishop of Cleanliness, Raphael wanted to become Cardinal and improve the institution, but in fact, it was difficult to keep up with the way they were voted.

“A world of monsters. I don't know what's gonna happen. My grandchildren are up here, and I can't stand the sight of it. I'd rather clean up this mess. ”

Celt looks at Raphael and says,

“Could you be a Cardinal and help me clear up the order of the Kaolium?" ”


Raphael's eyes widen.

“Those who swore to serve the Celestial City sought treachery and dishonored the Celestial City. What are they? ”

Celt smiles.

“Only heretics fill their own bellies. So those dirty things. ”

Celt raises her mouth and says.

“You take care of it. ”

“Are you willing to go to war with the Order of Caolium? ”

“There's nothing you can do. In the yard where the cardinal was already killed. ”

Celt has moved on.

“Follow me.”

Raphael followed the Holy Father.

Cross the hallway of the imperial palace.

The Holy Father looks out his window at Lorenzis.

I hear cheers.

Pollen is sown and people are out on the streets enjoying happiness.

An army procession is passing by from the entrance of Lorenzis to the imperial palace here.

It's a victory ceremony, a parade celebrating it.

Festivals have been going on for days since the war against Aslan ended.

The army led by Oskar the Sword will be here soon.

At that time, unity will become stronger.

Celt and Raphael arrived on a balcony overlooking the Imperial Plaza.

He looks down at the palace square, overlooking the balcony.

The paladins and synagogues of the Holy See were gathering at the parade.

“Great Holy Father! ”

You hear a loud voice.

Silver-covered armor and robes filled the square.

Paladins and clergy groups with long spears and swords, shields and maces, staff, etc.

“By your everlasting loyalty! ”

The paladin commanders in formation came forward, shouting in sequence.

“We have assembled 150 men from the Paladin of Leihaden! ”

“Shayna the Paladins, 68 men, have gathered! ”

“137 Liberian Paladins. We are assembled!”

“Serena Monk, 154 people. We are assembled!”

Buzzing reports in the air.

Celt smiles satisfactorily as she hears it.

As expected, Bilmyro gathers troops and is no better than a parade.

Though it does not reach the heavenly army, which is few and five armies, it will be enough.

“Okay, let's do it. ”

The Holy Father Celt rolls his mouth up and smiles.

“The three princes, Rupel, have been kind to me. I made you a handmade Wilmey, so you can do whatever you want."

The timing is so good.

The rebellion of Rose Bridge or her family, and the ascension of Aslan wars, festivals, banquets, and the Crown Prince.

What to do now. It was so simple.

“Isn't this a great time to take out the trash? ”

Yeah, that's enough time to make things right.

I think the water changes from the intersection of the Kaolium Bridge, which was disturbing to the eye.

Shouldn't we at least make our grandchildren comfortable?

That's why I've been hiding Rufel's treason for so long.

I was going to take care of everything all at once before they moved.

Celt looks back and tells Raphael.

“Invite all the members of the Bridge, the family, and those in line to the Imperial Palace. Vilmiro celebrates Aslan's victory. Tell them thank you for funding this war. ”

In the words of the Holy Father Celt, Raphael smiles bitterly and bows his head.

“And from now on, you will be the new head of the Khaolium. ”

The time has come for another bloodshed in the Imperial Court.

The last time the three popes had a big ball.

Given the opportunity to purify the Holy See.

The Bridge, the House of Rhodes, and the Kaolium cult behind it.

They were all included in the Purge.

His loving expression distorted.

“I'll make you regret seeing the Great Depression. ”

Celt said in a lively voice.

“So, behead those heretics. Rafael.”

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