Hollywood Drawing

: Five hundred and sixty-three - five hundred million!

Like Wayne once said, there is no movie in this world that can be affirmed by everyone, even the dark storm brought by "Batman: The Dark Knight" is sweeping the world, the criticism of this film The sound, the stinging sound, has not stopped since the film was released on the European continent.

In particular, some of Wayne's remarks interviewed in the airport lobby were published by several media with a wide distribution area in North America, and were published in the newspapers without a word the next day. For a time, some filmmakers in Europe seemed to be touched. Having hit the most sensitive nerves, his offensive remarks are almost full of European and large entertainment media.

But these people soon discovered sadly that, no matter how much they demonized and belittled Wayne and Batman: The Dark Knight, the film was still firmly at the theatrical box office in every region of the Europa continent. Champion, is still the most talked about film by fans, bar none.

Even though "Jurassic Park 2" has entered mainstream overseas countries, it has not changed this fact at all. This superhero movie still maintains a strong box office trend.

And then faced with the remarks of those overseas media, Wayne just laughed it off, only the information sent back from the overseas propaganda team made it clear that those people could not influence the choice of most ordinary movie fans, with Christian Bale , The crew led by Charles Rowan is almost welcomed by local fans wherever they go. At least now, the two most famous names in the world are definitely Christian Bale and Nicolas Cage.

This overseas publicity trip has reached Gao Nest, Christian Bale and other local British actors since entering the UK, and has gained enormous media attention here, which has ignited this high-profile line from the beginning. People, following the European tour, the attention gained is still unparalleled.

Wayne has been paying close attention to the news every day since he returned to Los Angeles. Now he can basically guarantee the box office of "Batman: The Dark Knight" in North America. But which box-office height this film can finally reach depends on the results achieved overseas.

He is quite rational in this regard, and deeply understands that with the current market potential in North America, the next box office contribution to "Batman: The Dark Knight" will definitely not burst like the previous three weeks. If you want higher and more box office numbers, you need to stay in the theater market for a long time, and have a long time of showing to accumulate slowly.

Just after returning to Los Angeles, Wayne got to work on the squeeze, and then moved on to Twentieth Century Fox, where he had a two-year stint with Kevin Feige on the "X-Men" franchise. Hours of conversation, the content of the conversation between them, was then placed verbatim on CEO Townsend-Rothman's desk.

In the entire 20th Century Fox executives, almost no one questioned the plan proposed by Wayne. Everyone knew that when it comes to superhero movies, this is the only expert in the circle. The plan outline of "Men" surprised everyone.

"He gave us two choices!"

Facing several high-level executives, Kevin Feige lowered his head and explained the differences step by step. From his tone, he could not hear any preference for which choice. "The first option is more inclined to a long-term plan similar to DC, using a trackable timeline from front to back, from the foreshadowing to the end of the first stage of the big plan, to connect stories and characters one by one."

The heads of several other major departments in the office all listened silently, and each had a document in front of them. Townsend-Rothman listened to the explanation and watched carefully.

When he heard the end of the first phase of the plan, he waved his hand lightly, interrupted Kevin Feige's next words, and whispered in a questioning tone: "This is the series based on "Wolverine" At the beginning of the movie, it will test the market while paving the way for the next series of movies. Later, "First War" will be launched, and then "X-Men", right?"


Kevin Feige nodded and explained: "Wayne's original words are that the character Wolverine has played a very important role in the subsequent plot, so if you choose this timeline-based plan, it is best to use it. This character is the beginning of the series of movies, so that the audience has a certain understanding of Wolverine's life background, and will not have too many scenes for this character in the future, and cause too many doubts."

Many executives nodded silently. This kind of plan is familiar to everyone, because it is very similar to the arrangement of Wayne and Warner Bros. for the DC series. And looking at "Batman: The Dark Knight", which is now popular all over the world, the balance in most people's hearts has actually been slowly tilted towards this plan.

The same is true for CEO Townsend-Rothman. The plan in his hand not only gives the main story line of each movie in a short and clear way, but also gives the timeline in a very easy-to-understand way. development plan.

From 1845, the young Wolverine discovered his ability, and by 1861, Wolverine joined the army with his brother and participated in the Civil War. Then in 1917, Wolverine joined his brother in the army again and participated in World War I.

