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However, in the great power there is a price, and this price may be death!

“You guys stop here…”

Lei Yu finally stopped after thinking about it, looked at the friends around him and said.

In the original book, they almost gave their lives for this mission, and if it weren’t for Tsunade, they would definitely die!

This cannot say Thunderstorm Virgin, but Thunderstorm does not want fearless sacrifice and bloodshed!

“Naruto Uzumaki, what do you mean by that? ”

“Could it be that Sasuke Uchiha is your friend, not our friend? ”

“And you who came on our mission this time have no right to stop us! ”

Looking at the stopped thunderstorm, although Ninji and the others did not like Uchiha Sasuke, they were still very angry about the tone of the thunderstorm!

“Naruto Uzumaki, don’t think too much, everyone is partners…”

“Well, since you want to follow, follow if you can keep up with me!” ”

“You guys are so slow, Sasuke would have run away! ”

“Whoosh! ”

The thunderstorm disappeared in the blink of an eye, turning into a gust of wind, making Nara Shikamaru, who had not finished speaking, sigh helplessly!

“Chase! ”

Nara Shikamaru looked at everyone and nodded to each other.

“What a nasty bunch of guys! ”

Thunderstorm felt the teammates behind him, the indescribable feeling in his heart, Thunderstorm, who had always been alone, had this special feeling in his heart for the first time!

“This group of self-righteous fools, since you want to die, then you should follow! ”

The thunderstorm’s body instantly passed through the people left by the four people of Yinren, turning into a strong wind and disappearing!

“Bastard stop me! ”

The other party obviously did not react, and by the time the other party reacted, Nara Shikamaru and the others had already appeared, blocking the possibility of the other party continuing to pursue!

In this way, unconsciously, there were no teammates behind Thunderstorm, and Thunderstorm finally came to the final line of defense!

“Don’t die…”

Lei Yu looked behind him, slowly walked towards the front step by step, and a man with his back to Lei Yu also slowly turned around.

“Unexpectedly, you Konoha came so fast, I just arrived…”

The other party looked at Lei Yu and said softly.

“Junmaru, the head of the five people of Otonobu, you are not dead yet…”

Lei Yu looked at the guy in front of him as expected, and the guy who blocked the last line of defense sighed softly.

“Death is already dispensable for me, my body has long died, now I am alive with spirit, can you understand? ”

“However, it really makes me feel a little honored that you of Konoha actually know me. ”

Junmaru looked at Lei Yu and said softly.

“The last member of the Kaguya clan, Junmaru, the owner of the Blood Succession Limit Realm and the Bone Vein, am I right? ”

Lei Yu looked at the guy in front of him and said with a smile.

“You know a lot…”

“But what about this, do you feel like you can get past me?” ”

Junmaru looked at the thunderstorm in front of him and sneered, the other party’s lonely and cold eyes made people very uncomfortable, the other party’s pupils only had two feelings, one was garbage, waste, and the other was the value of existence!

To put it bluntly, life and death!

Waste dies, value lives!

“Can your dying body stop me? ”

Lei Yu was not angry and looked at Junmaru in front of him playfully and said.

“Even if my body dies, I won’t die, the only person who will die is you!” ”

“Whoosh! ”

Junmaru obviously didn’t want to waste time with thunderstorm, and his body flashed and rushed towards thunderstorm!

“Bang! ”

Lei Yu’s right arm quickly stretched out to block Junmaru’s whip kick, and his body rotated his right leg and kicked out along Junmaru’s head!

“Peng! ”

With a heavy blow, Junmaru’s body was immediately kicked into the distance by a thunderstorm!

“Whoosh! ”

Junmaro swirled quickly in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

“So hard! ”

Thunderstorm felt the pain coming from his right foot and frowned slightly!

“Cluck… Cluck…”

Junmaru shook his head lightly and made a gurgling sound.

“It’s a bit skillful, but this ability is completely inadequate! ”

“Corpse Bone Vein, Ten Fingers Piercing! ”


Suddenly, one bone after another, like bullets, quickly penetrated towards the thunderstorm!

Thunderstorm looked at the incoming bones, his body quickly rolled on the ground, and quickly dodged the opponent’s attack!

“Bang bang bang…”

The ground around the thunderstorm was constantly punched out of bullet holes.

“Ring the bell…”

Finally, Thunderstorm took out the bitter and endless block, and emitted a metallic humming sound!

“It’s over! ”

“Bone Vein, Willow Dance! ”

“Poof! ”

I don’t know when a bone spur instantly penetrated Thunderstorm’s body, and Thunderstorm suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood!

“Just like this, the strength still wants to pursue, don’t measure yourself! ”

Looking at the Willow Dance that penetrated the heart of the thunderstorm, Junmaru snorted coldly with disdain, the weak are his most disdainful, only the strong can get his respect!


At this moment, the thunderstorm that was penetrated suddenly laughed, making Junmaru’s face change slightly!

“Peng! ”

At this moment, the thunderstorm that was penetrated instantly turned into a white eye and disappeared in front of Junmaru!

“Damn, it’s a shadow doppelganger! ”

PS; Xiao Mao’s new book rushed to the list, please all the big guys feel okay, please take away, please raise and collect flowers!

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