Chapter XVII

Gengen had always felt that he was able to stay in Konoha and not be completely distorted and devoured by the darkness he was exposed to, because there was more good things in this village.

Just like the girl in front of him, Gengen hugged Hinata tightly, but he didn’t choose to tell Hinata.

“There is some darkness, I will carry it.” Xuan said softly, “Beautiful people and things should not be tarnished. ”


Fifty-five years in Konoha, a dark night, I don’t know if it is an illusion of many people, today’s moon seems to be blood red.

Uchiha’s rebellion has not yet begun, and a man is already desperate for the strength of the clan.

He is entrusted by his friends, wants to protect the peace of the village, and sacrifices can only be made by the people who want to start a war, on the condition that he leaves the name of his dearest brother.

A thirteen-year-old genius ninja held the sword in his hand, tore off the mask on his face, and launched a massacre of the family, codenamed the purge operation, cleansed the Uchiha family, and cleansed the most unstable factor in the village.

This kind of thing is definitely impossible for Itachi to do alone, and there are root ninjas who go around killing and collecting Sharingan, and there is also a ninja with a single-hole swirl mask that exposes the scarlet three-hook jade Sharingan.


With a slash, the Uchiha civilians who begged for mercy died instantly, and tonight it seemed that everyone was crazy.

Whether it is an old man or a child, whether it is a ninja or a civilian, as long as it is Uchiha, it will all be cleaned and cleaned.

Ninja is a bloody profession after all, and when the huge machine of the ninja village targets a person or family, it is cruel and chilling.

“Who?” The root ninja who raised the butcher knife suddenly turned around, and in an instant he found the strange man approaching him, the man wearing a black cloak and a sacrificial Shinigami mask.

“The wind escapes, the blade is chopped.”

This is a strong man of the upper ninja level, his perception is very sharp, his reaction is very fast, the chakra fluctuation is also very strong, and with a slash, the sharp chakra seems to be able to cut steel in half.

However, when his eyes met those scarlet chakra eyes, it was already doomed to his death.


The root ninja with the white fox mask was horrified to find that the people who were slashed in front of him instantly turned into crows, and the sky did not know when, it had turned a deep blood red, just like the scarlet on his blade.

“I think the moment you kill someone, you should be ready to be killed, so I’m going to give you a ride.”

A cold voice sounded in his ears, and Nebu Shinobu’s gaze fell into darkness for a moment.

“Boom.” The headless corpse fell, splashing with blood.

Picking up the dropped three-star template, Xuan couldn’t bear to glance at the fallen corpse next to him, this is a family of three, the father died at the door, it was definitely not a posture to escape, but desperately blocked, the mother ran away with her son, and a knife in the back directly penetrated the two.

They are not ninjas, just civilians of Uchiha, and now they have been purged.

Hyun has no position to blame anyone, or to grieve for anyone, after all, he is also an executioner tonight, and he came to give out bloody wealth.

Thinking of this, Xuan’s brows frowned, and his expression instantly became grim.

Gently flicked off the blood on the blade, Xuan walked out of this hell, tonight he is not here to be a savior, he is just a soul messenger from hell, he does not write wheel eyes, nor clean, what he needs is just the template left by people after death.

“Aaaaah.” The entire Uchiha clan has been reduced to hell on earth, full of mournful screams, chasing and fleeing for life everywhere.

Xuan didn’t care, he collected templates one by one along the way, most of these templates are two-star, and there are not a few three-star ones. There are almost no one-star ones, which can see the background of Uchiha.

The family that obtained perfect strength retention in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, with a strong foundation and a large number of ninjas, is a huge force, if not caught off guard by the village, coupled with Itachi’s anti-water, Fugaku’s non-resistance, Xiao’s joining.

Many factors led to the collapse of Uchiha’s side, otherwise, the villains were also the number one clan in Konoha, how could they have almost no resistance like now.

Receiving the template, there are also many root ninjas who do not know whether they are dead or alive, and they come to kill when they see Xuan’s strange costume, but under the four-star water-stopping template, these elite ninjas are just dishes that are sent to their mouths, and they are simply vulnerable.

In a year, Xuan has already eaten the template of stopping water, with shadow-level strength, even in this chaotic killing environment, it is like a leisurely walk, just like an ecological circle, he is the man standing at the top of the food chain.

“Who the hell are you? Dare to come to Uchiha to make trouble, Itachi will definitely kill you. ”

“Don’t underestimate me, don’t underestimate Uchiha.”

At this moment, Xuan suddenly heard a coquettish cry from the side, and he turned his head to see a girl with long straight black hair and a small black mole in her right eye, with a three-hook jade writing wheel eye, holding a kunai in her hand, facing a person wearing a black red cloud robe and a single-hole spiral mask.

However, in Xuan’s opinion, it was just a one-sided confrontation, that girl was definitely not the opponent of the mask man, even if she had opened the three-hook jade writing wheel eye at a young age, her talent was good.

But opposite her is the pervert who has opened the hanging, the cells between the pillars, and the divine power is blurred, which is not at all something that his little Uchiha girl can compete with.

The girl held Ku Wu in her hand, and rushed towards Obito with light and agile movements, Ku Wu stabbed straight at Obito’s mask, and the attack was decent, but unfortunately, this kind of modest attack was useless against the mask man.

Sure enough, the straight piercing Ku Wu instantly penetrated the past from the mask, as if everything was just a phantom, but the iron chain blade lock held by the mask man’s hand, the sonorous sound and sparks generated by the friction with the ground showed that all this was not an illusion.

The girl’s pinpointed, pin-pointed pupils reflected the oncoming sharp blade hanging from the chain.

If there is no accident, in the next second, the iron chain wrapped with the blade will be wrapped around the girl’s body in a circle, and then strangled.

“Goodbye, Itachi.” Uchiha Quan had some regret in his eyes: “Obviously I haven’t had time to see him for the last time.” ”

“When.” A huge metallic tremor sounded, and without the expected sharp pain, the girl opened her eyes, and was greeted by a broad back, just like the eldest brother who had guarded them.

“Brother Shuishui.” Izumi murmured softly.

“Sorry, can you give this girl to me?” The cold voice said witticisms, which looked particularly strange in this bloody night.

What is even weirder is the hideous and terrifying mask of death, and the three-hook jade that exudes a fishy glow in those pupils.

The mask of the Grim Reaper, a pair of scarlet three-hook jade, and the sharp little knife flowed with blood.

The swirling mask and a single chakra eye, the huge hideous chain blade was covered in blood.

Under the blood moon, this is the confrontation between two equally terrifying and weird people.

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