Then it transitioned to "First War" in 1944, when Magneto discovered his ability as a child, Klau Schmidt killed Magneto's mother, and Professor X met Mystique as a child. In 1945, Wolverine joined the army with his brother and participated in World War II. In 1962, the young Magneto accompanied Professor X to find mutants, met Wolverine for the first time, cia established the X department, and the Cuban Missile Crisis...

From 1845 to 2024, it can be said that the way of advancing according to the time line, trying to justify the main characters and main stories in "X-Men" one by one, only from this detailed and meticulous plan. It seems very feasible.

The advantage here is obvious, that is, through the foreshadowing of a movie, the audience can slowly accept this series, just like the current DC series, and succeed step by step.

However, the time span of this plan is very long, so long that it takes more than ten years to build it slowly and gradually, most of the executives present, who can guarantee that they will still be in the 20th century by then Fox's high position?

This is the only concern in their hearts that they don't want to say. Obviously, including Kevin Feige, they all thought of this for the first time.

"Our "X-Men" series, in terms of integrity and selectivity, does not have the advantage of a whole DC comics like Warner Bros." As the executive of the distribution department, Townsend-Rothman is also the one who promoted it. The confidant who came up, Terry obviously did not have so many scruples, and said directly: "So, Kevin, continue to explain another option."

Nodding silently, seeing that no one objected, Kevin Feige sighed in his heart. Of course, he knew that if Wolverine was the beginning of the series, it would make the 20th century in terms of box office revenue. The Fox executives are under a lot of pressure. After all, James Howlett, Wolverine, is far less well-known among ordinary people than Batman Bruce Wayne.

"The second option, Wayne means..."

With the sound of turning the pages of the document, Kevin Feige's voice of explanation paused for a while before continuing: "Wayne means, without considering any long-term planning, to ensure the success rate of the film, for the time being only Planning out the "X-Men" trilogy, and then depending on the market response after the movie is released, doing detailed market research among the movie fans, and selecting the most popular characters for movie fans. Based on the "X-Men" trilogy , filming popular characters and stories, expanding the entire X-Men..."

Compared with the first big plan, which seemed to be incomparably safe, this item was obviously more favored by the executives present. Most of them nodded their heads subconsciously.

This impromptu meeting represents the possibility of 20th Century Fox producing its own superhero movie series, and no one will watch the oily corners of the mouth that Warner Bros. eat once a year without jealousy. That afternoon, Kevin Feige called Wayne and informed him of the specific result.

"I knew that the Fox guys would choose this way!"

He hung up the phone and threw it back into Nina's arms. Wayne smiled and shook his head. He lay cross-legged on the reclining chair, facing the splendid sunset in California, and continued to look at the little daughter who had learned to walk, and the three little ones. Bully dog ​​rolls on the lawn.

The assistant shrugged, and continued to read fashion magazines, enjoying the rare leisure time. She also looked up from time to time to see the little guy who was laughing and cheering not far in front of them.

Can it be said that 20th Century Fox's choice is quick and quick? Wayne fully understands their decision to abandon the "Wolverine" start and go straight to the "X-Men" trilogy. Anyway, he has no obsession with the series, and the choice of 20th Century Fox executives, production The "X-Men" trilogy is more in line with the mainstream of this era, and it is more in line with the interests of the group of executives.

In fact, from the planning of the film, Wayne's construction model in DC is an unprecedented way of film universe in Hollywood. It can be said that from the first "Joker" to explore the market, leading to Batman, to the subsequent Justice League, the first large paragraph of the universe that spanned many years was planned in one breath. The overall planning idea took into account the consistent logic, plus Upper Warner Bros. has the complete DC copyright, and he can unscrupulously plan some characters into the main storyline, even if it only appears in the easter eggs in the subsequent movies.

The "X-Men" series is completely different. Since the executives of 20th Century Fox have chosen a trilogy model that is in line with the mainstream of this era, it is equivalent to abandoning the concept of the universe that Wayne tried from the source. Of course, , this is also the easiest way to get results.

Everyone knows that Wolverine is not comparable to Batman in terms of popularity, and it is impossible for him to be like Bruce Wayne. And the same is true of the original time and space. After the "X-Men" trilogy, Wolverine, who has a super popularity through the series of movies, was produced by 20th Century Fox as an independent work.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages. For example, in the DC series, when the Justice League after the foreshadowing arrives, it will be the carnival of the entire superhero universe. Such a universe plan has an obvious big paragraph ending to end the plot. Push the climax before opening the story of the second phase of the universe.

