Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 629 No Eye Monster (seeking subscription, votes)

In the depths of the tree hole, there is really a big toad hidden.

This was Ophelia's first thought when she saw this ugly monster. She only praised the magical "Book of Astray" in her heart, but was not afraid.

According to the instructions, Ophelia took out the magic stone she was carrying.

As soon as the big toad spirit saw the magic stone, he spit out a long stone, tied Ophelia's right hand, and wanted to pull it in its direction.

Obviously Ophelia didn't have the strength of the toad, so she had to let go, and the magic stone was swallowed by the toad.

After eating the magic stone, the toad spirit closed its big golden brown eyes in agony, and his body surged and vomited out a large mass of vomit.

And in the vomit, there is the golden key.

Ophelia endured the nausea, successfully took the key, and crawled out without daring to stay for a moment.

After going out, it was already dark.

Ophelia was covered with mud, her whole body was dirty, it happened to have rained, and her new clothes were soaked.

She looks like a little beggar like this.

In the camp, the preparation during the day has become a lively banquet at night.

A group of people ate and drank, only the mother Carmen was fidgeting.

When the daughter came back, the mother hurriedly took her to take a bath, and then angrily said that you are really disappointing your father.

When Ophelia saw her mother being angry, she stuck her tongue out, and even smiled secretly. She didn't like this new father, and it wasn't great to make him angry.She also felt it was a kind of resistance.

At the banquet that was still going on, several visiting old officers talked about the captain's father.

Said he was very brave on the battlefield in Morocco.

I heard that he broke his pocket watch when he died, so that Vader would know when he died.

The captain stood up coldly and denied directly, saying that his father didn't have a watch at all.

Having said that, he left with excuses.

The captain returned to the room, took the pocket watch from his pocket, stroked the cracks on it, and looked up at the roof slightly sadly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Late at night, Ophelia saw her mother fall asleep, and couldn't wait to run to the maze to find the Faun, saying that she had obtained the golden key.

But the Faun asked her to keep the key and gave her a piece of chalk, saying that he could open a door anywhere.

The next day, Ophelia hid in the bathroom again, and opened the "Book of the Astray" by herself, hoping to get the enlightenment of the second task.

But this time, there were large swaths of blood oozing from the book.

Ophelia was terrified, and when she heard her mother's cry, she rushed into the room and saw her mother's lower body also seeping out a large amount of blood, her face pale as death, and sweat dripping on her forehead.

Ophelia ran out to ask for help. After a while, the doctor arrived and helped her mother to the infirmary.

After a while, Captain Vader also rushed over.

After a short hemostatic infusion, the doctor stabilized the fetus, and then told Captain Vader that the lady needs to rest and can no longer be emotional or labored, and suggested that Ophelia be separated from her mother.

Captain Vader still emphasized the need to take good care of his wife, but after knowing that it was all right, he didn't say much.

Since then, Ophelia has moved to another room.

Originally, this camp often heard gunshots or the sound of the team going out. The new father treated her harshly and always criticized her. For the little girl, her mother was her only support, but now she can’t see each other often, and she will soon be sad. Cried out.

Messiti helped Ophelia make the bed and comforted her, saying that having a baby is inherently dangerous, and it will be fine after a while, and he touched Ophelia's head comfortably.

Ophelia confided in her distress with Messity. After her mood stabilized a little, she couldn't help asking her doubts. She said, are you assisting those people in the mountain?I see you sometimes go out to give things away.

Messiti acquiesced, and then asked, Ophelia, did you tell your father.

Ophelia said, I haven't talked to anyone, even my mother didn't tell me, I don't want you to have an accident.

The young Ophelia is not a strong view of right and wrong, but she also vaguely knows that the new father has been catching those people in the mountains, and always leads people and horses to the mountains.

Messiti hugged Ophelia and said nothing.

At night, Messity took out the hidden supplies and followed the doctor to the mountains again.

Among these people in the mountains, one of them is Messiti's younger brother, and their team still has wounded.

The doctor took out bandages and medicines, changed the wounds, and asked them what they were planning.

Messity's brother said that their reinforcements are coming soon.

The doctor poured cold water and said that you don’t have anything and you can’t even guarantee food every day. How can you persist?

If you really do it for your sister's sake, take her away as soon as possible, and don't resist Captain Vader.

But the younger brother is determined to stick to it anyway.

Messiti knew that he couldn't be convinced, and didn't say much, just took out a spare key from the warehouse from his pocket and gave it to his younger brother, saying that there were a lot of supplies in it, which might be a way.

In the middle of the night, the Faun sneaked into Ophelia's room and asked her why she didn't finish the task?

Ophelia said, my mother is sick, and I have no intention of running around.

The farmer heard this, took out an ugly root spirit, and said to her, put this blood on it and hide it under your mother's bed, and she will get better.

Then he proposed to let Ophelia advance the task as soon as possible, so as to open the door early and return to the underground kingdom.

Then he told him that there was a terrible monster in the second mission. The fairy would take you there, but after entering, you should never touch any good food or wine.

After the Faun left, the next day Ophelia was criticized by her father again, telling her not to always go around, to make your mother worry, and to fine her not to eat at noon, quietly reflecting.

In the night, the fairy flew.

According to the instructions, Ophelia drew a door on the wall with chalk, and an alien space appeared behind the door.

Ophelia walked through the long wooden corridor, and she saw a large dining table full of exquisite food. Sitting on the top of the table was a monster with no eyes, no hair, and a long narrow head with nostrils. Fingertips are blood red and skin is wrinkled.

Two pupil-like eyes were placed on the monster's plate, and the walls were covered with weird pictures.

They were all murals of this monster killing children, and there were mountains of shoes on the ground next to them.

The fairy pointed to the keyhole on the wall, and Ophelia took out the golden key from the toad and inserted it in, and got a small dagger.

The second task was completed smoothly, but Ophelia, who had been hungry for a day, did not resist the temptation and secretly took a little something to eat under the magnified desire.

The eyeless monster suddenly seemed to have noticed something, touched the eyeballs in the plate with his palm, embedded it in the palm of his hand, and saw Ophelia stealing food there.

It approached step by step, and the fairies flew around in fright, reminding Ophelia to escape.

For this reason, the fairies were all stuffed into their mouths by the monster and chewed bit by bit.

Ophelia was finally frightened, and ran out quickly, but the exit was closed. Fortunately, she still had chalk and drew a new door. The moment the monster caught her, she escaped.

The task is getting more and more thrilling, and the mother's situation is not good.

However, after the blood-drenched tree root spirit was placed under the bed, the mother was finally stable, which made the sad Ophelia a little relieved.

There was movement outside, and Ophelia hid under the bed not to show her face.

But the doctor and Captain Vader arrived.

They talked about their mother.

Vinda said, let the doctor save the child no matter what the situation, the boy is the heir of their family.

At this time, there was an explosion in the distance.

The captain led the team to encircle and suppress.

But this time, it was a drama planned by the rebels.

When the captain returned, he saw reports from his subordinates that a group of people had attacked the camp with guns and ransacked the warehouse, killing several brothers.

The furious captain ran to the warehouse to take a look. Although there was a mess, the keyhole was not destroyed by violence, but the key opened in good condition. This clearly means that a ghost has left the camp.

On the one hand, he let people continue to chase, and when he encountered the wounded, he was killed on the spot, and then he captured a fairly healthy prisoner.

Under a set of criminal laws, not everyone has firm beliefs.

When life is more painful than death, even suicide has become a luxury.

That night, screaming and wailing lingered in Ophelia's ears.

She trembled in fear...

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