
How are you.

The miserable appearance of the little fart child named Yuta directly frightened the other students, and quickly ran over to check it.

“Blood…. A lot of blood. ”

Yuta covered his nose and said tremblingly.

“Cut, garbage one, just such a little nosebleed is scary, you are a useless waste except for being older than us.”

Ino did not leave anyone in his mouth, and began to mock without hesitation.

Dare to say bad things about my male god, I can’t scold you.

“What’s going on.”

At this time, a cool voice came.

Everyone looked up and saw a little boy with a bandage on his forehead and struggling with a pair of iconic white eyes walking out.

“Ning Ci, it’s really good that you came, we just said that the junior’s grade is not as good as you, this girl ran out and beat me like this, they are too bullying, you have to call the shots for us.”

The person who came was Hinata Ninji, this little fart boy named Yuta’s eyes suddenly lit up, turning right and wrong upside down, and did not mention his insulting words.

“Oh, look at your grade should be a second-year student, don’t you know to respect the senior.”

Hinata Ninji was big because he saw in the crowd the woman who had made him once willing to give his life, but now only hated.

Hinata Hinata, the eldest lady of the Hyuga family.

So after knowing that these people were Hinata’s classmates, he did not hesitate to put out the senior’s shelf, ready to embarrass Hinata’s classmates a little.

“Fart, he didn’t say that at all just now, he’s lying.”

When Ino heard Yuta so upside down, he suddenly exploded again.

“Ning… Brother Ningci, this classmate of yours didn’t say that just now. ”

Hinata also stepped forward and explained with a laugh.

“Hmph, it turned out to be Miss Hinata, don’t you think I will listen to you and not believe the words of my own classmates, Yuta, who beat you, I’ll help you teach him a lesson, is it the first guy in the second grade?”

After seeing Hinata, the hatred in Hinata Ninji’s heart rose layer by layer, but he couldn’t move now.

So he decided to beat this so-called second-grade first beaten hard, letting him know that it was all because of Hinata.

“Nope… No, it was this girl who hit. ”

Yuta pointed at Ino and said embarrassedly.

Hinata Ninji was stunned, and glanced at Yuta strangely, you are so weak?

Unexpectedly, he was knocked down by the junior sister.

But since you just said that you have learned a lesson, you can’t lose your words, and you have to do it.

Thinking of this, Hinata Ninji slowly walked towards Ino and prepared to teach a lesson.

Ino was also vigilant in his heart, although this guy was of the same race as Hinata, but he didn’t come well.

“Brother Ningci, don’t.”

Seeing this, Hinata quickly blocked in front of Ino.

“Hinata, what are you afraid of, you go away, let’s teach this arrogant guy, we can’t beat Liuyunjun, isn’t there still Liuyunjun.”

Ino hurriedly persuaded Hinata.

“Brother Ningci, don’t hurt Jing Ye, you can’t beat Liuyunjun, you’re not his opponent, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Hinata shook his head at Ino, and then said to Hinata Ninji with sincerity, if he moved Ino, Chiba Liuyun would definitely make a move.

It’s just that he doesn’t know, just because of her words, Hinata Ninji’s hatred deepened.

What do you mean, look down on me.

“I came to see how powerful the Qianye Liuyun in your mouth is, as for you, let’s pay off the debt of bullying my classmates first.”

Hinata Ninji said, ready to make a move on Ino and Hinata.

“If you dare to touch a hair of him, I will let you stay in bed for a month, do you believe it?”


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