Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 9 Remodeling the cabin

Early the next morning, Lean jumped out of bed excitedly. This was the first day he decided to renovate his home. He liked the feeling of building a house of his own with his own hands.

After a simple breakfast, Rean picked up the wand and started his journey of demolishing the house.

There is no need for Lien to move in the botanical garden. The traceless stretching spell arranged there is very profound.

In the bedroom, Lien planned to build a fireplace. With a simple wave of the wand, the wall began to dent inward, gradually revealing the shape of a fireplace.

But Lean was worried about the emission of smoke. He was in a forest. As long as there was a trace of smoke, the London Fire Department would immediately discover it.

Forest fires are no joke, not to mention that this is close to London.

For a moment, Li En was in trouble and didn't know how to start.

After thinking for a while, Lien gave up. With a wave of his wand, the originally concave wall returned to its original shape.

After looking through the decoration plan planned last night, Li En didn't know what to do for a while.

"Oh, forget it, let's read the book "First Interpretation of Forbidden Knowledge" first." Rean walked into the study dejectedly.

"A First Interpretation of Forbidden Knowledge" is a new book written by Lean, which focuses on taboo knowledge.

Ever since Li En tried the power of forbidden knowledge the day before yesterday, he has been interested in this dangerous power.

Opening the book, Lien began to study it word for word, and from time to time he was still writing notes in the notebook on the desk.

Ryan forgot to eat lunch today because the book was so attractive.

If his stomach hadn't been reminding him crazily, he could have continued reading.

After simply filling his stomach, Lean returned to the study. The knowledge in this book completely touched Lean's heartstrings.

"... Why is there a difference in cost for both forbidden knowledge? Because some knowledge goes against the rules of the world's operation, and some knowledge complies with the rules of the world's operation. Although we can in a world without burning rules, Set fire to trees, but the cost is too high. We should comply with the rules of the world and obtain the greatest results at the least cost. This is the magician."

"...In a world with technology, the simplest way to deal with experimental waste is to convert it into gold by rearranging atomic nuclei - in most technological worlds, gold is hard currency. The array is as follows :...But this requires a lot of magic power, because these worlds follow the law of conservation of energy. Please don't be afraid, we can use all energy, wind energy, light energy, heat energy, magic energy, faith, etc."

"We need a simple little magic circle to achieve it. Just like an oil pump, we extract oil from the ground, and then part of the oil is supplied to the oil pump to continue running, and the remaining part can be used to supply other machines. Its magic circle as follows:······"

When Lien saw this, he slowly closed the book, his eyes emitting a terrifying light.

But it was already very late now, and he knew that his current state was not suitable for setting up a magic circle, so Lien forced himself to lie down on the bed and sleep.

Early the next morning, Rean got up early again. He picked two fresh fruits from the botanical garden for breakfast, and then began to decorate his home.

First for the bedroom, he first made the shape of the fireplace, then the flue, and finally Lean dug a huge cavity in the open space next to it.

In the future, all waste will be sent to this cavity by Lean, and Lean will set up a material transformation array here.

It can be foreseen that Lean will definitely not be short of gold in the future.

As for the magic gathering array, Lien plans to dig another layer under his house and place it there when the time comes.

As soon as he said it, Lien rolled up his sleeves excitedly, then took out his wand and drew a magic circle at the bottom of the hole.

This magic circle does not require any materials at all. The magic power itself is the material used to draw the magic circle. This is the key to making it taboo.

This magic circle is not complicated, and it is not a problem at all for Lien who has perfectly received basic education from three or four civilizations.

In three hours, Lien completed the arrangement of the material conversion array, but now there is no magic supply and cannot be tested.

Then, Lien came to the study room. He planned to open a door to the underground. As for the location, he would put it behind the bookshelf.

After all, you only need to set up the protective spell, and it will be the same wherever you put it.

Magic has shown unparalleled convenience in this regard. With just a wave of the magic wand, the soil on both sides slowly recedes to both sides as if it has wisdom.

Soon, a huge space was formed underground, and Lien drew the magic gathering array in the same way.

The next thing to do is to connect the two magic circles. This task is very simple, because the magic power can already be transmitted through the void, and only needs to complete the port matching.

