Hollywood starts with animation

Chapter 702 State Through Andersin!

"New York Times" said: "Recently, this newspaper received the news, the TC has a huge amount of money, deficiency, profit, fraud, and private private privileges, in order to protect the interests of investors, recommend Stock Exchange Commission and third parties The auditors quickly intervened to avoid huge economic losses. "

"Bloomberg", said: "The World Tong is the second largest call company in the United States. It is the American traditional telecom industry giant, in the first quarter of the past, its market value exceeds 100 billion dollars, is a unclatted giant Enterprises, but recently, it has a great security hazard. "

Shi Tong!

Shi Tong!

Shi Tong!

Or the world!

For a whole day, the major mainstream media, especially financial news and social news areas, the World Tong Company has the existence of the headlines and is recognized by the broad masses.

The speed of the message is fast, and it is also generally unstoppable.

Things have developed to this step, the chairman of the World Tong Dai, Shaw An Eyes, etc.


"How to conceal, what to hide?"

"To know that the single is the case that has been exposed these ten days, the amount of illegal amount exceeds 100 million US dollars, who knows how deep it in this pit ?!"


"300 million"

"Even more!"

"My God! I didn't think of Bernard Eibus, they were so big, this, this, this is ... to bring the World Tong Company to the abyss! "

Chairman Dai Ni Xiao · An Eyes is like a dead ash.

All day long, he is almost completely in the wilderness, more is frightening!

The development of things has been completely separated from his control.

In other words, he told it!

Today, when I was in the day, the US-related departments and the Securities Exchange Commission officially issued the instrument on the company, announced that formal intervention will enter the deeper survey to the company; and third-party audit agencies KPMG accounting firm, will take over at any time All accounts of the Castantong company.

Schkot Suli, Audit Officer, David Mei Yez, total accountant Brownie ...

Wait for more than ten people, it was summoned away from the afternoon.

The storm is coming soon!

The elites of Wall Street are very excited!

Goldman Sachs, Mei Lin Securities, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Berson, five major investment banks, hundreds of Wall Street, including the big wind capital of Zhuke name, with a large capital admission.

cover up?

Oh, there is no need!

"Don't hide you at all!"

"In addition to the staff of DC Company and bond holders, no one is concerned about the World Tong company. We just know that it is enough, it is good to map, and it is a huge interest!"

Wall Street's funds have admitted.

The same capital forces from Europe, Asia, and Australia, there is no delay, with a large amount of money, followed by it.

Moody, Standard & Poor and Huixao International, is known as the "three major international credit rating agencies", with the gradual fermentation of the Corporate's scandal, three credit rating agencies also indicate attitudes.

Enterprise A Credit Rating ...

See the ghost!

The three credit rating agencies quickly lowered the Credit ratings of the CHC, don't say it is a class, even the BBB level, the BB level is not given to you, I can only give you a B level.

"In my term, the Financial Audit of Stander is absolutely clean, I firmly believe that Dynasty will still be in the industry leader and set standards for the later people."

- Bernard Ebus.

This sentence is derived from April 30, 2002, the chairman of the Chairman of Day Tong, the speech at the press conference at the time of the press conference.

With the exposure of the scandal, no one believes in him.

At the same time, the US President Bush's anger in the Western Seven Summit in Canada was unstoppable, indicating that we must fully investigate the CHO.

Natural collapse!

Everything is like a tsunami generally unstoppable!

It's too fast, soon, the Bernard Eibus, who is fast, the Chairman Bernard Eibus before, he is in a whitehead, and his beard is also white.

He has no way!

The representative of the "American Dream", he sent a milk worker, he panicked at this moment, or ... desperate.


Great wind capital.

"An Emperor!"

"Mr. Cherpu!"

"Cherow President!"

At this moment, a high-cost executive inside the wind capital, a partner has gathered together.

CEO An Emperor Chero Rings, Lang Sheng: "I have won the full authorization of Mr. Wald, the event will be responsible by me, now, including the next month, everyone must listen to me. s arrangement."

"Please leave, vacation, annual fake, all canceled, keep your post with twelve energy!"

The voice falls.

Ms. Cleles, Vice President of Chief Data Analytics, Vice President of Tor Tasos, Senior Partner Barudit, has a counted, with support.

CEO An Emperor Torp said again: "This meeting, I only said two points. One, two of the targets, there are two objectives, respectively, the company itself, and the peace of the company's account review Weicked accounting firm; "

"Second, this admission will not be less than 2 billion US dollars, while preparing for non-$ 1 billion reserves, to ensure our profit."

Everyone nodded.

Vice President Toros laughed: "Andexin as a world-renowned accounting firm, second only to Populandong Road, KPMG, Deloitte, with Anyong Company, the last Enron incident, Andexin I planted a heart, this time the CHOK, if there is a huge deficit situation, it is estimated that Anddin will definitely can't run, it is very likely to be bankrupt, close. "

When you come out, everyone is just happy.


It is a well-known accounting firm!

There is an all in front of Ran, then there is a special financial review of the third party of these two hundred billion giants, which is borne by Andexin!

The unsettled collapse of the energy giant, and the reputation of the Anda Letter Accounting Affairs has suffered serious blow and the loss of financial is $ 2 billion.

It's tall!

However, what this time this time?

"I also said, it's awkward!" Ms. Clare, Chief Data Analytics laughed.

Therefore, this high-wind capital is in this incident, both of the company, and will not let the Andexin company.

In the words of CEO An Emperor Cherpus: "Shi Tong, Anda Letter, together!"


Unimaginable huge benefits!

Everything is like a delicious cake, waiting for a hunger to swarming!

"" Second. "

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