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“Kakashi-sensei… What did you just do?! Sakura looked at everything in front of her in amazement and looked at Kakashi and asked the question that was on their minds to all of them.

“I transferred his ninjutsu to another space…” After saying this, Kakashi could no longer support it, and the whole person fell to his knees.

“It’s good to catch up,” Kakashi gasped as he seemed to close his left eye in some pain, “but the range of his ninjutsu explosion just now was too great… Use Kamui to open up such a large space…”

“I can’t use it a second time…” Kakashi only felt that the chakra in his whole body was almost exhausted, and the chakra eye was also in severe pain.

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan…”

Everything that was sent out just now naturally did not escape the eyes of the moment, but he saw a teasing look on his face, looking at Kakashi who was almost falling in front of him, and it was clear in an instant how much Chakra was left in his body, “It’s not someone from the Uchiha clan… Use this eye to make such pupils… It must be a struggle, right? ”

“Then my next ninjutsu… What are you going to do? In an instant, he held the moon in his hands and said for a while, and the desperate expression on the faces of everyone present was reflected in his blue eyes.

Could it be that today… Are all of us going to die here…

For a moment, except for the moment when they stood there with a relaxed face, everyone’s faces could not help but be covered with a layer of dead ash.


“Why did you take me Ailuo… Why is it him every time…”

At this time, Naruto, who had originally fallen to the ground, stumbled to his feet, his body was full of fiery red nine-tailed chakra, and his mouth seemed to mumble, “Sha Shinobu put that monster into his body… And now you’re going to take that monster out and kill him…”

“He just became a wind shadow!!” Naruto’s emotions seemed to be getting more and more excited, and he clenched his fists desperately, and two lines of tears hung down his face.

Naruto, who is also a human pillar like I-Iro, can fully understand the pain and loneliness that Iroh endures, and in his eyes, Iroh is like another him.

Now seeing this other him, he has endured so much loneliness and setbacks, and finally got everyone’s recognition and became a wind shadow, but he was arrested by the people of the Xiao Organization, and the crane was withdrawn from his body, and he was in danger, how could he not be sad.

Looking at Naruto who stood up and hearing his hysterical words, everyone present fell into a deep silence.

In an instant, he also silently looked at the emotional person in front of him, and found that he did have something that most people in the ninja world in front of him did not have, that is, a power that could infect others like in the One Piece world.

At this moment, it seems that there is finally something, why in the original plot, he can rely on a mouth to persuade and infect so many people, even people like Obito, because he really has this trait.

“Very good eyes…” In silence, looking at Naruto’s gaze at him, he suddenly said a little stunned, “Your eyes are very similar to your father”

My father?! Hearing the words of the moment, Naruto was stunned by his eyes.

“Maybe everyone has their own unforgettable hurts and experiences… But as long as it is for my ideals and purposes…” As he spoke, his voice gradually cooled down, “Everything has to make way for me!” ”

Counting the time, Ichigo is almost finished sealing…

Just when Momentary was planning whether to clean up all four people in front of him, the reincarnation of God in Moment’s eyes saw a new change in things.

“Konoha Rigid Force Whirlwind!!”

A strong wind came from the back of his head, but as if he was an unknown prophet, he suddenly moved a step away in advance and easily dodged the attack behind him.

“Long time no see… Akai…” After easily avoiding the attack from behind, he didn’t even turn his head for an instant, and he clearly observed the four people coming from behind…….

“And… Ning Ci…” When he spit out this name in an instant, he slowly turned around and faced the four surprised and stunned faces behind him.

“Brake… Brother Moment…” Especially when he saw Momenta turn around, the expression on Ning Ci’s face was shocked beyond description.

I saw that I hadn’t seen it for three years, and Ning Ji had grown from the boy he was to an excellent ninja, with a handsome face, a straight posture, and the mark of ‘caged bird’ on his forehead, looking white and flawless.

“Three years without see… You’ve grown…” said softly, looking at Ning Ci in front of him, an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“The degree of elite endurance … It seems that the special training he had given him before was not in vain…” Looking at Ning Ci, whose strength had increased by one level compared to the original work in front of him, he thought to himself in an instant.

“Hinata moment?!” After seeing clearly the appearance of this enemy standing in front of Kakashi and the four of them, Akai also opened his mouth wide in surprise.

“Kakashi! He…” Then Akai turned his gaze to Kakashi 1.1, who was sitting on the ground at this time, with some surprise.

I only saw Kakashi sitting on the ground, glanced at Akai, who arrived at this time, and nodded heavily, “His current identity is the leader of Xiao…”

There was silence…

Ah Kai, Ning Ci, and Xiao Li and Tiantian behind them all showed a look of disbelief on their faces.

“The leader of Xiao…,” Akai muttered, looking at the moment’s eyes, filled with solemn colors, “I can’t imagine… The enemy this time… It turned out to be you…”

Is there any worse news in the world than this…

Ningci… And how do you decide… In an instant, his blue eyes quietly looked at the ninja in front of him, thinking thoughtfully.

(Everyone has monthly passes and flowers, please continue to throw them to me, thank you)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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