Uchiha Genh gave Kakuto the money he was carrying to let go of him, and set the need for his protection to only guard him for an hour in the Sand Shinobi Village, and he only needed to take care of himself when retreating.

After this, Kakuto finally took over the task.

And it must be paid in advance before Kakuto can start this task.

In Kakuto’s opinion, if it is only one hour, it is a big deal to sell two or three lives, and with his own strength, he can completely protect Uchiha Xuan, because he knows very well that the combat power of Shayin Village is basically on the front line, and the remaining ninjas inside are not a big problem, and just one hour is not enough for the frontline Sha Shinobu to rush back to Shayin Village after getting notice.

Killing a few sand ninja can replenish the heart loss, and you can get 50 million rewards, there is no reason not to do it.

For Uchiha Xuan, selling some paper can be exchanged for a person who is also a strong existence in the shadow level to be a bodyguard, almost an empty glove white wolf, and there is no more profitable business.

The power of the detonation charm is comparable to the Hao Fireball Art released by ordinary Zhongnin, and it is a convenient ninja that anyone can use without sealing, the price has been high, and it has risen a lot in times of war, even if it is the black heart price of the black market, after selling in large quantities, the final price has reached 1000 taels.

Uchiha Xuan knew that after doing this kind of thing once, he would be found to be tricky, and the next time someone sold the detonation charm on the black market, it would definitely cause trouble, so he simply sold a little more, earning about sixty million taels.

Because it is a rapid mass production detonation charm using ninjutsu after all, as the distance from Uchiha Gengen increases, its internal chakra will quickly pass away, and finally it will fail, leaving only the appearance unchanged, and once used, it will be noticed that something is wrong.

Feeling that the first batch of detonation charms sold was almost invalid, and someone might have started to use them, Uchiha Genh decisively stopped and handed over 50 million to Kakuto.

The symbol of “$” appeared in Kakuto’s eyes, his green eyes shone brightly, and he patted his chest and assured: “Don’t worry about my professional ethics, until an hour after entering Shayin Village, you won’t be hurt in the slightest, you just need to stand by my side with peace of mind.” ”

Of course, Uchiha Xuan believes in Kakuto’s professional ethics, because although it is a rebellion, Kakuto is also a very straightforward existence in a sense, obviously he likes money so much, he has never moved the idea of robbing rich businessmen of money, at least he has not really done so.

People like Kakuto naturally can’t care about worldly eyes, and they don’t mind a large number of ninjas chasing and killing, which can only mean that in his way of thinking, maybe if you have money, you must earn it yourself.

Of course, except for the people who recognize, Uchiha Genshen does not even believe in his nominal teammates, naturally he will not really fully count on Kakuto’s guard, he is prepared to really not open Izanagi, although the cost is huge, but the opportunity to run directly into the hostile ninja village is almost non-existent, enough for Uchiha Gento to take risks.


In front of the village of Suna.

Kakuto opened his mouth and reminded: “Employer, remember, the deadline is only one hour, if you don’t plan to leave when the time comes, I will evacuate directly.” “Since he has already taken the task, he asked Yu Zhiha Xuan’s identity what he planned to do.

Uchiha Xuan narrowed his eyes and nodded, “Chu, but if you add 10 million now, will you be willing to add time?” ”

Jiaodu’s eyes immediately rolled up, and he said without hesitation: “Every ten million can be extended by ten minutes, and employers are very welcome to increase your time, no time.”

In a sense, Kakuto can already be regarded as asking for money and death, could it be that he relies on secret arts to live forever in order to obtain money that ordinary ninjas cannot earn in a lifetime?

“Then add ten minutes first.” Uchiha Xuan threw 10 million to Kakuto without care, anyway, it was money exchanged for blank paper, and there was nothing to feel sorry for.

Kakuto put away the money sharply, I don’t know where to put it, maybe it will be directly sucked into the body with the ground complaint.


A fireball suddenly exploded in the village of Shayin.


The earthquake shook, the fire overflowed, and the houses could not stop shaking.

Chiyo returned to Sand Hidden Village from the front, intending to snipe Uchiha Genh according to the intelligence, and saw this scene.

“What’s going on?” She asked with a frown.

Immediately, a sand ninja shadow appeared next to Chiyo and said respectfully: “Chiyo-sama, someone suddenly rushed into the village and attacked. ”

Chiyo narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice, “Where are the ninjas who dare to attack the Sand Hidden Village, and how many are there?” ”

The dark part immediately replied, “One person is not wearing a brace, and the other should be a rebel from Taki Shinobi Village.” ”

“Only two people!?” Chiyo’s face turned gloomy, “Fooling me into sand patience is no one!” ”

Saying that, she walked towards the place of the attack and decided to take the initiative to teach these two ninjas who did not know the height of the sky and the earth a good lesson.

“Just let me go and solve those two little ones!”

Only when he walked to the attack site and saw Kakuto, Chiyo frowned deeply.

Although she is nearly twenty years younger than Kakuto, she is already the oldest group of ninjas in the ninja world today, and she knows the situation of Kakuto and has heard the legend of Kakuto.

His heart sank: “Is this this person, why did he come to attack our village?” He is still on the front line, and I am afraid it will be difficult for me to deal with him. ”

She looked at the second attacker worriedly, if it was the same level of Kakuto, no, as long as it was a quasi-shadow level, Chiyo would have to consider notifying the front line.

As soon as he saw the second person, Chiyo recognized it as Uchiha Gen.

Although Uchiha Genshen wore a mask and did not wear a brace, the shape of his face, as well as the pair of chakra eyes, completely explained his identity.

“Tsunade-hime’s disciple dares to come directly to Shayin Village!” Chiyo only felt his anger rise, “Then you have to come and go!” ”

With a wave of his hand, he ordered: “You guys drag me down that Taki Shinobi Village rebel, and I’ll quickly solve the other person!” ”

She thinks that although the horns are troublesome, as long as they drag the horns, they can naturally kill Uchiha Xuan quickly, and then cooperate with the dark departments to force the corners back. _

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