Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 645 Sunglasses King (seeking subscription, tickets)

The process of the festival is very similar.

Moreover, most of the guests who participated in the opening ceremony endured hunger, and the organizers of course have to express themselves.

In the banquet hall not far from the venue, Lehmann rubbed his painful old waist, took some pastries and handed it to Eva.

After eating and drinking, and feeling almost the same, the scene becomes polite communication again.

At this time, Edmund outside the door came to Lehman and greeted with a smile: "Lehman, I will take you to meet someone."

"What?" Lehman didn't come out of a relaxed eating state for a while, and then he realized that Edmund was talking to him and nodded in agreement.

But Edmund looked at Eva again, Lehman patted his head, and quickly said a few words to Eva before he followed.

She must be inconvenient, especially when it comes to transactions and public relations.

Although Edmund is quite old, his actions are still very neat. Some time ago, in addition to helping Lehman advance the preparations for "Untouchable", he also did not forget the festival awards.

Therefore, this will also be an active matchmaking, allowing Lemanto to meet some important people.

Edmund looked at Lehman and smiled: "There is one member of this year's jury that you must know. He has a very good reputation in the industry."

"Can I know who it is?"

"Jiawei-Wang." Edmund stopped and turned around. He suddenly thought of something and smiled. "It stands to reason that the organizing committee cannot significantly intervene in the selection. That is not for the judges. Respect, but sometimes everyone has concerns...Well, anyway, as long as you understand, this is just an exchange..."

Lehman was puzzled, "He..."

"He is a smart man, and he won't suffer anyway."

"Well, well, I get it."

Although Lehman still had some doubts, he could not lose his courtesy.


Wang Jiawei, also known as the King of Sunglasses, loves to wear a pair of sunglasses.

Obviously he was a screenwriter, but when he was a director, he most disliked playing with a large number of investors according to the script, and crying a large group of actors.

In short, it is a weird thing.

What's even more bizarre is that his kind of freely shot movies are very popular internationally.

It is one of the rare Chinese regulars at the International Film Festival.

Not long ago, when the British film critics voted for the "Ten Greatest Directors of the 20th Century", they ranked this item ahead of such masters as Akira Kurosawa and Alfred Hitchcock.

A "In the Mood for Love" has captured the love of many female literary youths. The euphemistic and soft expressions in the film, the lack of dialogue and the emptiness of the scene, and the emotional scenes have seriously affected new directors like Sofia.

It can be said that the intentional treatment is the best way of Sunglasses King.

The appearance of this one is also easy to distinguish-always wears sunglasses, wide face, and can be seen from far away.

As for why Edmund took Lehman to get to know the King of Sunglasses, it is also because this product is not only the main judge of Cannes, but also because he has contacts in many regional film circles.

For example, Venice also likes to ask him to pretend.Oh no, review.

Since 9 years, this guy has grown into a big boss among international directors, but now that the Xiangjiang movie has declined and the mainland market has risen, the Sunglasses King has gradually reduced the production of filming, and his activity has dropped. The way of the judges swayed everywhere.

In short, this product is still very chic, but it is still popular in the circle without filming.

This can be regarded as the background of the profession of director. If the actor stops acting and does not produce results, it is estimated that he will retire early.

But if the director is too senior, he is definitely a card character.

Of course, the identity of the two does not count who is high and who is low, especially in terms of the relationship between the film festival.

If you compare it to the box office, Lehman is of course crushing, but unfortunately, film festivals seldom compare the box office-can filmmakers be measured by money?vulgar.However, Hollywood does not agree on this.

It is precisely because of this that the two can have fun meeting and chatting with each other.

And every time Lyman sees this product in photos or on the spot, he feels very happy.

Go up to the second floor with Edmund.

As soon as Lehmann saw the King of Sunglasses, he immediately said politely: "I often hear your name, and I don't want to meet him today."-Although Lehmann wanted to laugh when he saw his face, he still resisted.Etiquette cannot be lost.

After listening to the King of Sunglasses, a smile appeared on his face. With this smile, his eyes were very small and he felt more happy, "Haha, you are polite, and I often hear your name."-When speaking, very softly and naturally Hold Lyman's outstretched hand.

Of course, this is just a courtesy of kindness.

The King of Sunglasses often mixes in various countries, and he understands many ways of politeness. Even if it is a personal courtesy, this product is also suitable.

However, let's forget about the two big men, similarly kind, even Lehman is somewhat fluffy.

"Come on, let's sit inside--" The Sunglasses King took out his hand calmly, and continued to greet very normally.

After introducing the two of them, Edmund smiled, and then said: "By the way, the jury has tried internally in the past few days to see if there are any conclusions. Wait a few days, and we need to come up with a result first. ."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Sunglasses Wang smiled and nodded, "There will definitely be an answer in a few days. Of course, the "Old Nowhere" directed by Lehman is naturally excellent, and I personally like it..." ——Really, the organizing committee sells favors, but let me pay for the endorsement, not that.

The king of sunglasses was gloomy.

Becoming such a chief judge, the film predecessors have more big names than him, no matter how the critics are not tenable.

"That's good. Haha." Edmund gave Lehman a look.

Ever since, Lyman also began to tout.

What your "Chongqing Forest" and "In the Mood for Love" have gained a lot after watching them, and what you admire is naturally to be lifted.

Since there is something to be desired, of course the attitude must be eager.

Of course, the King of Sunglasses has heard a lot of similar polite remarks these days. Which one is not thinking about awards and wanting him to be the offender.

Since then, he also immediately admired: "After watching "Old Nowhere", I felt deep in my heart and extremely happy. Well, until the day of the screening, I will definitely join in again and invite a few friends."

"Haha, bothering me," Edmund said.

"Where, is everyone a director."

Lyman couldn't help but thanked him with satisfaction.

The film festival is like that.

Find an acquaintance to find a way out.

You help me to cheer for a while, I help you stand on the stage, or owe personal affection or something, everyone knows that it is just a deal, but it is dressed in the coat of a filmmaker.

After all, whether the movie can win an award or not, the audience has no idea, at most it is a reference.

The organizing committee and the jury can have a relationship, thanks to the fact that Lehman's film career has grown stronger now, and the more he is willing to help.

Later, Sunglasses King also deliberately talked about the movies in the non-main competition unit and revealed some of his thoughts.

For example, two or three works in the shortlist, hope to be taken care of.

From this, he can also take care of the favors behind him who come to the door smoothly.

Speaking of which, everyone plays like this.

Isn't it the way to build a network of relationships step by step if you owe each other personal feelings or exchange interests?

Everyone carries the sedan chair, nothing more.

Lehman thought for a while and nodded: "Those movies are what I think are good, of course they need to be shown more."-It seems that the number of films has to be changed slightly.

Lehman put on an attitude that had already been like this, which was incredibly straightforward.

The King of Sunglasses laughed "hehe" and said in his heart, this man is also interesting, you understand.Pretend to be so real.

However, the King of Sunglasses is also a good hand in human relations, and he did not reveal it, so he had to change the topic and continue chatting.

After the transaction is completed, of course, a few words are needed.Etiquette cannot be lost.

Lyman smiled and pretended to be full of talk, while watching Edmund keep talking.

I always find it interesting.

If it's an Oscar, Harvey Weinstein would do the same.

In fact, this is the one who has figured out the rules. After all, the judges always hope to get benefits, respect, and fame from such selections.

Harvey is clever, relying on Jewish ancestry, after entering the circle, he proactively caters to him, and he won't be too extraordinary to achieve that kind of scenery.

Lyman couldn't help but think...

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