Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 88 A comfortable life during the holidays

Rean, who was sleeping soundly, had no idea that what he had done had prevented the two Aurors from being reunited with their families at Christmas.

In the morning, Lien got up from bed and looked at the surrounding furnishings. For a moment, he didn't recognize that this was his home.

In the past two days, En has gone out early and returned late. He hasn't had a good look at his home yet.

When Lean came out of his bedroom, a plate with food appeared on the table. There was suddenly more hot water in the tooth cup in the bathroom, and there was toothpaste on the toothbrush.

Of course, Rean is not lazy enough to use magic power to control the toothbrush to move on its own.

In other words, for everything in life, Rean is controlling himself as much as possible not to use magic.

For him, this is a way to experience a better life.

After all, if everything was done with magic, life would be uninteresting.

After Lien finished washing, he sat at the dining table and enjoyed breakfast. Pais also flew in from the door, bringing today's "Daily Prophet" with him.

Immediately afterwards, a plate of owl rations also appeared in front of Pais.

"Gugu!" Pais nodded with satisfaction and glanced sideways at Lean.

Rean responded with an eye roll and opened the newspaper.

Now that it is vacation, there are not so many schoolwork and courses, so Li En can spend every day leisurely.

When he opened the newspaper, the first thing Lean saw was a handsome blond man smiling at him, showing his white teeth. The photo appears to have some artificial effects, as Lockhart's teeth also sparkle.

"Mr. Lockhart once again wins the award for the most beautiful smile!" 》

After reading it casually, Lean found that the entire article was promoting Lockhart's books and boasting about Lockhart's legendary experience.

After reading it, Rean took a sip of oatmeal, smacked his lips, and turned to the next page.

He thought of Drom, the competitive but extremely kind old man that Fovo and Rhine spoke of.

It's a pity that Lockhart used the Forgetting Curse to plagiarize the old man's experience that originally belonged to him.

Lien turned back the page again, sighed, and shook his head. It was all trivial matters.

But this is normal. The Ministry of Magic's inaction is recognized by all wizards, especially after Fudge came to power, and they whitewashed the situation in newspapers.

But when he turned to the last page, Lien saw a piece of news that was most likely about him.

It was reported that strong apparation fluctuations were detected in a certain area of ​​the Arctic, so the Ministry of Magic sent two Aolo to investigate.

However, the two Aurors did not find any traces of wand use, so the two Aurors reported the truth to their superiors and believed that the Ministry of Magic's detection tools had failed.

The superiors believed that the two Ao Luo did not search carefully because the fluctuations detected by the instrument this time were very large, and there was basically no misjudgment. The reason the two Aurors said there was nothing going on was because they both wanted to go home for Christmas.

Of course, what the newspaper reported was not who the mysterious man who appeared in the North Pole was, nor why the Ministry of Magic had to work on Christmas Day, but what the two Aurors later had a fight with their boss in the Ministry of Magic. Struggle matters.

The previous things are just the foreshadowing, about two to three hundred words, and the fighting part behind is what is worth writing about.

What everyone cares about is not the mysterious wizard, nor why the Aurors still work on Christmas. Everyone's favorite thing is watching the theater and eating melons.

I believe this report will definitely bring joy to many wizards.

When Lien came back to his senses, he found that the bowl of oatmeal in front of him was still warm. It seemed that Pudding had secretly used a heating spell to heat the oatmeal while Lien was reading the newspaper.

Pais had already finished his ration and flew back to the tree.

Lean finished his breakfast quickly, then sat on the sofa, picked up the magic book given by Kes and started reading slowly.

The magic knowledge in this magic book is not profound, it can only make people's eyes light up, and it feels like it is still possible.

However, Li En also understood that given the status of Eks and Beaver, they did not have access to profound knowledge in the family. Everyone knew the consequences of a weak master and a strong servant.

But thinking of this, Lien suddenly remembered the books he asked Pudding to move back from the Gunter family. This is the collection of books owned by the Gunter family, and Lien believes that he will definitely find something good in it.

"Pudding." Rean shouted into the air.

"Master, what are your orders?" Pudding had a dirty towel hanging on his right arm, and there were beads of sweat on his face. It looked like he was wiping something just now.

"Where did you put the books I asked you to bring back in the library?" Lean closed the book, put it aside, and asked.

Pudding bent over: "Put them all inside. Pudding guarantees that they won't touch them at all."

This was indeed the case, because this was the first task that Lien gave to Pudding, so Pudding completed it more seriously than all previous tasks.

Li En nodded, then waved to Pudding, and Pudding sensibly disappeared in front of Li En.

Arriving at the library, Lean found that the space here had become extremely huge, and most importantly, Pudding had even moved back the bookshelves in the Gaunt family library.

You must know that although magic ironwood is hard and does not deform, its density is also very high. Such an ironwood bookshelf is probably heavier than the books on the shelf.

Lean walked to the back of the library, where there were countless books from the Gaunt family, one of the twenty-eight holy families, and even family secrets.

Generally speaking, very rare books are placed together on some unique bookshelves to show their distinction.

Soon, Lien found these books. They were placed on a more exquisite bookshelf. The bookshelf was made of finer materials, inlaid with gold edges and engraved with patterns, making it look extraordinary.

Lien casually took out a book, opened it, and found that it introduced an improved version of the explosion spell, which can leave flames after the explosion for continuous attacks.

This is absolutely impossible to find in the Hogwarts library.

Lien stood there and kept flipping through the book. The many experiences in improving spells in the book really made Lien's eyes shine.

Gradually, there was a chair behind Lean and a small table in front of him, with a pot of hot tea on the table.

Lean sat here and read a book intently until night fell.

It was Pais who woke up Lean, and it brought a Christmas gift for Lean from the three brothers.

It was originally delivered by an owl postman, but Pais intercepted it.

"Hmm, what's the gift?" Lien asked curiously, bumping the heavy box in his hand.

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