Junichi didn’t have much expression on his face, trying his best to maintain his image as a worldly master.

In the next instant, he suddenly moved.

I saw that in his originally empty hands, there were suddenly a few more kunai. Then, he threw it away.

Several kun Wu rushed out, and his other hand also suddenly moved, and in an instant, he threw a few more Ku Wu.

It all seemed prosaic, but just then, the unthinkable happened.

The Ku Wu who was thrown out by Chun Yi’s back hand turned out to be even faster, catching up with the previous few Ku Wu in an instant…


A shrill sound of metal clashing.

After several kunai collided with each other, the attack trajectory completely changed.


As if a chaotic wind was blowing, several kunai all quietly stabbed on the bullseye.


It’s so accurate.


Haruno Sakura was already shocked to open her mouth wide, completely immersed in shock.

She stretched out her little hand and counted in amazement;

1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 8……!


“Eight targets in different locations, in different directions. Eight kunwu hits, too godly. ”

Haruno Sakura’s pink little face was full of shock.

“No, you miscounted, it’s nine!” It was also at the same time that Haruno Sakura was shocked, Junichi calmly corrected.

“Nine? There are actually nine? That…… What about the ninth? ”

Now Haruno Sakura felt a little dry in her throat.

“Above you…” said Junichi lazily.


Sakura gasped and silently turned her body, just in time to see a kunai nailed to a tree behind her, and if the position of kunai was moved down a few centimeters, she would…


“Oh my God!”

Sakura covered her mouth and almost cried out.

Such a shuriken, in addition to horror, she really doesn’t know how to describe it.

Attacking eight targets in different positions and directions at once is no longer something that a person can do.

Haruno Sakura understood that if Junichi was an enemy, she would have died just a moment.

“You… You…… It’s terrible…” Haruno Sakura’s pink lips trembled in fright, and the flower branches trembled.

“Don’t worry, you are so cute, how can I bear to hurt you.”

At this time, Junichi showed a warm smile and gently placed his hand on Haruno Sakura’s forehead.

Although she was not as shy as Hinata, her little face also became hot.

“So, can you show me your fire?”

Although Haruno Sakura was afraid, she was driven by curiosity, and she still wanted to see Junichi’s strength.

This handsome big brother in front of him must be a master.

At least, judging from the shuriken of the performance he just performed, he was definitely much more powerful than Iruka-sensei.

“Well… Sakura wants to see it, I’ll show it to you…”

Junichi raised his hand and lightly touched it on her radiant forehead.

Psychic: The Eight Ravens.

Then he raised his hand and waved and summoned a lot of crows, at least dozens, and these crows formed a seal the moment they rushed out.

As long as Chun Yi needed it, he could instantly release a dozen Fire Seeking Techniques, and it was a breeze to destroy this grove.

This time, Junichi didn’t plan to keep too much, he wanted to completely conquer Sakura.

The idol is not Sasuke, the idol is in front of her.

Fire Escape: The Art of Seeking Fire!

Bang bang bang….

In an instant, it was as if Junichi spit out several huge fire seekers from his mouth, and each fire seeker was like a round of sun, rushing out into the distance.

The picture is not shocking.

And Junichi at this time, like a pea shooter who ate Viagra, the firepower is not ordinary fierce.

Such an attack, in addition to the flying thunder god-level ninjutsu can be hidden, for the vast majority of ninjas, it is almost a lore.

“Well… So scary wow~~”

Haruno Sakura’s big watery eyes glared at the boss, shocked.

There is such a powerful fire in the world, just by looking at it, there is a feeling of being in the end times.

Fear, fear, even despair.

“How? For the fire of the division, can I pass your pass?”

Chunyi opened his mouth lightly, and the explosions in front of him kept exploding, terrifying, and he acted as if nothing had happened.

“But, I’m stupid, why do you take me as an apprentice?”

Haruno Sakura lowered her head and said dejectedly.

Before she saw Junichi’s means, she still felt that she could definitely become a strong person in the future, but after she saw Junichi’s ability, she felt powerless in her heart.

With a shuriken, you can play the feeling of S-level ninjutsu, which is really strong.

“I… I don’t think I’m worthy to be your disciple…” Haruno Sakura showed a rare look of frustration.


Suddenly, Junichi spoke.

He walked to Haruno Sakura and squatted down, carefully looking at Sakura’s beautiful and immature face, and said, “Sakura is so beautiful, how can she not be worthy of being my disciple?” I’m here for you…”

Actually, Junichi wanted to say that I came here for you, but after thinking about it, I didn’t think it was appropriate.

I’m actually a very single-minded person.

Well! That’s it.

“You… Is what is said true? Hearing Junichi praise himself so much, Haruno Sakura’s little face turned even redder, like a red apple. The heart is pounding, so full.. The feeling of foot.

Alas ….

Girls, who doesn’t want to be praised by others, especially by people they admire.

Seeing the situation, Junichi hooked the corners of his mouth with satisfaction, very good, that’s it, this is the prelude to the insecure heart…


ps: If someone likes Li’s book, give Li a comment, say it and cheer up, let Li see, okay ….

(Please look at the faces of Hinata, Izumi, Sakura, Tenten, Ino, Tsunade, Kurotsuchi, Terumi, Temari, Sunset Red and others ~~


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