Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 750 Internal troubles (seeking subscription, tickets)

The weather at the end of April has already begun to heat up.

Avi-Allard was wearing a formal suit and walking slowly in the aisle of Marvel Entertainment. He didn't worry much about Lyman's visit, and even looked forward to it.

He has inquired about the strength of Firefly, and he doesn't know much, but the cash flow is always healthy, because their movies are always profitable.Recently, another movie had a box office of over 250 million.

Thinking about the assets this person holds, if he wants to join the Marvel family, he must be the first to agree.

This year, who doesn't like shareholders with strong financial resources.

As a man who used to start as a toy factory and most of his business is to cover the needs of Marvel comics, he is a rare person who pays more attention to Marvel, otherwise he will not take the initiative to take the mess, and put a good toy factory manager improperly. Came to owe a debt.

If it weren't for him, Marvel would have been gone. It would not be too much to describe him as "Marvel's savior", and he really wants to make Marvel bigger and stronger.

Since he took office, he no longer sold the character image at a low price, but actively moved closer to the field of film and television, knowing that he has an idea.

When Lyman saw him, he was smiling and kind.

The two exchanged greetings and took their seats.

Avi Allard didn't know that this person came to acquire Marvel Entertainment, otherwise he would certainly not be so polite.

Lehman didn't know that this person was so positive, and he just said: "Mr. Marvel, can you tell us how much you earn each year?"

Avi-Allard frowned as soon as he heard it—how could such a thing be so casual?There is no such thing as a face-to-face discussion. I have to listen to me about Marvel's prospects and then invest in shares.Whether to enter the board of directors has to be discussed carefully.

"I know."

Lehman ignored him and explained Marvel's profit expenditures from 2004 to 2006.

Avi-Allard felt chills when he heard it. One thing was that the person in front of him seemed to be here prepared, not as if he came to invest;

Secondly, why are they so familiar with the internal accounting of their company?What do you want?

"Marvel's life is not easy," Lehman continued: "Now let me explain again. I want to buy Marvel wholly. Would you like to talk about it?"


The corresponding appeal shows that Avi-Allard's mood is already very unbeautiful, and Lehmann sees it and takes the initiative to leave.

He came to see if Avi-Allard was willing to give up, but he wanted to come, in charge of Marvel for so many years, he is no longer the former toy factory director, he wants more, status, not money.

Avi-Allard did not want to talk, so he had to slowly disintegrate from the inside, otherwise it would be easier.

In the afternoon, Brian Lord took the initiative to invite.

Allard came out of the office and drove away while some employees were watching.

After going to the country club, thinking of Lehman's visit before, and then people like Brian also came to him, it was hard not to have any ideas in his heart, but he still agreed with the kind invitation.

See what he said.

As soon as he entered the lounge, the corners of Allard's mouth raised slightly, seemingly laughing: "Why are you interested in asking me out today?"

"Hahaha, don't think about it."

Brian didn't care, and eagerly pulled Arad to sit down.

"Is it an acquisition?" Allard was not polite. "Please CAA as a lobbyist?"

"That's right." Brian Lord raised his head and looked at Arad, "Find a next home and take off the burden. Is it a good thing for you at this time?"

"Oh, good thing?" Allard said lightly: "But I don't want to."

"Sir, do you think so."

"I have been here for so many years, how can I let go at will." Allard softened his attitude and said his own thoughts, "However, if Firefly is willing to join in, it may not be impossible. Personally I can give up half of the equity, and there should be on the board People are willing. Both parties want to have this relationship, I agree very much."

"Yes, the regulations have to ensure that the management remains unchanged, what do you think."

Avi-Allard chuckled slightly, not at all irritated by the fact that his careful thoughts were broken.

CAA is something he can't afford, and he doesn't want to have a bad relationship.

"As long as you agree and you can exchange a large amount of cash, why are you not willing? With this money, how many times the return is far more than the investment?" Brian asked.

"Ha," Allard shook his head slightly, "Why do you think he wants to buy Marvel?"