The development of "X-Men" will make each film relatively independent and diversified. After all, this comic has a unique era background since it was published. After it was developed into film and television, it has involved many topics.

The more common ones are the black movements represented by Martin Luther King and Malcolm. The former is moderate and the latter is radical, just like Professor X and Magneto. If you look closely, there is a lot of plot and discussion in the X-Men story, which can almost cover the situation of most vulnerable groups in society.

The only pity is that this series developed to "Apocalypse" and "Dark Phoenix", basically abandoning this story feature and thinking about the vulnerable groups in society.

But this is not something that Wayne can change. After all, this is in the series. He just wants to make a fortune and leave, and then rely on the existing copyrights of the two characters in surprise to see if he can change from 20 to 20 in the future. Century Fox made some cheap money, and the DC series of movies was the focus of his work for many years after that.

After 20th Century Fox made a decision, the action was very fast. Kevin Feige immediately contacted director Brian Singer based on Wayne's advice, and started with the convenience of 20th Century Fox, a media group. Assemble a complete behind-the-scenes shooting team.

Wayne certainly knows why they are in a hurry. All production companies have seen the increase in the box office revenue of superhero movies during the summer season. 20th Century Fox definitely wants to make a finished film as soon as possible, and then put it in next year's movie. Summer release.

Take a look at the current "Batman: The Dark Knight", this film is still in the leading position in the theater market, after entering the working day, it once again received $6.28 million, $5.66 million, and $5.07 million in four days. , 5.02 million US dollars, adding up to 22.03 million US dollars in four working days, the film has been released for three weeks, and the total North American box office has reached 498.62 million US dollars, which is close to the historic box office mark of 500 million.

Even if a new movie will be released this weekend in the summer season starting from Friday, most of the media are still staring at this movie, and everyone is waiting, including Warner Bros. and the major production companies in the circle, all Everyone is waiting for the moment when the film will break through $500 million at the North American box office.

Compared with the North American theater market, which has already consumed 90% of its market potential, the overseas journey of "Batman: The Dark Knight" can be said to have just entered the high nest. So far, the United Kingdom has contributed more than 55 million US dollars to the box office, Australia 29 million, Germany 21 million, France 18.5 million, stick 18 million, Mexico 17.6 million, Brazil, Spain, Benzi, Italy...

According to information released by Warner Bros. through its media on Thursday, the cumulative box office of the film has exceeded 410 million US dollars in more than 85 overseas theatrical markets, and the global box office has approached 910 million US dollars indefinitely, although "Batman: The Dark Knight" "In the market of most mainstream countries, it has gone through the hottest two weeks, but with the popularity of the film on a global scale, there are still more countries and regions that are continuing to join the screening of this film. in the ranks of the film.

After another Friday arrives, the summer season has officially entered the rhythm that everyone is familiar with. Perhaps because "Batman: The Dark Knight" and "Jurassic Park 2" have been occupying the schedule for too long, I chose to stay in the rhythm. There are quite a few movies in theaters this week, starting with Sony Columbia's "My Best Friend's Wedding," which had its grand premiere Friday night at the Hollywood Shrine.

Also opening the premiere are Paramount's "The Groom Runs Backwards", Universal Pictures' "Jackal Doom", and Bowei Pictures' "Savage City".

Obviously, everyone knows that even the "Batman: The Dark Knight", which has performed extremely strongly in the past few weeks, has entered a node where it takes time to accumulate the box office after a long period of screening. Now is the normal competition situation in the summer season. , After every weekend after that, at least two major productions will be selected for release, starting the competition for the most golden time in North America.

At the same time, after the arrival of Friday, the theater alliance, headed by the three major theater chain companies in North America, tacitly began to reduce the screening scale of "Batman: The Dark Knight", and there has been a significant reduction in the number of screenings and the number of screenings. , the number of theaters for the film has also been reduced to about 2,500.

There is also the film "Jurassic Park 2" that has the same treatment. Although the box office of this film is also quite strong, it has gradually moved towards the pace of 200 million US dollars, but the normal rate of the market during the summer is like this. New big productions will be released every week, and the theater company will also appropriately adjust the scale of the film through the market response.

What is surprising is that after Friday passed, the box office bulletins released by major media the next day, on the first day of this weekend that can be called a hundred flowers blooming, no one expected that the film that ranked first would still be the same. "Batman: The Dark Knight" in its fourth week.

