Tang Wu was not afraid of the heart turning technique of the Yamanaka clan.

Not to mention his will after opening the gene lock and refining, the spirit of being a human in two lifetimes alone is enough to resist any spiritual art.

In Konoha now, only four people are unscrupulous.

One Kakashi, one is Shisui, one is Matkai, and the other is Uchiha Fugaku.

The reasons are Obito, Betenjin, Hachimon and Kaleidoscope, respectively.

Don didn’t want to kill Kakashi because the trouble that followed was tricky, so he just made Kakashi ineffective.

But the Yamanaka family….

Tang Wu felt the change in spirit, squinted his eyes, and made a seal with one hand.


The flying butterfly fell head-on, crushing all the branches of the tree and smashing it all the way to the ground, causing a violent shaking.

“I attacked him.”

The ninja of the Akimichi clan lifted the secret technique, and just showed joy, but saw Nara Shikayu with a locked eyebrow.

“It’s fogging up.” Nara Shikayu pointed to the white mist that spread around him, looking slightly worried.

How long has it been since I received the information from Kakashi’s squad?

In less than a minute, when he arrived, he saw Kakashi fall, and the man who had split the family of Hinata had his head cut off.


The sound of a high-frequency vibration of some kind of artifact sounded in the mist.

The dazzling blue electric light danced wantonly.

Nara Shikayou broke out in a cold sweat, and just now, he noticed that the Chakra of two more people had disappeared.

That’s the ninja of the roots.

Time is just a short moment of thought in your head!

The ninja of his teammate, the Yamanaka clan, came back to his senses in horror and gave Nara Shikayu a look of failure.

“Go, go!” Nara Shikayu said in a trembling voice.

The data is described as pale.

Only when facing Uchiha can you deeply feel the powerlessness in the face of the target.

The ninja knife that carries an electric light jump, the moment you see him, the life is taken away!

You can’t resist.

You can’t even detect it!

“Secret Technique, Butterfly!”

The ninja of the Akimichi clan squeezed himself and swallowed the secret medicine to turn into a giant butterfly again.

The huge Chakra materialized aura disturbed the aura of the scene, and the butterfly of the ninja of Akimichi became the person with the strongest sense of presence on the scene.

Nara Shikayu collected Hinata’s corpse.

Akai also understood that nothing could be done and carried Kakashi on his back.

Sunset followed behind them in frustration.


Huge butterflies flew through the mountains and forests, crashing into tree branches.

The huge movement directly covered up all the footsteps.

Da-da… Including the sound of Tang Mu’s footsteps.

A ninja knife shining with electricity gently rested on the neck of the ninja of the Yamanaka clan.


Yamanaka Dadou looked at the figure of his companion leaving, and his face desperately wanted to kill himself.

Tang Wu knocked him unconscious, casually removed his limbs, did not look at the butterflies rushing in the sky, and carried the mountain bucket and left in the other direction.

The will that broke into his spirit was this mountain ninja.

The feeling of spiritual boiling at that moment made Tang Wu feel as if he had returned to the time when he unlocked the first-order gene lock.

If you use a metaphor, it is probably a catfish mixed in with a school of sardines, and the sardines rioted.

The boiling spirit seemed to turn into hot magma, releasing intense light and heat.

Opening the gene lock requires this strong spirit.

And the self-obsession guides this spirit to play its due role – to open the gene lock.

Don Wu rushed all the way and walked for a day.

In the bear cave a few kilometers away, the unconscious mountain ninja was awakened.

Click, click, click.

Along with Yamanaka Dadou’s pale face, the joints of his hands were roughly connected by Tang Wu.

“Look at me!”

Tang Wu forcefully opened his eyes, and the scarlet pupils shone into his eyes.

To be on the safe side, the three goujades of the Sharingan also turned into sharp and long wheat mangs.

Two lines of blood and tears slowly fell.

Tang Wu wiped his stinging eyes, retreated from the kaleidoscope, and looked at the mountain ninja with demented eyes.

“What’s your name?”

“Yamanaka Dadou.”

“What do you think of me?”

“Enemy, kill!”

“Kill me with your ninjutsu?”

“…… Yes, with my ninjutsu…”

Yamanaka Dadou muttered, his expression blankly began to form, and Chakra’s meridians in his body mobilized.

“Ninja Heart Turning Technique!”

In an instant, a dazed will once again invaded the spirit of Tang Wu.

This will alone causes a violent reaction from the spirit, as if touching on the deep stress mechanism of life.

The result is a blazing spirit when the gene lock is opened.

It’s just that opening the gene lock requires a terrifying and stressful external stimulus, and often the edge of life and death can bring life a strong stimulus that causes all mental shocks.

The “technique of heart turning”, on the other hand, transcends external mechanisms.

Stepping over the body, across the ego, the id, the superego, directly acting on the spiritual level.

“The condition for opening the gene lock is not a life-and-death stimulus, but a high degree of mental concentration. It’s just that the stimulation of life and death makes the spirit concentrate more, so the gene lock is often opened at the moment of life and death. Tang Wu said to himself, recalling the memories of the past.

He didn’t think it was a trick.

The will of others invades the spirit, like droplets of different colors dyeing the soul, and one carelessness will lead to a split personality.

This is also a threat of death.

“That got me thinking.” Tang Wu touched his left eye.


It seems that it did not catch up, but …

Nara Shikayu tried not to think about the safety of Yamanaka Dadou, and his footsteps did not stop, and he ran to the village and town where he was stationed before overnight.

Through the ninjas stationed there, the news is transmitted back to Konoha Village.

“What a terrible enemy…”

Nara Shikayu bitterly recalled the light of the sword in the mist, his hands still trembling.

The ninja’s keen intuition gave him insight into the horror of the jumping sword light, and just looking at it, he felt his sweaty hairs stand up, and the skin on his face hurt like needles.


“The Root team is completely destroyed, Kakashi is unconscious by illusions, Hinata Yota is dead, and Yamanaka Daito is suspected of being captured.”

The message is channeled through secret channels to psychic Konoha.

In the Hokage office.

The third generation of Ape Fei’s expression was cold, he knocked on his pipe, looked at Tuan Zang and said: “This result is already the limit we can bear, announce it.” ”

Tuan Zang nodded darkly.

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