Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 650 When the killing is going on (seeking subscription, tickets)

In the moonlight, Moss drove to the fire and hit the scene.

But he didn't think he had just stopped when someone came to chase him from the hillside.

The incoming person drove the car and shot without any nonsense.

Moss knew that life was hard to save, but he was very familiar with the nearby geography and knew that there was a river in front of him, and he could only escape there.

Moss strode along the s-line, followed by the people behind him.

But the bullet didn't last long, Moss still got a shot in the shoulder, but fortunately the river was so close, Moss plunged in.

The vehicle could no longer move forward, and the night light was not good, so the people in the vehicle had to let the hounds chase.

The hound roared fiercely, and the voice spread far away.

But Moss did not panic at all. After landing, he took out the pistol from his belt and reloaded it, and he breathed heavily into the barrel to reduce his dampness. He did some extreme operations and dared to daring to pounce on the hound. One shot killed...

The story of Moss came to an end.

The mushroom head appeared in the audience's field of vision again.

Ian watched intently, surprised Lyman's sophistication.

The multi-line narrative processing is not at all muddy and boring. Every process is very clean. Change the line when you need to change it. The most important thing is that it is structurally strong, and the theme of the word recklessness is closely related to the promotion process. , And continue to polish with scenes.

The so-called form is not scattered, this is it.

The most impressive thing about Moss, besides being calm and agile, is that after getting the box, he told his wife that he was going to do something stupid.

Carla asked, since it is a stupid thing, why do you still want to do it, and it's big night, can't you go tomorrow?

But Moss said, if I don't do it, I will regret it later.

If this were not the case, Moss would definitely not be injured if he did not return to the scene of the fire and he would be found.

Moss's persistence and the endless violent catharsis in the lens make the story icy and fierce, shining with a certain violent aesthetic.

Different from Wu Baige's slow motion and blood atomization, it is realistic and exciting.

This kind of violent factor hidden in genes is hard to seduce for works of the same type.

Mushroom head came to a grocery store at a gas station.

The owner is an old man who looks dazed.

He couldn't help being alert when he saw such a strangely dressed mushroom head walk in.

But the mushroom head is still so neurotic, and the brain circuit is unique.

He ate the candy while preparing to pay, then took out a coin from his pocket to let the shopkeeper guess the front and back.

The owner didn't want to guess, and felt baffled.

But Mushroom Tou insisted on letting him guess, as if he didn't guess right, he had to do it, and the old man was so scared that he had to close the door without the money.

But don't pay the bill, the mushroom head is still dissatisfied, and continues to let the shopkeeper guess the coin.

He also talked about a lot of reasons that must be guessed.

And all this is just the shopkeeper casually mentioning whether it came from Texas when the mushroom head came in, which made the mushroom head murderous.

However, Mushroom Head is a person who values ​​principles.

Of course, this principle was prescribed by him.

Whether to kill or not depends on this coin.

In such a tense atmosphere, the owner was right.

Mushroom head regretfully handed the coin to the shopkeeper and said that the coin was his lucky coin. It is best not to put it together with ordinary coins, because it is different and more meaningful.

Then, the camera went back to Moss.

He was injured, and after a simple bandage, he was about to take Cara away.

Throughout the whole process, the story of Moss' escape was told in less than four minutes in a montage way.

After Moss disappeared, Mondley was very angry when he listened to the report of his subordinates. In this realm, no one can challenge his authority, but what is more troublesome is that the investigators are constantly collecting what is not good for his mine. evidence.

Even if Mondley tried to hide a part of it, he was still afraid of being called by the authorities, so he hired a barrister to help him handle the entire hand and complete the procedures.

This barrister is Choate played by Heath Ledger.

An exquisite egoist who walks on the edge of gray, Choate has always believed that his knowledge can bring him benefits.

Therefore, he always likes to serve certain wealthy people, because only these people need to avoid the law, get into the gap, and give him a lot of compensation.

In addition, Monterey believes that someone must have reported him, otherwise the investigators would not be so enthusiastic about the matter, and they also refused his bid.

Such things generally involve interests.

After several thoughts, Monterey set his sights on a mining company in the town, because in this area, only the two of them are doing this and they are peers.

But the other party is also very powerful. Monterey didn't want to directly confront him, so he asked his subordinates to tie up a management team to interrogate if the other party did it.

The man couldn't withstand the death threat-without speaking, he poured alcohol into his mouth. It was still a mixture of high alcoholic drinks. Even if he died, it could be said that he drank too much and had heart palpitations.

