Hollywood starts with animation

Chapter 741, a future big cow

Walder issued a company.

Since the beginning of this year, the large Wald film industry completely puts the production, and distributes two somes, and divides into two companies.

Walddia industry with full production capabilities;

Covering the world, there is a Walder issued company with perfect issuance channels;

At this moment, Wald issued a conference room of the North American Branch, and its executives were holding a meeting, but there was an unexpected person appearing here.


The director of the President of the Group, chief assistant;

Today, he has been promoted, it is removed from the position, and is currently working at the Waldhot of the Group, and serves as a deputy authority of the production department.

"Haierma, you release the company in the meeting, my people in a Waldden industry are here, right?" Alexander hesitated.

Word, Wald released the first president of Haierma, put a smile: "What is not suitable? Although it is now, the Group's head office will completely divide the Walder film production. Come,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"That is!"

A supervisor of the Ministry of Overseas Division, followed: "You just transferred to the Waldian shadow, just came to me to issue the company, and I was familiar with it in advance. Anyway, the days we deal in advance were more."

The voice falls.

Other executives in the field also have a statement, and Alexander appeared in the conference room and there would be no effect.

Of course, this is primarily based on this content, it does not need to be confidential.

"Well, then I will listen to your speech and learn to learn." Alexander is no longer confident.

Haierma suddenly said: "Pressure dead, Warner hit, you came over, it should be the issuance of" death of death 2 "," angry attack "," speed and passion "three movies?"


Alexander nodded.

In 2001, the 911 incident broke out, making "death of death", "angry attack", "speed and passion" have to be released, lost tens of millions of dollars, now the geographical period is right, naturally pushing these three movies as soon as possible market.

Alexander is here, it is for this!

"My thing will say later, you first meet." Alexander laughed.

I heard the words, the Haier horse nodded.

In the next time, the issuance of the company's executives on the movie "Kung Fu Panda", and conducts the current work report, and further promotion in the next period.

Europe, Asia, South America, Australia ...

More than 120 countries and regions overseas will be released in half a month later.

"It is an animated movie, and it is an animated movie that covers all ages. Therefore, it will not explode like" Spider-Man "," Harry Potter ", but its persistence It is very strong. "

"Don't forget, children's purchasing power is extremely amazing!"

"Just from the sponge baby house chain, the surrounding products of" Kung Fu Panda "animated film, the accumulated sales exceeded $ 1.7 million; at the same time, the dealers also feedback timely feedback from the surrounding agents. Data, the surrounding product sales exceeds $ 38 million, expects to reach at least $ 100 million in the next month. "

Haiermala, President of the issuer announced.

Undoubtedly, this is an exciting news!


You said that the sale of surrounding products is not related to the issuance company?

In fact, both are closely related!

The movie is hot, making surrounding products, while surrounding products will also drive more hot movies, and as the Wald issued company of the issuing company, the latest data results are required, thereby formulate or modify the movie's declaration strategy.


This short meeting is over.

In the next time, when other executives were spread, the Haierma, the President of the issued company, "the Death came 2", "anger", "speed and passion" three movies, to Alexander I have a little.

The movie "Death is coming 2", it is scheduled to be released this year's Halloween schedule;

The movie "anger" is tentatively released this year's Thanksgiving.

Movie "Speed ​​and Passion", is temporarily filled with Christmas schedule;

Now, it is already in September, that is, before the end of the year, the entire Wald issued company will tell the run and fully issue these three movies.

"Alexander, before the end of September, our issued company's focus is still" Kung Fu Panda ", this point you have to understand." Hilma silent.

"I know."

Alexander said: "But Mr. Kevin Feici told me that you will not be in the future ... Will not make a big hand of the three movies?"

Haierma frowned, said, "guy, you don't forget," Death is coming 2 "These movies itself should be completed last year, and the company has lost more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ more than $ 30 million last year."


Walder image.

Today, Zhu Ke did not appear in the Group's head office, but came to the Waldian shadow. Well, accurately said that it is in the editing of Walder.

In the clip, Jac is in the town to direct a editorial person, and scissors the movie "the day after tomorrow".

Director Roland Almise?

He is not here!

Although Roland Emeiqi is the first-line commercial director of Hollywood, I have directed a series of soldiers such as "Independence Day", "Cosla", and "the day after tomorrow" director, but Hollywood in the form of the producer, he still does not have a movie editor.

The editorial rights of the movie "the day after tomorrow" is determined, and it is completely in the hands of Juli as this filmmaker.

That's right!

This time, Zhu Ke will personally command the editing of "the day after tomorrow".

"If I just cross the meeting, even if I have seen the full movie of" The Sky ", I also have studied it, and I can't compete for the editor. But now?"

"Not I boast, I am completely capable of completing it!"

Zhu Ke is confident, after all, in these years, it can be seen that there have been countless big winds.


At this time, a knock on the door.

The new chief assistant, the Pillard of the love tilt knife, he came in.

"Is there?" Zhu Ke asked.

Villa's head: "BOSS, just I received an invitation from the invitation from the CEO Larrp, Dena Her Group."

It's him? !

Judo immediately frowned, but he turned into the eyes and smiled. "You reply to the past, say that I will attend."

At this moment, I was slightly surprised to Pelia.

It is necessary to know that he begins with the chief assistant of Jug Ke, just ten days, just inviting the invitation to invite Zhu Ke to more than 100, with different enterprises, charity, individual, and even more than a dozen Invitation from overseas countries and regions.

The results of it?

Zhu Ke basically returns!

Even if some invitation is very important, Judi has not personally proceeded, but arranged someone else.


This invitation from Dena Her Group, Judi only used a short a few seconds to decide to attend, you said that Can Pilla?

"You think is wrong, there are many companies that are strong than the Bantanah Group, but I also see the current CEO Rarikarpi of the Red Danah Group. You don't have a little bit of him. He is definitely a big figure."

Zhu Kexin said.

From 2000 to 2014, Larry Calp put Danah from a industrial manufacturer and successfully transformed into a technology company. Also, in 14 years of Denah, Danah's market value and income rose by 5 times.

In 2015, Larry Calp entered General Electric Co., after a few years, he became the head of this billion dollars!

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