Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 31 Punishment

"Miss Granger?" Snape said without changing his expression.

When Hermione heard Snape calling her, she suddenly broke into a nervous sweat.

No wonder Hermione was so scared, Snape was actually exuding a terrifying aura at this moment.

"Yes!" Hermione responded subconsciously, which she didn't even react to.

"Perhaps you are very interested in this ancient castle that has been passed down for thousands of years, but I think as students you should still focus on your studies. At this time, you should think carefully about what the professors taught in class today in the library. Maybe it will give your little brains a little bit of what a brain should be like."

Snape's lips moved up and down, and he spat out a large number of words.

"Professor, we have finished our homework."

Although she was very afraid of Snape, Hermione felt that she should correct Snape's misunderstanding of herself.

Snape obviously didn't expect that a Gryffindor would be so serious about finishing his homework after the first day of class.

There was a rare hint of surprise and reminiscence in his originally empty eyes.

The little witch in front of her looked so much like Lily, both full of wisdom and eager for knowledge.

"Then it's up to you. Mr. Zell, please come with me to my office."

Snape completely gave up the idea of ​​persuading Hermione, because Hermione looked less like a Gryffindor and more like a Ravenclaw.

"What can I do, Professor Snape?"

Rean was a little curious about what he had done to deserve Snape's special visit to him.

"Huh." Snape smiled with a hint of unclear meaning.

"Use your brain, which is not much bigger than a giant monster, think carefully about what you did yesterday!"

"I'm sure that since the founding of Hogwarts, no young wizard has ever dared to have a public duel in front of the big guys at the opening ceremony."

"In a sense, you have also made history. I believe this incident will be passed down forever in the history of Hogwarts."

"You don't think that everything will be fine if you just slap your butt and leave, do you? Now you have to pay the price for what you have done!"

"I have to tell you with regret, Mr. Zell, in view of your behavior of openly dueling at the opening ceremony and using false unforgivable curses to intimidate others, after discussion with several professors, I have decided to deduct ten points and one month from you. of confinement.”

"Is there anything else you would like to say, Mr. Zell?"

Snape spoke for a long time and in the same tone.

"Okay, so it's you who enforces my confinement?" Lean asked.

He had already known that there would be punishment, so he was not surprised now.

"Wait, what about Malfoy? This incident was originally caused by him."

Seeing that Lean was so stupidly preparing to leave with Snape, Hermione hurriedly spoke.

"His punishment is the same as Mr. Zell. Congratulations, Mr. Zell, you seem to have created another piece of history, because in the history of Hogwarts, no new student has ever been able to give his house a deduction before officially attending classes. It’s divided, and it’s still a lot.”

"Didn't Malfoy also create history?" Hermione seemed a little annoyed that Snape said that to Lean, so she muttered in a low voice.

"Shut up, you're a Gryffindor, of course you don't care about Slytherin."

Snape was affected by the fact that he went to his home college twenty minutes before the term started, and his heart ached.

You must know that before this, Slytherin had won the Academy Cup for seven consecutive years.

When he thought that he might lose the Academy Cup this year because of these twenty points, Snape wanted to strangle Ryan and Draco to death right now.

Finally, Rean followed Snape to his office.

Malfoy was also in the office. At this time, he was wearing dragon leather gloves, holding a blade in his right hand, and holding a slug with sharp horns in his left hand.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you go and help? Isn't the purpose of confinement just to make you stand here as an audience?"

Seeing Rean still standing here stupidly, Snape roared angrily.

Rean walked forward, took a pair of dragon leather gloves from the shelf next to him, and put them on his hands.

There are many gloves on the shelf, and they all have signs of use. It seems that many students have been detained in solitary confinement.

Rean thought as he walked to the operating table.

When Malfoy saw Rean approaching, he wanted to move further away, but after receiving a sharp look from Snape, he became more honest.

He grabbed a slug covered in mucus from the bucket next to him. Lien could even see that the mucus had not been broken off after he took the slug out of the bucket.

"It's really disgusting." Lean said in disgust.

"This is all your fault. Look what you did to make me have to deal with these disgusting guys here."

Malfoy, who was next to him, heard Rean murmur and said the same.

"Haha, I don't know the so-called guy. Think about who caused this incident." Rean said lightly without even looking at Malfoy, then lowered his head and prepared to deal with the slug in his hand. .

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?" Malfoy still thinks that there is nothing wrong with what he did.

"That's enough! How long are you two going to talk about it? I'm telling you, if you can't deal with these horned slugs before eight o'clock today, you will sleep with these slugs in my office all night today. Bar!"

After Snape finished speaking viciously, he lowered his head and began to do his own business.

After Lien and Malfoy glared at each other, they also lowered their heads to deal with the bugs in their hands.

Although Li En has never operated it, fortunately he has read the book before.

The useful part of the horned slug is its horn, and its body is a good fertilizer.

Ryan held down the slug hard, but he didn't realize that the mucus on it was too slippery. Without noticing, the slug slipped from Ryan's fingertips and flew to Malfoy's head.

"Ah!" Malfoy instantly let out a horrifying cry.

"What are you doing!" Snape roared again.

"Sorry, Professor Snape, I haven't dealt with these before. I'll be more careful next time." Rean said embarrassedly. He really hadn't done it before.

Although I have read a lot of books about potions over the years, I have no practical experience at all due to lack of materials.

After buying the materials from Diagon Alley, Rean completely forgot about it.

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