Then, this person really died, because he really didn't know, what he said didn't follow, and there was no logic, which made Monterey very dissatisfied.

The outbreak of another bloody incident caused the entire cinema to exclaim. Even the slightly melodious orchestral music could not conceal this cruelty.

Looking at the innocent people being played to death, Monterey still took Qiaot to deal with investigators nonchalantly, and privately took out a large sum of money other than attorney fees to ask Qiaot to do perjury and complete the procedures. .

This kind of bloody transaction is really chilling.

Two completely different story directions, staggered expounding the same cold rules about wealth.

The more you stay on top of yourself, the more impoverished you are.

Miners and townsfolk are all targets of exploitation, but they are extremely disciplined and law-abiding.

But Moss, Anton, Monterey, Choate, and the subordinates who want to eat black, all get huge wealth easily, just because they are not so obedient to the rules and good at taking shortcuts.

This kind of great contrast, and the hard work of the mine at the beginning, I have to say that it is very cold-blooded to tell the truth here.

Capital has always been bloody.

This is just right and even deliberately controlled, sophisticated and mature.

While dealing with investigators, Monterey ordered his men to erase the risk.

The biggest risk at this time is the disappearing Moss, because he knows the murder and the property in his hands.

But it is not easy to find Moss, and the subordinates can't leave the town for too long, because Monterey doesn't believe that these people will betray again.

So he found someone to help him invite the famous killer Anton to deal with the risk.

And Anton, also known as Mushroom Head, accepted the task very happily after committing multiple murders.

After confessing the details privately through acquaintances, and a photo of Moss, Mushroom Head suddenly asked if anyone nearby knew him.

The man was stunned, saying that we are very concealed, unless you are targeted, otherwise there will be no accident.

Mushroom head nodded, somewhat clear, and then raised his hand to kill the person who came to him.

Before he died, the man was suspicious and resentful, making the mushroom head fill up a shot, another shot, another shot...

Seeing that the man was beaten into a sieve, he lost his breath.

A smile appeared on Mushroom Head's face. This smile was evil, with coldness in the brilliant, as if indifferent.

The top-down lens gives a clear close-up.

But after killing the quest person, Mushroom Head still found Moss' whereabouts. He killed people, only to look at his mood, he would kill if he wanted to kill, without too many reasons.

This crazy, impenetrable and dangerous figure made the audience in the cinema unavoidably mutter a few words.

Because this kind of person never knows what is in his mind, living too much of himself is also scary.

However, the mood of the audience is still closely affected by the development of the plot...

The story finally returned to Police Officer Ed.

He continued to track the occurrence of the first murder case and noticed the tragedy of Linzhou Police Station, and felt that a perverted murderer jumped out of this world.

Not long ago, I just sent a new adult garbage to the electric chair.

He visited from house to house, and then discovered that Moss, the hunter in the town, had suddenly left.

According to neighbors around, I drove away at night and walked in a hurry.

This situation gave Ed a little idea, at least it was also a visible clue.

Only then did the parallel narratives of the main characters come together.

Moss took the money and was on the run; Anton found it interesting to chase after him; Mondley asked the killer to deal with it; Choate was helping with the finishing touch; and the police Ed had just got a little specific direction to find.

A completely burned car was found in the wilderness. It was the police car carrying the killer Anton. The police in the next state found Ed and asked him to help detect it.

Later, more clues were exposed. The body of the first hapless person who died in the mine was also found. The disappearance case was solved, and Ed directly ushered in another murder case.

Then, the killer Anton ran to Texas and found Moss's house through clues, but Moss had already moved away.

Anton felt it couldn't be in vain, so he picked up a can of milk from the refrigerator, sat on the sofa and drank it. After drinking, he went to the nearest neighbor's house to ask.

The neighbor was a fat woman with an ugly face. Ed was only asked about it this morning. Now someone asked about Moss, which made her feel irritable, so she didn't want to answer.

Even if Anton gave her a smiley face, the fat woman still didn't show any face.

The short-spoken Anton was a little angry, and there was a faint threat in the words, but the fat woman was not afraid, and still didn't say anything. Anton was about to do something. Someone outside called the fat woman's name. In the daytime, there were still some Regretfully, Anton glanced at the fat woman and chose to leave.

Seeing Anton's "acquaintance" and deflated, the audience in the theater laughed and found it interesting.

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