Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 56 Organizing Things

The next morning, Lean was in the dormitory sorting out the things he had obtained last night.

Several bronze rings are used to release curses, but they are not very powerful.

After all, it is the work of students, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be that great.

Several pieces of parchment recorded the whereabouts of an ancient wizard's ruins, and the drawings also accurately drew the floor plan of the ruins.

However, from Li En's point of view, this drawing of the ruins is most likely fake.

After all, which ancient ruins would contain the Clore Secrecy Spell? How could a spell invented four hundred years ago appear in ancient ruins?

However, Lien still put it away. He planned to go and take a look at some time.

The hand crossbow can still be used, and the crossbow arrows are tempered with a powerful laxative. It is a medicine that can cause diarrhea all day long with just a little contact.

The contents of several bottles have now lost their original appearance and turned into a dark mass of mud stuck to the bottom of the bottle.

As for the others, they were all items sold in joke shops, such as dung eggs, indelible ink and the like, but many of them had expired and turned into a pile of junk. Rean took one look and put it away, looking for something to change from the Weasley brothers or X and Beaver at some point.

They are all purebloods, and even if they have a collection of books at home, it would be good to buy one or two.

There are also several pieces of serious magic equipment, a necklace made of magic alloy with alchemical inscriptions engraved on it, and the pendant is a slot for placing magic crystals.

A quill that can write automatically, he will write down everything said by the designated person. After testing by Lean, it can be recorded within 500 meters. This is very scary, no wonder it is placed in the drawer of high-risk items.

A green stick emits green light. The traces left within ten minutes can be revealed under the light.

After putting all the things away, Rean left the dormitory.

The little wizards and wizards at Hogwarts are curious and scared today.

Because Filch didn't know why he was crazy today, squatting at the door of the restaurant and staring at every little wizard who came and went.

His eyes were red, and it was obvious that he had not slept all night, and his whole face was paralyzed. Even when the professor came to talk to him, he spoke coldly to him.

"Damn it, did you take something! Ha, I knew it. You brats won't settle down."

Just when Lean arrived at the door of the restaurant, Filch rushed over and grabbed the arm of the little wizard behind Lean.

Li En looked over and saw that all the little wizards were paying attention to the situation here. Ryan vaguely remembered that the little wizard was named Fleck, a second-year Hufflepuff student and a Muggle.

"No, no, Mr. Filch, I don't know what you are talking about." Fleck looked at Filch in horror, his voice trembling a little, especially when Filch moved his hand. After the foot cuffs inside.

"Ha, boy, let's wait until I hang you up and whip you twice." Filch showed a cruel smile.

Fleck shivered even more.

"Filch, I think it's inappropriate to be so arbitrary as to think that a young wizard who strictly abides by school rules would steal from your office at night."

Professor Sprout did not know when he appeared at the door of the restaurant.

"Okay, kid, let's go have breakfast. The grilled red sausage and bacon for breakfast today are good. I can already smell the aroma." Professor Sprout turned around and said to Fleck amiably.

Fleck nodded with lingering fear, slowly took two steps forward, then quickly ran to the Hufflepuff table and sat down.

When the little wizards around him saw Fleck, they all began to comfort him.

Rean didn't look around for long before he sat down at the Slytherin table and started eating breakfast.

Sure enough, as Professor Sprout said, the sausage and bacon for breakfast today were delicious. Sure enough, Hufflepuff is very good at eating.

There are always so few people in the restaurant on Saturday mornings, but something like this happened again today, and there are even fewer people in the restaurant.

The little wizards were either afraid of being caught by Filch at the door of the restaurant, or they wanted to go back and share with their friends the interesting things this morning and what happened to Filch.

All the little wizards were wondering what was causing Filch to be so irritable.

But the little wizards were also happy to see this, and everyone disliked Filch.

Professor Sprout said a few words to Filch at the door and then left. Filch hesitated for a while and then left with an ugly face.

After breakfast, Lean returned to the dormitory and began to modify the necklace.

After all, this is not like a socket. The magic crystal can be used as soon as it is plugged in.

Magic is sometimes crude and sometimes subtle.

Time is never a luxury for mysterious practice, and the whole morning passed quietly through Li En's hands.

But it's all worth it.

Lien looked at the necklace in front of him. The arrangement of the magic crystal made the whole necklace look extraordinary.

There is a defensive spell engraved on the necklace. The area that can be defended is not large, but the advantage is that it can be triggered independently.

If Lien had such a necklace when Crowe attacked, all three magic crystals would not have shattered.

Lean stuffed the necklace into his pocket and left the dormitory, but was stopped by Kes and Beaver in the lounge.

"Lean, my hunch tells me that you did what happened yesterday." Beaver said quietly.

"Huh? What happened? Do you understand why Filch is so angry?" Lean said with a confused look.

Bifur's face froze, and then he looked at Lean carefully, and found that Lean really didn't know. He touched his nose angrily and said, "Isn't this a trick on you? After all, you are so restless."

"Cough cough cough." Beaver coughed crazily next to him.

"Okay, I have something else to do. See you later." Rean waved his hand and left the Slytherin lounge.

Lean is really in trouble, and he should return the three books he borrowed, otherwise Mrs. Pince would really dare to chase them into the Slytherin lounge and ask for them.

No little wizard dares to default on books.

"Very good, the book is not damaged, he is a nice young man." Mrs. Pince didn't even look at Lien, she just stroked the book and said.

As far as Mrs. Pince is concerned, no little wizard is bad as long as he loves books.

"Mrs. Pince, I need to borrow these three books." Rean placed the three books he selected on the counter.

Mrs. Pince's face froze, she thought wrongly, Lien was not actually a good boy.

But in the end, Mrs. Pince loaned it to Lean.

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