Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 1101 - Thor: The Dark World (IV)

Marvel, of course, doesn't make such cheap mistakes.

It may not be the most creative label, but it can certainly think what the masses want without pushing down a screen image that everyone can live with.

The simple question is, what is the biggest point of view for the core audience of the entire Thor series?

The brothers Loki and Thor. So much so that the character of Jane is portrayed in a pale light, and the love scenes are embellished as a product of this popular tendency.

There was a bit of commotion in the theater, and some of the quick-tempered ones were already yelling at each other, but it was soon followed by a really good sentence.

Just like when you play a game and your teammate's food is outrageous, your blood pressure is going up, and suddenly your teammate has a perfect match and wins the game 0 for 5, a strong emotional reversal is born from the heart.

The same is true for this segment.

In fact, "Thor 2" the entire narrative pace has been very fast, whether some settings or appearances of the characters are more than the first part, but there is not a superfluous, must be told, otherwise unfriendly to passers-by, easy to get confused, except that the disadvantage of large amounts of information is that the viewing experience without a reasonable pause in thought, the audience's concentration will be reduced.

Of course, this is also a sacrifice, after all, commercial movies have to pay attention to the length.

Going back to Thor 2 itself, there was foreshadowing set up before this back-stabbing bridge took place.

Remember why Thor took Jane out of Asgard? Because Jane has Etheric particles inside her that are constantly drawing on her life force, and to take them out, Odin can't, but Malekith, the king of the Dark Elves, who once fused Etheric particles, can.

So the question is, will Malekith be kind enough to help?

Taking this question back to the aftermath of the backstabbing incident, everything became much more contextualized.

The moment Malekith believed Loki's bullshit and channeled the Etheric particles, Thor, who had just been so sad and angry, suddenly turned his head and said, "Quick."

A green light flashed.

A green light flashed. The two of them, who had already planned for it, cooperated, and Tor successfully gathered the power of thunder and smashed it into the Ether particles floating in the air.

Unfortunately, with an explosion, the Ether particle was shattered but not destroyed.

Next, Malekith absorbed the Ether, and the Cursed Warrior threw a bomb to kill Jane.

At the critical moment, Loki reacted and pushed Jane out of the way, but he himself was in danger, and Thor reacted in the next instant, rushing to pull Loki out of the vortex.

The battle was imminent, but the Cursed Warrior was still strong.

In a head-to-head duel with Thor, it almost overwhelmed Thor and was crushed unilaterally.

Loki OB next to it for a moment, seized the gap and pierced the Cursed Warrior with his spear, but the Cursed Warrior acted like nobody's business, and in turn killed the girl in his arms.

The cursed warrior finally hung up ......

In the dark world full of yellow sand, Thor rushed to help Loki, "You're so stupid, why don't you listen to me.

But Loki just kept apologizing, sorry, really sorry.

Thor said, "You'll be fine. I'll be sure to tell Father about your heroic deed."

But Loki said, "I didn't do all this for him." Then, he managed to pull out a smile, "Goodbye, my brother." And with that, he closed his eyes.

Jane came over and patted Thor on the shoulder to comfort him.

In the yellow sand, Thor howled like a wounded animal gone mad.

Light and shadows and pauses, anger and grief ...... Without warning, Loki died.

No one wanted Loki to die, but he just did, and in an ironic and brutal way, it happened suddenly.

Phil couldn't help but open his mouth slightly, and while he expected the story to be inevitably uneventful, the rapidity of the rampage beyond this popcorn connotation gave him no time to think, and then in the least expected moment of casualties, Loki, who always hid in the shadows and back-stabbed, would be so reckless as to choose the most risky thing to do instead of avoiding it.

If this was a tear jerker, then Comic-Con it succeeded.

The audience was boiling in the large theater, and the infectious effect of the atmosphere was so obvious.

The battlefield became empty for a moment, with only Loki lying lifeless on the ground and Thor still holding him in a bewildered embrace as the camera faded away, the two figures seeming so small and fragile in the space.

As we watched Thor rant and rave, as he refused to accept reality for a long time, as he left his hammer, the passage of time seemed to stop at this moment.

Phil suddenly had a hunch, he had a hunch, that Thor was maturing.

He suddenly had some idea of the depth of the meaning of the scene that Comic-Con had arranged.

The transition of the role from a childish simpleton who was once devastated by being thrown to Earth by his father, to a mature one will seem much smoother. It's just that the price for this maturity and commitment may not be what he wants.

Frigga, Loki, and the successive loss of Tolle, even the critics who understood the need for dramatic tension, pitied him.

Jane took Tolle's arm, "We should do the rest. Don't let death be meaningless."

Thor heaved to his feet, the sky thundering behind him.

Reaching out, the hammer came.

Jane's teacher told them that the center of the celestial convergence would be in Greenwich, where the nine kingdoms would be joined together and the barriers between space and space would become attenuated, thus influencing each other.

On the other hand, inside the temple, a holy soldier meets with Odin, who reports that he has found Loki's body in the Dark Kingdom.

After the minor interlude, Malekith arrives on Earth with a large army.

The crowds screamed and scattered.

In the sky, a giant Crusader battleship slowly emerged from its transparent state, its massive size quite overshadowing the sky.


The bombardment begins.

The camera goes to Malekith, who is using his Etheric Particle powers to summon undead-like monsters from underneath the entire New York City, and the subships that have separated from the Dark Elven mothership are spreading, and there are Dark Elven ground troops and the like wreaking havoc.

The form turned grim.

Thor, who had been waiting for a long time, didn't BB much and directly killed the mothership.

The two of them fought from the ground to the sky, from Earth to the alien.

On the other side of the battlefield, Jane also used her own equipment to send away a large number of enemy soldiers.

This is a twenty-minute long shot of the battlefield, and the presence of the visual effects makes for a good viewing experience, with many of the audience's emotions being fueled by the soundtrack, lighting and shadows.

Generally speaking, Thor is still being pressured by the Ether-absorbing Malekith, but the occasional counterattack or two makes the situation not boring.

At the same time, the nine kingdoms finally formed a line, the celestial bodies converged and gradually stabilized, and Malekith, seeing the situation, broke away from the battle first, doing his best to push the Ether particles, trying to plunge the nine kingdoms into endless darkness.

With a huge storm, Thor rushed right into the center of the storm.

"Give it up." The villain thought he was winning.

Unexpectedly, Thor ran and leapt high and hammered over him.


With Malekith's scream, the sky clears up and marks the end of the hero.

Such a scene is like an insurance policy for commercial movies, and the bridge that justice will prevail won't go out of style for another hundred years.

For the audience, the comfort of the routine is good for the mood.

After the battle, Thor went back to his orders.

On the throne of the temple.

Odin, still looking down on everything, holds the scepter.

Thor, on the other hand, knelt on the ground and expressed his reluctance to take the throne.

"I will still fight for Asgard and for peace in the Nine Realms, but I cannot perform my duties on the throne."

Odin gazed at Thor for a long moment and asked, "Or is it the woman?"

Thor was silent. He was sick of the struggle that power brings.

Odin lamented, "One son longs for the throne, one son abandons it, go, my son, and I will bless you in my heart."

"Thank you, Father." With that said, Thor left firmly.

In the grand soundtrack, the camera pans, the image is given back to Odin, and as the camera moves, in the glow of magic, his face slowly transforms into Loki.

He sits alone on the throne and says to himself, "No, I thank you, Thor."

Loki smiled evilly.

The screen went black.


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