Because both magic circles were drawn by Lien himself, the ports are the same.

Slowly input magic power into the magic aggregation array, and soon the array lit up with blue fluorescence. Occasionally, some small light points appeared in the air and blended in, making the blue light even brighter.

Returning to the garbage discharge hole, Lien adjusted the magic circle and then turned on the switch of the magic circle port. For a moment, yellow light began to emit.

Rean threw a handful of dirt over, and soon, a small piece of gold fell down.

The magic circle was successful. Lien stepped forward and bumped the gold nugget in his hand. It was only one-tenth of the weight of soil.

This is weird because the book says it doesn't consume matter, just magic power.

Lean returned to the study and opened the book to find out what caused it.

But after searching for a long time, I couldn't find any explanation of the situation.

Until the end, Lean focused on one word: world rules.

Is it possible that the rules of the world are like this? Converting gold through magic can only convert one tenth?

Of course, there is another way to test the rules of the world in the book, which is to release a spell that links the world, and then operate the magic circle during the process of casting the spell. At this time, you can perceive a trace of information from the world.

The author of the book also thoughtfully included a simple spell at the back: detection.

Although the exploration technique is very simple, it involves the world itself.

The principle is to connect with the world and get information about the items in front of you from the world, which is equivalent to going to the world library to look up information.

Lean learned the probing technique and went to the garbage discharge hole to test it.

Facts proved that Li En's deduction was not wrong, the rules of the world were like this, and Li En was immediately relieved.

Next, Lean continued to renovate his cabin.

The self-repairing defensive array, charm array, plague array, underworld teleportation array, etc. are enough to drink a pot of wine from the offending enemies.

The self-repairing defensive array can repair itself in an instant as long as it is not broken by someone in an instant; the charm array can charm people with weak willpower; the plague array can create plague, a kind of array that can destroy both jade and stone; the underworld teleportation array , as long as someone accidentally steps on it, they will be instantly transported to the underworld.

Of course, there is also the indispensable time and space blockade to prevent anyone from leveraging the time and space of the Lien family to attack.

In addition, the air freshening array, constant temperature array, space expansion array and other life arrays were also completed by Lien.

The home is also equipped with expensive carpets, sofas, etc.

This took Lien two years and countless gold.

But now gold is no different than dirt to Lean. If Lean is willing, he can even destroy the entire world's gold market immediately.

On July 14, 1991, Rean woke up from bed. He first checked the mailbox erected in front of the tree hole for any letters from Hogwarts, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

In order to receive the Hogwarts admission notice accurately, Rean closed the concealment circle these days.

There is still no letter from Hogwarts in the mailbox, but Lean is not worried at all, because even if he cannot go to Hogwarts, he can continue to explore magic.

Several years of secret practice have slightly calmed down the violence in his heart, and also allowed him to change his views on the world.

After a delicious breakfast, Lien came to the study room to read.

Today's study may be a little inappropriate to describe as a study. With the help of the space expansion array, Lien's study has become a huge library.

There are books on dark magic left by Death Eaters in the library, as well as books on otherworldly magic copied by Rean over the years, but most of them are Muggle books.

But Lien knew very well that as time went by, his library would eventually shock the whole world.

Lean had Chinese food for lunch. Over the years, Lean had always eaten Chinese food.

After lunch, Rean began to practice magic. Over the years, he has never been disconnected for a day.

The consistent exercise and adequate nutrition over the years have made Lean look less like an eleven-year-old child and more like a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old boy.

Lean still maintained the legend of "Forest Night Devil" because it could avoid a lot of trouble for him. Of course, Lean did not kill them. Every time the missing person would be lying intact at the entrance of the forest the next day, he had no memory of what happened inside the forest.

Rean, who is obsessed with the magical world, doesn't care if he needs people of the same kind around him, and he even subconsciously stays away from people.

Except for necessary shopping, Lien has been wandering around the forest, hoping to harvest some strange things.

But except for a few very common herbs, Lien gained nothing. The road to industrialization has completely destroyed the plants that are demanding on the growing environment on this land, leaving only plants with strong vitality.

For dinner, Rean will choose some light food, then do something he likes, and finally fall asleep.

This is what a day in the life of Lean has been like for two years.

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