Hollywood starts with animation

Chapter 755 System Give Two Messages Remind

September 20th.

This day, Zhu Ke, Chief Assistant Villa, Legion website CEO Jeff Wern, Google Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Sherg Bolin, Amazon Mall Advertising Operations Director Lah Pedon ... ...

More than 17 people!

A private aircraft "Luo La" is boarded together, and the Luxembourg, who is located in Europe, is known as the "Country of the Thousand Fort".

"BOSS, Linkedi Company and Jinluoguang Entertainment Group, the two are the company under your name, you have some eccentric. You see, in 1998, you bought two bay flow for Jinluoguang Entertainment Group G200, 2000 In May, put it into use. But what about Canada? I am traveling out of overseas, it is all in public flights. "

Just embarked on the plane, Jeff Weta, who is a Cannish CEO, said some observations.

Zhu Ke 's expression is not embarrassed, and it is said: "Man, what are you eager? The bread will have it, the milk will have, there will be one day, the Lingkun Company is bound to have its own business."


Jeff Wayner said helplessly: "I also remind you, um, if I have not remembering the wrong, this should be my fifth time to mention this problem."

"Hahaha, is it?" Zhu Ke smiled and opened the topic.


At this time, one of the founders of Google, Vice President, Chief Technology Officer Sergei Bulin from the back row of the cabin, came over.

"Is there?" Zhu Ke asked.

"of course."

Shel Green Bolin is not low in Google. He is second only to the existence of Chairman Larry Page, and the share of the shares does not fall.

In the blink of an eye, a document is present in front of Jul.

Mr. Wald, this is Google's web rating mechanism PageRank patent, I have passed the Larry, I plan to give this patent free to Stanford University. "Sherkin Brin said.

Judeil's micro-eyeki: "Is it a patent for the web rating mechanism obtained in September last year?"

"Yes it is."

In the face of the affirmative answer of Sergey, Zhu Ke can't help but fall into meditation.

The web rating mechanism PageRank patents, it looks unresponsive, but it is undoubtedly an important hero that Google officially became a search engine hegemony, so it is fully imagined, which is a gold patent.

Today, it is free to grant ...

Do not!

Accurately, this patent is transferred to Stanford University!

"Other shareholders of the company's board of directors, what attitude is there?" Jike frowned.

Sherget Bulin shakes his head: "Do not consider these, have your support, plus the rights of my and Lari, we can pass this resolution directly, do not need to look at the face of the board."

So far, Google has passed four rounds of financing, absorbing a large number of strong allies join.

Of course, Zhu Ke is still the highest share of Google's current shareholding!


Don't feel small, you have to know 2021, as the founder of Google's founder, the shareholding ratio of the two people is less than 5%, but the value is more than 400 billion. RMB.

In terms of now, the shares added by Zhu Ke, Lari, and Sherka, the shares added more than 51%, with the absolute words of the board of directors.

"Man, you will be so sure I will agree? You are so sure, I will stand in your side?" Zhu Ke blind eyes.


Shel Green is back to the head: "I am talking to Mr. Wald, and I am not a short-sighted person, transfer this patent to Stanazan University, we can get the entire Stanford University in the future Scientific research strength, this is definitely a thing that is greater than the disadvantage. "

"Well! You convince me, when the board is open, I will stand in your side."

Jul Khaha laughed.

Future Google Company is no longer a simple search engine company, covering Internet search, cloud computing, advertising techniques, etc., even in terms of artificial intelligence, robot, medical equipment, real estate, energy, etc. .......

It became a unrelated giant monster.

Among them, it is undoubtedly the existence of a good power for Google's technical guarantee and technology upgrades.

The web rating mechanism PageRank patent is very powerful, but it is not worth mentioning compared to the long-term benefits!

"Hey, Mr. Bolin is here?"

At this time, La Her Pedton, Director of Amazon Mall Advertising Operations, came to the front cabin.

I heard, Sherkin Bolin smiled: "How can I not be here? There are a lot of documents in your hand, it seems ... You are also looking for Mr. Wald, my business is just End, then I will not bother you. "

Pedon nodded and delivered the sergeant of Shel Green.

Zhu Ke is one of the major shareholders of Google. Similarly, Zhu Ke is equally low in the shareholding ratio of Amazon, second only to Bei Guangje Jeff Besi, is the second major shareholder.

"Mr. Wald, good morning."

"You invited me, Google's Shel Gabin, and the Jeff Werni, the leader of the company, and the fields of our three, which are involved in e-commerce, web search engine, online trays, except Yahoo, Microsoft and other giants, our energy is equally low. "

"So, I would like to ask you ... This is the sturdy technology in Europe, Luxembourg, is it mysterious?"

"I will forgive me, even if you are one of Amazon's shareholders, the position of our station is the overall interest of the company, not ... your personal interests."


Talk is too straight!

However, this man in Pedton is one of the favorite generals of Amazon's President Beguang, because he is selfless, even a bell head, he sometimes does not give the slightest face.

Zhu Ke smiled: "I have heard of your character, I have been in contact today, it is true."

Pedon: "......."

Zhu Ke said again: "Before departure of Europe, my assistant Villa once asked me. He asked the Star ship technology but a company that was lost, and its newly developed product, where is it possible to go? And I am answering him, this new product will make people surprised! "

Pedton has relieved a lot: "Then I will wait and see."

For the listing, promotion of Skype (Internet Phone) software, Jude will certainly use his own resources, after all, this is the charm of money.


[Congratulations to the host, you get two new future information clips.

Zhu Ke Li is in the heart.

"These two days are busy with the review, time tight, task weight, and less updates. Saturday and Sunday are working, after work tomorrow morning, the author should update more chapters.

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