Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 695 The same but not the same revenge theme (seeking subscription, tickets)

"Although the plot is difficult to scrutinize, the film needs some dramatic conflicts, whether it is novels, operas, music, etc., have similar effects that they want to achieve; Director Nolan uses his own strongest language after all It conveyed to the audience something other than the plot-truth and kindness are the first elements of life; in other words, the film elements of this film are all available, and the audience's vision, hearing, and perception are all packed.

Let me evaluate, the greatest magician in "Fatal Magic" is obviously not Angel or Burden, but director Christopher Nolan.

So far, Christopher Nolan's movies have roughly highlighted the same theme: revenge, which is often associated with paranoia, loneliness, and alienation.Just as the revenge of the protagonist suffering from short-term memory loss in "Memories", the revenge of the protagonist suffering from insomnia in "Insomnia", and the revenge of Bruce Wayne from the tragedy of youth in "Batman".In "Fatal Magic", revenge is transformed into a tit-for-tat confrontation between the two protagonists, and this tit-for-tat introduction is also derived from the drowning of Anjie's wife.

And in "Fatal Magic", Nolan once again demonstrated his subtle manipulation of the film's narrative structure.At the beginning of the film, analogous montage was adopted, linking the old prop master’s explanation of magic for the girl with the last performance of An Jie on the timeline, completing the flashback opening, which is more than the bombing flashback in "Memories". It is more mellow and free, echoing the theme while completing an invisible transition, the film naturally transitions to the court part.

It seems a bit obscure to say this.

But from the whole structural axis, we can see how complicated the narrative mode of the film is.This is a mixed narrative of flashbacks, interspersed narratives, and direct narratives that many directors are trying but hard to play.

Under the theme: "Vengeance", the film also discusses "obsession and sacrifice". The obsession makes Anjie and Burden continue to pursue improvement and reach the limit of magic, for which they both made extraordinary sacrifices.

In addition, compared with Nolan's superb structure operation, in addition to carefully constructing amazing story content, many details hints abound in the movie, only to be discovered by the careful audience.

For example, the birdcage magic in the movie.This magic is the most important one in the whole movie.Burden's "Transformation" is essentially the same as the birdcage magic, except that the cage becomes a door, one disappears and the other jumps out.The same is the cooperation of two birds and two people.

Of course, there are also some controversies due to the tight plot or something else.For example: after the copy machine, which Anjie is true?In subsequent performances, every time he drowned in the props just to seduce him into the game.So, is the dead copy or the subject?

Also, Burden was hanged in the end, and it was the real Burden or the twin "Fallon" who died.It is random for two people to change their identities, so how do you tell which two people are?Can the death of his wife be forgiven?

Aside from these, this film is still very unique and exciting.It can be said that the whole film can be magic, but it is not magic.

What's interesting is that Tesla in the movie does have a person in history. In his early years, he was a colleague of Edison. He was responsible for the development of DC generators at Edison, but he later invented AC with the funding of Westwood.This led to a dispute between direct current and alternating current, Tesla and Edison's break, and the two tit-for-tat. The historical events hidden behind the plot are somewhat similar to the plot.God knows how many secrets there are in this movie.

Finally, if you use a narration to summarize it, it is, "You really, do you understand?"-"Atlanta Journal"


With the promotion of Blue Butterfly Pictures and the affirmation of most film critics, the screening of "Deadly Magic" quickly rose.

In addition to the "Atlanta Journal"'s unrelenting praise, "Premiere" also commented: "If the movie is a magic, then it has achieved a success that can only be achieved in the Victorian era."

"Although this is not a mainstream commercial film, it can still bring a sense of surprise to the audience. I don't know how Christopher Nolan coordinated all this."-"Entertainment Weekly"

However, there are not so good reviews. "Variety" commented: "It can be seen that Director Nolan wants to discuss more humane things in the film, but it seems that he messed up, which affected the overall rhythm of the film. The performances of the two lead stars Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale are very commendable."

The New York Times stated slightly harshly: "From the perspective of the movie-watching experience, suspense is not all suspense, and science fiction is not all science fiction. From any aspect, it makes people feel boring and dull, although the last half an hour The reversal in here is more eye-catching, especially when An Jie pitted Burden. He thought he had a chance to win and was counter-killed by Burden, but overall it was still not brilliant."


The eloquent text and comments roughly show the mainstream media's sense of "Deadly Magic".

Regardless of the good or the bad, from the side, for Nolan, having such a wide range of evaluations can be regarded as a real cause of him to break away from the ranks of "less little directors" and move towards more top directors Threshold advances.

His talents really have a place in Hollywood through the two works of "The Mystery of Chivalrous Shadow" and "Fatal Magic", rather than a dispensable person.

Before he became famous, who would pay attention to him?

Are film critics and the media really interested in films like "Memories" that can't even be reached at the box office?

of course not.

But Nolan succeeded and became famous. Whether it was for topicality or traffic, someone digs everything behind him, and even the information of family members has been dug transparently.

This can be considered a bit annoying for famous people. From then on, the space of private life will be compressed even smaller.

After the premiere, it is the audience market that needs to prove word of mouth the most.

The excitement between the Internet and the media and newspapers is only used to guide the audience and fans.

As the most important work in the September schedule of Blue Butterfly Pictures, most of the energy and resources have been devoted to this "Fatal Magic" under the guidance of the staff of the publicity department.

Following the line of "promoting achievements by word of mouth and enthusiastic actors", the performance of the theaters is also moving in this direction step by step.

The topic of the film is injected into the audience level, and those who are interested in this will go to the theater to support, and then join the discussion fever to share their opinions.

Saturday, September 16.

After the first day of release, the premiere results of "Fatal Magic" were quickly released.

In fact, Lehmann fell asleep only after knowing the film's results last night.

With a box office of 14.81 million U.S. dollars, a single library close to more than 60 million, and the attendance rate maintained at about 80% of the screening data. Although it is not very prominent, it still airborne the daily box office with an unmatched advantage in the schedule with worse data. champion.

Sometimes, the box office's height needs to be set off by the opponent.

In other words, in mid-September, all the studios did not come up with their ace projects, but the performance of "Fatal Magic" seemed to be very powerful.

Audience, there is generally a herd mentality.

The movie that hangs at the top of the charts easily attracts most people's attention.

As for those in the industry, no one will forget that this is only the September schedule, and the market is a little cold. The 14.81 million score on the first day cannot be said to be bad, but it hasn't broken any record.

It’s also worth mentioning that in the original time-space October schedule, there are competitions for masterpieces such as "The Flag of the Fathers" and "The Infinite Walker", but in September, what is "Wan Fu Men" (Disney), "Rejuvenation" Movies like "Ball Style" (Colombia) are not well-known at all.

Compared with each other, the screening situation of "Deadly Magic" will only be better.

This is also true. In the absence of many strong opponents, 13.35 million the next day, 14.04 million on Sunday, and a total of 42.2 million US dollars in the three-day box office won the weekly box office champion (September 11 to September 17). day).

In this way, the box office in the first weekend is still higher than the forecast data, which also makes Blue Butterfly Pictures more motivated...

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