Hollywood starts with animation

Chapter 535 - Son of Heaven.

In 2020, a number of Hollywood's leading media outlets are calling Nolan "Spielberg", the next Spielberg.

Is Nolan really worthy of these accolades?

Whether it's the early films "The Following," "Fragments of Memory," and "Insomnia," or the later "Batman" trilogy, "Deadly Magic," "Nightmare," "Star Trek," and "Dunkirk." ......

Having been in the industry for decades, all of the films he has made have turned a profit.

Even the film "Creed", which pounced at the box office in the eyes of many, had far worse box office figures.

Over $200 million in production costs!

The production companies lost money doped.

But the fact is that the licensing of the industry surrounding the movie Creed made a lot of money for the production company even before the movie was released.

This shows how strong the commercial properties of Nolan's films are.

Nolan has been in the business for decades, and although he has never won a single Class A international film award, he is literally a walking cash cow for Hollywood studios!

"The pride of the film industry!

It's the best praise that many, many studios have given Christopher Nolan since 2010.

"So here's the problem!"

"Before 2010, before Nolan, which film director in Hollywood was called the pride of the film industry?"

The answer is - Michael Bay!

In 1994, directed his first film, "Jedi", which cost $8 million to produce and grossed $140 million at the global box office.

In 1996, he made his second film, The Island of the Living Dead, which grossed $335 million at the box office worldwide.

In 1998, directed the sci-fi action film The Expendables, which was released in North America and grossed $36.08 million in its first three days at the box office in North America, eventually taking in $550 million worldwide.

In just a few short years, Michael Bay completed his glamorous Hollywood transformation into one of the hottest directors of the 90's, and he was the most glorious pup of the directing session of that era!

The name "Son of God" has gone viral.

He later created the "Transformers" series of movies, that is even bombed over the world, completely will his name engraved in the history of the film among.

But ...... And now?

Today, in 2001, he's a little confused!

"I made the Pearl Harbor movie that was supposed to blow up the world and have millions of people singing my praises and selling out the box office, but you guys are telling me that ...... It has lousy word of mouth?!"

I'm not willing to accept that!

Nor do they want to believe it!

Man, you know Michael Bay, today, is the pride of the movie industry!

At one point, Michael Bay, who had just finished a promotional campaign, had his old face change color somewhat. The expressions change, richly.

Ben Affleck and Kate Beckinsale, the male and female stars of the film "Pearl Harbor," looked at Michael Bay, whose expressions were changing, and wondered a lot.

"What's happening?" Affleck whispered.

"I don't know."

Kate Beckinsale shook her head and whispered, "It must be because of the movie Pearl Harbor that could make Michael Bay change like that, but it doesn't make sense, does it?"

Affleck nodded, "Yeah, that doesn't make sense. The assistant was so nice to tell me just now that Pearl Harbor was a box office hit, with a good attendance, far better than District 9, which was released at the same time."

"By all rights, the director should be very hyper."

The two were filled with doubts.

However, the two didn't take it more seriously!

After all, being cast in Pearl Harbor, a movie that cost $140 million to produce and $100 million to promote, and riding the coattails of the Disney Group, is certainly a huge career advancement for any actor.

"I kind of can't wait!"

"God ~ I'm so curious to know the box office of the movie Pearl Harbor now, whether it's the first day, the first three days of the first weekend, or the final box office ......"

"The Oscars have one actress a year, but how many actresses get to be in A-list commercial blockbusters that cost over $100 million to produce?"

"Oh, I've surpassed many, many others!"

"I have a bright future ahead of me!"

Actress Kate Beckinsale, at the moment, is filled with a multitude of wonderful thoughts about the future.

Ben Affleck is a little more reserved.

But he was also hyper-excited.

"The Pearl Harbor movie is bound to sell out, after all, director Michael Bay is the pride of heaven and a guarantee for the box office!" Ben Affleck's mind.

Michael Bay: "......"


Wald Films.


"Mr. Wold!"


Zhuke, who had just left the parent company, Golden Dawn Entertainment Group, now appeared at Wold Pictures. As soon as he stepped into the door of Wold Pictures, he was greeted like an emperor.

All the employees who saw Zhuke, all of them got up at the first opportunity to greet him.

The big boss is here, you don't show off?

You want to wait for death?

The first thing Jukes said when he met President Kevin Feige was, "Did Disney use a lot of resources to suppress the negative news about Pearl Harbor?"

"Yes, Boss."

Kevin Feige nodded, "Since the release of Pearl Harbor, word of mouth has rapidly declined, and leaving aside its approximately 40 minutes of wonderfully explosive scenes, the rest of the film is a very dogged love triangle. Many moviegoers left the movie vomiting the first time they saw it."

At this point, Kevin Feige is having a blast.

"Oh my God!"

"I still don't understand what Michael Bay, known as 'Exploding Bay' and 'Exploding Maniac', was thinking,"

"The theatrical release of the film Pearl Harbor is 183 minutes long, with only a mere 40 minutes of exciting scenes, the rest of the story can simply be described as long and dull. It is said that any theatergoer who was in the theater during the movie went to the bathroom. Tsk, tsk~ That's a lot of pee!"

Explosive Bay shot Pearl Harbor differently this time, with very few pure war scenes, too many artistic attributes, and a huge amount of personal reflection within his own mind.

Emulating Titanic?

About love?

Play Arts?

He's screwing up!

Juk slurred, "The pride of heaven exploded Bay, this one is probably going to be bad, it's just a joy to hear!"

Down with the well, gloating and taking advantage of the danger ......

These dirty tricks, Jukes can't play too well!

Kevin Feige smiled, "Although these negative stories have been concentrated today, Disney moved quickly to suppress the negative news. However, I estimate that even Disney has suppressed it for 3 to 5 days at most."

Upon hearing this, Juko immediately narrowed his eyes and said, "We're old friends with Disney, we can't just stand by and watch them deceive the audience, it's unethical. In a word, it must be exposed!"

"Understood, boss."

Kevin Fitch was instantly impressed.

"Squinting isn't even good." Kevin Fitch looked at his boss and slandered under his breath.

Pushing the envelope, he Kevin Fitch wasn't bad at it either.

With a single command, the entire force of Wold Studios spread out quickly!

Even on the part of the parent company, Golden Dawn Entertainment Group, Victor, who is the CEO, was the first to order the publicity to go along with it, revealing all the negative news about Pearl Harbor being suppressed, and subtly adding to it.

The tactics weren't necessarily clever, but practical enough!

Two newspapers, the California Entertainment Journal and the Los Angeles Entertainment Journal, are more than willing to be the vanguard of this rush!

The second shift of the book is up.

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