“What?” Shuishui suspected that he had misheard.

“Who got you to join the roots?” Tang Wu suddenly increased his speech speed.


“I ask you, who let you join the roots!” Tang Wu asked in an aggravated tone.

“Myself!” Underwater consciousness answered.

“Who is the leader of the roots?”

“Elder Tuanzang.”

“Do you know him?”

“Yes.” Shisui took a deep breath, “He is the Shadow of Konoha, the successor of the second generation Hokage Konoha Ryu swordsmanship, and the trusted henchman of the third generation Hokage. ”

Hearing this, Kakashi already had some understanding attitude.

“That’s it?”

Tang Wu was surprised and amused, looked this Uchiha up and down, looked at this famous young genius, and said with disdain: “Do you know, it is Tuan Zang who is the most active in suppressing Yu Zhibo. ”

Shuishui listened, nodded, and said, “I know this, and it is precisely because of this that someone must take the initiative to establish a connection, so that everyone can put down their guard and eliminate differences.” ”

When he said this, Shuishui’s eyes were transparent and clear, as if there was a vigorous belief that came out of his eyes.

“This is the Will of Fire as I understand it!” He said firmly.

But he was greeted not by the expected approval or understanding, but by the look of disappointment in his eyes.


“Since you have the idea of peace, why don’t you realize it yourself?” Tang Wu asked with a sigh.

“Am I not just doing it?” Shuishui wondered.

“I mean, you obviously have the popularity of a clan, obviously you have the understanding of the Fugaku patriarch, and you obviously have the trust of three generations of Hokage’s old man, why don’t you personally lead Uchiha to the right path?” Don Wu said disappointed, this was also something he couldn’t understand in his previous life.

Shuishui’s expression was stunned for a moment.

“The clan clearly believes that you are the hope of prosperity, why should you, who is regarded as the future leader, join the dark roots and obey the orders of those who have always been hostile to us? Do you do this, have you ever thought about the feelings of the people who support you? ”

Shuishui hurriedly said, “However, it was in order to eliminate the hostility of the Tuanzang elder that I joined the roots. ”

“Did he promise you, did he make a change?” Tang Wu said seriously, “Did you do anything meaningful in the root except to carry out his mission?” Have you noticed any changes in Danzo? ”


Shuishui was stunned.

“Don’t you think there’s something wrong with your idea?” Tang looked at him pitifully and sighed, “A person who claims to have the will of fire does not make a voice to pursue the fire shadow, does not lead the clan to gain the approval of the entire village, but pursues the recognition of the shadow behind the light. ”

“To be honest, I’m disappointed in you, stop the water.”

“It is undoubtedly a weakness that the owner of the kaleidoscope chakra eye should pin his hopes for change on others.”

“Any child in the clan who has a hook of jade is more confident than you.”

“The kaleidoscope is enough for you to gain the support of the entire clan, even Patriarch Fugaku, you can unite the power of the clan to fight for the fair treatment of Konoha, and then lead the clan to the path of peace.”

“But you don’t.” Tang Wu looked at the stunned young man, his eyes sternly reprimanded: “You don’t believe in your desperation and ability, so look for external forces and entrust a secret elder to help you solve the problem.” ”

Shuishui’s face suddenly turned pale.

The other listeners, including Akai, became silent.

It was a silent endorsement.

“Who the hell escaped, stop the water?” Tang Wu looked at him very seriously and asked, “I’ve always wanted to ask, how did you open the kaleidoscope?” ”

“How can a weak person like you open a kaleidoscope?”

He took a few steps backwards, as if hit by an invisible attack.

His face was red and white, anxious, self-blamed, panicked, abrupt, and all kinds of emotions churned in his heart.

“It’s me, it’s me running away…”

Shuishui muttered, and Tang Wu’s words were like a hammer, smashing heavily on his heart one after another.

Smashed his beliefs, which he had previously thought to be indestructible, to pieces.

“I’m curious that at this time, Kakashi, who is in full bloom, you didn’t interrupt silently.” Dono looked at Kakashi on the side.

Kakashi was silent for a moment and said, “Sandaime is trustworthy. ”

“Do you believe this yourself?” Tang Wu laughed, “Not to mention your father White Fang, just talk about the current Nine-Tails Pillar Force, how is his life?” How did you, the apprentice of the fourth generation, treat Naruto Uzumaki? ”

“Your sense of justice is much stronger than I thought.” Kakashi changed the subject.

Tang Wu smiled, thinking of the scene in the plot of the Chūnin Exam, where the three generations of Meki Ape Fei faced the Great Snake Pill alone and fought suicidal battle.

He shook his head and said indifferently, “Isn’t it determined to die with all the darkness.” ”

Kakashi’s eyes narrowed sharply, “You actually know? ”

When the third generation dies, it is the time when the fifth generation appears.

Whether it is Jiraiya or Tsunade-hime, in fact, everything has been arranged for a long time.

Completely solving the affairs of the Uchiha clan in office and handing a peaceful and bright Konoha into the hands of the fifth generation Hokage is the determination of the third generation of Mezobi.

It is also their Hokage series of silent tacit understanding.

“I said it, I saw it clearly.” Tang Wu stretched out his fingers and pointed to his two eyes, and then looked at the water that was a little stunned, whether the secret passage was too stimulating.

Part of the conversation he had with Kakashi just now was also addressed to Shisui.

For example, the tacit understanding of the death of three generations.

As long as you break through the narrow vision of the past, you can break free from the dual opposition between the simple village and Uchiha.

Stop the water will see a wider world, a brighter hope.

‘I can stimulate one Kakashi to wake up the kaleidoscope early, and I can stimulate the second waterstop burst potential. ’

Tang Wu thought about it, but seeing that Shuishui had never come to his senses, he couldn’t help but frown in his heart.

After thinking for a few seconds, Tang Wu sighed.

Just give him some hope, bring him back.” ’

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation)

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