"This weekend, the North American theater market has seen the premiere of many films, but the market has not shown a continuous upward trend. The first place at the box office on Friday is still "Batman: The Dark Knight". It received US$5.02 million on Thursday, and after entering Friday night, the number of moviegoers increased again. The daily box office received US$7.57 million. The cumulative box office in North America has officially passed the threshold of US$500 million and reached US$506.19 million. , Judging from the current box office trend, this is far from the box office landing point of the film.

Ranked second this Friday is the film "My Best Friend's Wedding" released by Sony Columbia, which performed well after its release and received $7.21 million at the box office that day. According to data released by a number of third-party authoritative forecasting companies, The film will not fall below $21 million in its opening weekend, and has a good chance of breaking the opening weekend record for a North American romantic film.

In third place was Universal's "Jurassic Park 2" with $6.54 million at the box office. After the film was released, it has been under the huge pressure of "Batman: The Dark Knight", but it has always had a strong audience.


Harry-Berry put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at the man in the front seat who was concentrating on driving, and asked in a low voice, "Jimmy, are you sure you don't know the purpose of Wayne looking for me? You know, he has been for a long time. I haven't been contacted."

"Hey, what's your expression like?"

Jimmy, who was driving, slowed down, got the complex expression of the other party in the rearview mirror, and said in a sarcastic tone: "I swear, this will never be a bad thing, at least from the tone of Nina's phone call, I can hear it. It's a good thing to come out, maybe, Wayne wants to invite you to tonight's special reception hosted by Warner Bros. for him?"

Harry-Berry shook his head slightly, pursed his lips, wanted to say something, and chose to remain silent. In her opinion, that man will never think of himself for no reason, and it is still at the time when the other party's work won an unprecedented $500 million at the box office.

In fact, that man has helped her a lot, and now she is able to audition for the main supporting roles of some projects occasionally, also because the producers of those projects are looking at the face of Jimmy leading her to go, and behind it, there are still Save Wayne.

Even if she knew that as long as she continued to please that man, she would have a lot more opportunities in the circle, she had been hesitating all the time, and had never taken the initiative to find the other person once. The most fundamental reason was because she was subconsciously , still terrified of that manor, and even that lavish master bedroom.

A few years have passed, and she still remembers how she left that morning with bruises all over her body. Among all the women, Halle Berry was definitely the only one who had seen the beast in the man's heart. She knew very well that before. The two years of media smearing the other side's abuse of women's remarks are not adulterated at all, at least not in her case.

Now her heart is full of anxiety, and she is very doubtful that the man suddenly thinks of her again, and misses the days when she let the other party be unscrupulous.

The main reason is that she doesn't know how to reject the other party at all. After all, over the years, the reputation of being suspected of having a relationship with Wayne Greenberg has allowed her to avoid more than 90% of the troubles in this circle. No one wants to risk offending that dark lunatic who is among the most powerful in Hollywood because of a beautiful dark-skinned girl.

When the car came to the end of Mulholland Road, after being checked by the security personnel, she turned into Greenberg Manor, and her anxiety never disappeared until she saw the other party sitting under the awning on the lawn with a smile on her face. She accompanies her daughter to tease the dog before she let out a sigh of relief and followed Jimmy's footsteps towards each other.

"Hoo~www.readwn.com~ Little Fendi, you are growing so fast."

Jimmy greeted him familiarly, and casually touched a half-sized bully. Squatting on the ground and looking at the little girl in front of her, she also smiled. "Wayne, I swear, if you and Nami continue to work like this, you'll miss a lot of Fendi's childhood."

"No way, this is the life we ​​have to face, and also what Fendi has to face." Wayne stood up from the grass, patted the weeds on his clothes, and turned around to say hello. "Hey Harry, you're hotter than ever."

Harry-Berry nodded slightly. "Congratulations, Wayne, you've become the only Mr. $500 million in Hollywood."

A few people came to the reclining chair while they were talking, and after sitting down, Wayne didn't talk nonsense at all, and said directly to the black beauty with a puzzled face: "Twentieth Century Fox is about to audition for "X-Men", you Go back and read the info and comics, mostly Storm. I'm making this movie, Harry, this is a chance for you, don't screw it up."

If you mention "X-Men", of course, Wolverine will appear in Wayne's mind for the first time, but then it will be Storm, which can be said to have a pivotal role in Harry Berry's career. Status, he didn't want any accidents, so he chose to call the black beauty in advance, so that the other party could prepare for the relevant audition as soon as possible.


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