Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 61 Snape’s depression

"So you found me here? Where do you think I am? A nursery?" Snape looked at Rean standing in front of him with a headache, "Well, I don't have time to teach a Granny Fendo Occlumency.”

After Snape finished speaking, he picked up the quill pen inserted in the ink bottle and began to correct his homework.

"Look at the homework for seven grades, not to mention the O.W.Ls exams faced by fifth graders and the N.E.W.Ts exams faced by graduates. I need to be responsible for all of them, not be your nanny."

Snape said as he graded his homework.

"Okay, what you should do now is go back and have a good sleep. Tomorrow is Monday and there are classes." Snape put down the quill in his hand and raised his head to look at Rean.

"Although I know that you are very strong, and I also know that you have a lot of Galleons in your pocket now, but to be honest, the magic in Hogwarts is still worth learning for a long time." Snape said sincerely, he looked at Looking at Lean, it was like looking at his younger self.

"Okay, okay. You ask her to come here every Saturday afternoon, from 2 to 2:30 in the afternoon. I'll only teach for two months. Don't blame me if she doesn't master it. You can come too then, and teach her the lesson by the way. I’ve taught you practical lessons together so that you won’t say behind your back that the headmaster of Slytherin is a villain who doesn’t keep his word.”

In the end, Snape agreed. A sheep can be driven, and a group of sheep can be herded, so we might as well teach them together.

"But I can explain in advance that Occlumency is no better than other spells. The fastest way to train this spell is to continuously use Legilimency on it. The more times you use it, the more you will master it naturally."

Snape paused and continued: "I will explain some basic knowledge, and you can do the rest."

After saying that, Snape looked at Rean with some envy.

Why didn't he have a professor to help him with this trick when he was in school? If he could understand Lily in depth back then, he might not have developed like this.

"Thank you, Professor." After saying this, Lean turned and left Snape's office.

Snape sat alone in the office, recalling all the things he had done during his school days.

He always smiled when he thought about his time with Lily;

He would always be filled with jealousy and resentment when he thought of Lily and Potter's time together;

He clenched his hands when he remembered when he called Lily "Mudblood."

"Alas." After a long time, a long sigh came from Snape's office.

Lean was walking in the corridor with a strange look on his face.

Today, Snape was surprisingly talkative, a bit unlike his usual Snape.

But that doesn't matter, as long as he teaches Hermione Occlumency. Lien thought so.

After arriving in the Slytherin lounge, Rean was directly passed by X and Biffra.

"Lean, tell us the truth, was it you who ransacked Filch's office?" Beaver's face almost touched Lean's nose.

Lean pushed Beaver's face away hard and said calmly: "This is really not me. How could I provoke Filch."

"Lean, don't make excuses. We just told you that day that there were a lot of confiscated contraband in Filch's office. That night, Filch's office was ransacked. Do you think it's strange or not?"

Rean opened his mouth and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Beaver.

"Lean, we don't want you to return it, we just want to buy some from you." Beaver said with a smile, "Don't worry, we are just buying."

"I heard that you recently borrowed books from the library and copied them?" Kes asked from the side.

Lien nodded. This was something everyone knew, and he didn't hide it.

"Let's trade the books in the Hogwarts library. How about ten books for one prop?" Kes said mysteriously.

Kes's words instantly aroused Lien's doubts. This Hogwarts book collection is still yours. You can sell it as you say.

Kes seemed to see Lean's doubts and continued: "It is not the books in Hogwarts, but the books copied by the ancestors when they were studying at Hogwarts. These books are allowed to all family members in the family. For those of you watching, it doesn’t matter if you make a copy, as long as you don’t spread it on a large scale.”

After hearing what Kes said, Lien was speechless for a while.

He thought he was the only one who thought of this method, but it turned out that the Hogwarts library had been emptied out long ago.

It's no wonder that no one comes to trouble me these days when I copy books.

"Okay, but I have a lot of things. You must have so many books. Don't let your family come to Hogwarts to find me by then."

Rean stood up, stretched and said.

"Don't worry, these are things that the book family doesn't pay much attention to. It's just a matter of copying spells. Just tell the house elves." Beaver said nonchalantly.

"Okay then..." Rean suddenly paused.

He thought of the collection of books from the Gaunt family that Pudding had moved back. He had been lamenting why the Gaunt family had so many books, but he didn't expect the reason to be here.

"What's wrong?" Kes asked curiously when he saw Lean frozen on the spot.

"Sorry, Kess, Beaver, I think I may not need the books in Hogwarts for the time being. By the way, are your family's books going out? The price can be lower." Rean said with some embarrassment.

After all, this is someone else's family collection, and some even involve some family magic.

Kes was stunned for a moment. He obviously didn't expect that Lien would say that.

"I'm sorry, Lean, it's impossible for the family collection of books to be sold out. Once discovered, I will definitely be beaten to death."

Kes looked a little unhappy.

"Lean, where did you get the Hogwarts books?" Although Beaver asked, he was still thinking about which library of a poor pure-blood family Lean should have moved.

Lien didn't nod or give a clear answer.

But in Beaver's eyes, Lean's appearance was no different from answering.

"I wonder if you are interested in some strange gadgets?"

Kes's words attracted the attention of Lean and Beaver.

"You mean...those things?" Beaver seemed to understand what Kes meant, and only Lean was confused.

"Lean, Kes and I were exploring the castle before. We encountered several secret rooms and obtained many interesting gadgets from them. See if there is anything you need."

Just when Kes went back to the dormitory to get something, Beaver explained the origin of these things to Lean.

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