"He is a director, has a studio and distribution channels, what do you say for?"

"Confident to succeed?"

"Who knows, it has nothing to do with me."

Allard sighed: "Blade Warrior is barely profitable, and Hulk is losing money. Although Spider-Man is successful, it won't last long. Why does he take such a big risk. Fully owned? No discussion about this." ——He grabbed my things.

"It's easy to talk, I'll persuade him when I go back." — Don't give way, then it will be a little troublesome.

The two exchanged ideas and left amicably.


For a financially unhealthy listed company, the sense of security of shareholders is inevitably insufficient.

In addition, Marvel’s controlling party and management have also experienced a lot of conflicts, but there is no incentive, and they are worried about asset returns, which is covered up.

It is conceivable that once a bully is willing to take over, it will definitely attract a part of the controlling party to cash out and leave, and if Firefly is really allowed to enter Marvel, the core managers headed by Avi Arad and Ike Patem will not. May continue to serve at Marvel.

In other words, the top level must change blood, the middle and bottom level must try their best to win, because what Lehman wants is a more complete Marvel, not an empty shell with all the talents gone.

Although these two people are very knowledgeable and thoughtful, the future has proved their success, and Lehman can't tolerate it.

Marvel does not allow other voices, especially the two people are extremely huddled together. The controlling party tried to insert his own person several times, but was rejected.This is also the reason for the change in Lehman's attitude.

To put it bluntly, before Lehman approached Marvel, the core managers and some shareholders had disagreements. People had shares, and Arad and others were unwilling to give up more power. They fought against each other several times. Victims, leavers have every year.

In the evening the next day.

Allard’s mansion was brightly lit.

Several familiar old friends gathered to deal with the acquisition crisis.

However, everyone’s faces are a little sad, mainly because Marvel’s assets are indeed unhealthy as Lehman said. If Spider-Man has not been popular in recent years and comics and toy factories have benefited, they may have to sell it again. The son" returned to his blood.

Several managers have done this kind of thing, and the Hulk has nothing to do with it.

And they are sold thoroughly, and the copyrights of the corresponding characters are not retained.

Planning to win over shareholders, large and small, makes people feel that they have more room for development in controlling Marvel and give everyone confidence. Arad’s assistant hurriedly reported: “They refused and said that the shares have been sold. "

Avi-Allard was surprised and annoyed when he heard it, mainly because he was not eager to treat some minority shareholders before, and even because these shareholders always wanted to unite and push him down, the two sides had already torn apart.

If no one takes over, it’s okay, then the investment is bad, but when CAA sends someone to contact them, saying that Firefly is willing to talk at the right price, one by one they agree quickly.

This method of joint shareholder boycott is difficult.

"Sir, the United Bank requires us to repay the loan as soon as possible, and they are not willing to continue lending."

It is bad news again.

Union Bank is one of the banks with the most debts, and it is doing this now.

Avi-Allard can be regarded as an experience of CAA's ability to connect. He has heard of some before, but he didn't feel it on the ground. How can it be so intuitive?

Moreover, once several creditor banks jointly force repayment, Marvel's daily operations will be affected.

——This must let me out. Why can’t you just sit down and talk about it? It’s not that you don’t want to release shares, but you want so much and you don’t have any room for it. What’s that?what is this!

Avi Allard is very angry.

"Immediately, immediately notify the department management meeting."

After all, the party was angrily ended.

However, the premise that the original space-time Marvel can let go because of the debt problem is that the controlling party and the management reluctantly reach an agreement, and the independent development of the project is also a gamble.

But now that there are better choices, who wants to take the money to bet on the success of the project?

Capitalists are not stupid. Everyone knows which risk is greater.

At the meeting, the plan on mortgage of comic characters and filming was not passed.

Until Brian Lord visited again, Avi Allard discussed in a low voice, "I only reserve 5% of the shares, and even surrender the position of chairman. How about retaining only the shareholder seat?"

"He said, a wholly-owned acquisition."

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