Because Jiraiya finally decided to stay in the Land of Rain to teach Nagato, he was not seen among those who left the Land of Rain a few months later, and his squad was disbanded and mixed into the squad of other missing members.

Uchiha Gen, and they followed Tsunade back to Konoha.

Tsunade asked on his way home, “Do you know what the Chūnin exam is?” ”

Uchiha Mikoto immediately replied, “It means the kind of test that tests the shinobi to determine whether you are qualified to be promoted to the middle of the ninja, sensei.” ”

Tsunade nodded and continued, “That’s right, that’s the Chūnin exam. Generally speaking, the Chūnin exam requires qualifications and the amount of tasks to be completed, but now it is obvious that it does not matter so much, and the most important thing is that the ability is enough, so I decided to recommend you to take the Chūnin exam. ”

Shizune was surprised: “So fast!? The number of tasks we performed was not even ten, Tsunade-sama. ”

Although it has been almost a year since becoming a shinobi, most battles on the battlefield are not considered missions, so except for the initial clearance of robbers, after that Uchiha Gen, they have only performed five full of tasks, and Shizune is one less than Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Gen.

Hearing Shizune’s words, Tsunade smiled slightly, “That’s why I said that ability is the most important, I believe that you all have the qualities to become a Zhongnin, so feel free to participate boldly.” ”

With Tsunade’s comfort, Uchiha Mikoto and Shizune gradually calmed down as if they had been given a booster.

Uchiha Mikoto clenched her fist and said seriously, “I will definitely strive to become a Naka-ninja, Tsunade-sensei.” ”

Shizune also said seriously: “Tsunade-sama, I will never live up to your expectations!” ”

Tsunade looked at the second daughter with satisfaction, glanced at Uchiha Gengen with disgust, narrowed his eyes and said, “Don’t you have anything to say?” ”

In the past few months, Uchiha Xuan, who has only killed a few shinobi by finding an opportunity, has still not been able to make up 2,000 soul points, and now it is only 1945 points, and his first reaction to taking the middle ninja exam is “to waste a lot of time again.”

For Tsunade’s question, Uchiha Xuan tilted his head and said coldly: “No.” ”

“Forget it.” Tsunade gave up his plan to let Uchiha Gengen say what he thought, and spoke, “I have already arranged it in advance, I don’t need to register again, and the day after returning to the village coincides with the start of the first round of the Chūnin exam.” Come on, don’t let anyone fail in the end. ”

“Yes!” Silence is guaranteed immediately.

“Got it.” Mikoto Uchiha nodded obediently.


Back in Konoha, Uchiha Gengen originally wanted to go straight home, but because he saw something strange, he planned to do something else.

He said to Uchiha Mikoto, who was heading to the Uchiha clan land with him: “Mikoto, you go back alone first, I have something to do.” “Since you have begun to recognize Mikoto Uchiha, you don’t need to be as indifferent as others.

Although Uchiha Mikoto didn’t understand what Uchiha Gengen was going to do, she still obeyed, “Okay, Gen.” ”

With that, she walked away alone.

Uchiha Gen’s gaze looked towards the street next to the ninja school, staring at it deadly.

What caught Uchiha Gen’s eye was the jet-black watermelon skin hairstyle, equivalent to eyebrows the thickness of two index fingers, which could reflect in one mouthful. An inhuman species with dazzling white teeth and green tights.

There is not just one, but two such species, and they are crying together, or crying excitedly?

Behind them, the illusion of the scorching sun and the storming waves appeared, and the pedestrians on the side of the road all looked at them coldly, bypassing from both sides, leaving a large circle empty.

Uchiha Xuan’s eyes flashed: “Mat Dai and Matt Kai, I didn’t expect to meet these two here, it’s really lucky.” ”


Today is the day of admission to the ninja school, and Mater Dai was moved to tears by Matkai’s youthful words.

It was then that Materday felt as if he had been bumped by someone, and he looked sideways to see a ninja wearing a Konoha brace walking indifferently past him.

Mater Dai didn’t care too much and thought, “This kid probably accidentally touched me.” ”

Immediately afterwards, he continued to feel the power of youth with Metkai.


Uchiha walked past Materday and touched him slightly.

Walking to the corner, the corners of his mouth curved a little, and a little smile appeared.

Mind sank into the library, and Uchiha immediately inquired about Materday’s books.

“Matt Day”

Strength: Shinobu (shadow).

Basic: Chakra extraction

Ninjutsu: Doppelganger, Avatar, Transfiguration

Physical surgery: basal body surgery

Illusion: None

Forbidden Technique: Eight Doors Dun Jia

Uchiha Xuan nodded in satisfaction, Rao was unable to calm his excitement with his heart.

What is Bamen Dun Jia?

Once the eight doors are fully opened, the posture of entering the eight-door Dun Jia array, it is really invincible.

In the original work, throughout the history of the ninja world, the Eight Gates Dun Jia Array has only appeared twice.

For the first time, it was cast by Mater Dai, whose basic strength was only lower ninja, crushing the seven ninja swords of the fog, those seven ninja swords can all be shadow-level combat power, and the weakest black hoe thunder tooth is also the strongest among the elite upper ninja.

The second time, used by Metkay, burst out with incredible power, crossing the boundary of strength, and almost kicked to death Uchiha who turned into a six-path immortal, and it was the attack that the latter simply did not have time to react.

The eight doors of Dun Jia are powerful and can afford the word invincible.

But this is also a real forbidden technique, and the complete eight-door dunjia array state brings death, which is nothing more than the last one called the door of death.

But Yu Zhibo Xuan is different, he has a library and can optimize the eight door dunjia, even if he can’t completely solve the side effects of the eight door dunjia now, but sooner or later he can use the eight door dunjia without side effects.

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