Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 489 Outlet (seeking subscription, tickets)

Scott Rose's personal resume is very strong, and his former position as the head of the special effects department of Industrial Light and Magic is also the cornerstone of his business.

As for the reason why he came out to start a business, it is not all for selfishness.

In order to shoot "Star Wars", George Lucas set up Industrial Light and Magic to be responsible for the special effects of the project.But he does not understand professional technology research and development.

It was Scott Rose who led the team who spent five years turning this unprofitable company into a slightly profitable company, turning an emerging studio with no foundation and technical reserves into a company that is at the forefront of the times. s company.

However, George, as the chairman of the company, has barely appeared, like an invisible landlord. After the company has become formal, he rejected the resolution of the management to buy the company’s shares. It was working in vain and the peach-picking method was too domineering. In angrily, Scott quit and decided to create his own special effects company.

Of course, what really changed Lehman's view of him was his thinking about the future of the film special effects studio...

"Scott, don't mind if I call you that. Actually, I am very interested in visual effects. If possible, can we talk for a while."

Scott Rose suddenly took a serious look at Lehman. He knew that this man had become another billionaire in Hollywood by virtue of many hit movies.

However, the current situation in the digital field is not good, and it may be sold at a low price by shareholders at any time.Maybe he can save the digital field.

Thinking of this, Scott Rose became eager to talk about sex...

"...In 1994, I tried to create a special effects trade association, trying to gather important figures in the visual effects industry to increase the voice and customization power of the industry. But in the end it failed.

Because in this industry, the managers who run the company are often not businessmen, and there is no capital behind them, and because there is no freedom of funds, everyone is afraid to die and feels insecure. Just like the retort of George Lucas, if you Give them enough beer and pizza, they can do anything...We have no reason to choose not to do it, because if we don’t do it, we can’t survive. Therefore, the special effects industry looks prosperous, but it is profit-oriented and short-sighted. Seeking short-term profit cannot be done in the long-term."

"Why do you say that?" Lyman clinked glasses with him, the mellow aroma of dark beer spread on the tip of his tongue, and he didn't seem to understand Scott.

"Because the managers of every visual effects company will be fired on the grounds that they cannot make the company profitable, so why do they want to show up and do some long-term planning? Everyone knows where their technical shortcomings are, but centralized public relations are If you have to spend money, there is no guarantee that it will work. In order to make a profit, you must put aside not looking and not paying attention. This is a very painful thing."

"Then what do you think should be done?" Lehman asked deliberately.

"In my opinion, the most powerful special effects studios currently include Industrial Light & Magic, Sony Graphics, Digital Domain, Weta Digital, Method, DoubleNegative, and Comparable Mondo. A few years ago, rhythmic colors could also be added. If one of the leaders can gather 2 billion US dollars to buy several other companies, then they can completely control the entire special effects industry, which means that the pricing power is in the hands of our special effects company, not the studio. Therefore, to improve the status quo of the industry, the only way forward is to merge and lock the last talent and the best technology. Those studios can only negotiate prices, not as much as they say. Because, the most powerful special effects blockbusters Must rely on world-class visual effects technology..."

When Lehman heard this, isn't this an industry monopoly?

But it sounds like a good way out.

"You make a lot of sense..." Lehman paused. "But no one has the ability to lock all the technology. The studio has the right to speak. Even companies like Sony that start with technology attach great importance to This piece of investment."

Scott smiled bitterly after hearing the words: "Yes, we missed the opportunity at the beginning, so I think the future of the special effects industry will be acquired by first-class studios, because the relationship between supply and demand is impossible."

Lehman thought: This standard will be correct in the future.The first-class special effects companies are all in the hands of first-class studios, but now, Warner, Paramount and other companies have not yet made their efforts, because visual effects have not yet grown so important.

Of course, they have enough funds, perhaps deliberately to let the special effects industry grow brutally, it is not impossible to single out the best among them to implement the acquisition plan.

Lehman smiled and said: "In this way, Firefly Pictures actually needs a suitable special effects studio to complete the industry layout."

Scott changed a more solemn look and watched Lehman, the big gold master, inexplicably entangled for a few seconds, but in his bones he was still a technician, not a businessman, otherwise he would not be close to George. This forced removal method drove out Industrial Light and Magic. In the end, he still said euphemistically: "I have seen the production of Firefly Pictures in recent years. Maybe, Firefly Pictures does not need to raise a special effects company, because you Most of them are feature films, and they don't seem to use special effects technology. If they can't produce complementary effects, the idea of ​​industry layout can't be mentioned."

Lehman knew why Cameron would say that Scott was not a qualified company manager, and his face was too thin. No wonder he couldn't beat someone like Lucas.

The team brought out by one hand cannot have enough chips to fight against the major shareholders. If you change to a qualified businessman, believe it or not, the company’s assets will be emptied for you.

However, such people are not afraid of being stabbed when they cooperate. If funds are invested and the technology patents developed as a result have nothing to do with Lehman, then it is a joke.

"Rest assured, Scott, Firefly Pictures will have considerable resources to focus on special effects movies in the future. This is the future of the times. I can only do what I can do to follow the trend. And, is Cameron leaving the digital field?"

This matter is not a secret in the industry. Cameron even had an appointment with his old rival Industrial Light & Magic. As long as he has the heart, everyone knows that Cameron wants to sell shares in the digital field.

Scott replied awkwardly, "Yes, but not many people are willing to take over his shares. Cameron doesn't want to sell it cheaply."

The reason for the embarrassment is naturally that Cameron’s relationship with the company was deadlocked. The management denied that he wanted to change the company’s CEO. The board of directors supported Scott, and Cameron had a lot of opinions. For this reason, Stan Wins Dayton also left the digital realm.

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