Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 250 Romanian Forest

At this time, Lean and Anderson were counting the harvest of the night in front of the mountains of magic materials in the small world. Anrona and Andre were doing the work, and Feeney was too young and had to work all night. , I couldn’t bear it now, so I went to bed first.

First, the boxes containing rare herbs were sorted and then sorted into categories. Anderson took them away and placed them in a specially built treasure house in the small world. As for ordinary herbs, they are placed in the manor's warehouse and managed by specialized administrators.

The treasure house was built by Lean himself, and Anderson only had the authority given to him by Lean. But wanting to control the entire treasure house with this little authority is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Moreover, the magic-repelling stones that had just been removed from the Corey family's treasury were already stacked in the treasury, hindering the dispersion of magic power in the treasury.

It can be said that no one can crack this treasure house in this era.

After processing the herbs, Lien looked at the remaining things.

The vast majority of them were all kinds of weird ores, and they were all packed in boxes with labels on them, detailing their origins, discovery processes, and speculations on their uses. Some of them are meteorites, and the origin of the rest is very strange. Associated mines with veins are found in various extreme areas. Since there is only one mine, it is not easy to do too many tests.

Lien opened each one and looked at it, and found that he only recognized half of them. For the remaining half, Lien could only guess at their uses, but he couldn't tell the specific uses.

In desperation, Lien had to put it aside first, and then looked at the remaining alchemy items and potions.

Looking at these alchemical items, Lien felt that he seemed to have a lot of inspiration. It's not that Lien is talking big, but these things are indeed a bit strange.

Eyeballs that can replace human eyes, cups that can store unlimited water, tables that can never be placed right... These things really opened Lean's eyes.

It's just that I really don't see many of those things that I cherish very much.

But think about it, this is normal. After all, the Corey family only defeated those families and did not kill them all. So generally those families will take some things to avoid the extinction of their own family, but they will never take out the things at the bottom of the box.

After a while, Anderson came back. Looking at the metal ores in front of him, Anderson scratched his head.

In his previous life, he had been wandering and had no chance to see high-grade ores. But fortunately, he had seen most of the ores here, even if he had only seen them in the store. But at least I had seen them before, so in the end there were only three of these ores left that had not yet been recognized.

But the problem is not big. There is plenty of time, so you can explore slowly.

Rean gave the remaining items to Anderson and asked him to move them to the treasure house. And Lean left the small world and prepared to go to the Romanian forest.

After all, he promised Dumbledore when he started traveling. Although Li En didn't watch, he knew what would happen next, but what if?

Voldemort did not attack a man named Rean Zell when Potter was in his second year.

And if you promise something to others, you must do it. Otherwise, he would be a little embarrassed to wear the International Adventure Association badge on his chest, which was specially issued by Dumbledore.

After leaving the small world, Rean came to the Siberian Plain, which is not too far from Romania. Rean had left a teleportation array here before.

Siberia in March is still covered in ice and snow, and hungry wolves are looking for any food that can fill their stomachs in this snowy country.

And now, a fragrant and delicious prey suddenly appeared in front of them.


A wolf howl caused the pack of more than twenty wolves to move instantly, and they rushed towards the direction where Lien appeared.

However, Lean reacted quickly. He just glanced over there, and the wolves began to be filled with ice-blue crystals. Finally, they froze in place and became ice sculptures.

When the wolves that were still charging saw this situation, they hurriedly straightened their four legs, but their bodies were still under the influence of inertia, and they drew traces on the snow with their four legs.


The alpha wolf began to issue "retreat" orders.

In an instant, the wolves disappeared completely in Lean's eyes. Only a few wild wolves that were frozen in place told Lean that he had been attacked by wild wolves.

Putting several wild wolf ice sculptures into his pocket, Rean floated into the sky, and then flew towards the Romanian forest.

When the time comes, Lien plans to find an old hunter to deal with these wild wolves. Wolf skins, wolf teeth, etc. are all good things and worth preserving.

He could give these to the Grangers and give them something to brag about when someone came to visit the Grangers.

After all, wolves are not good prey. Very few people can survive the siege of wolves and even take away a few wolf heads.

Lien, who was flying in the air, looked a little bored looking at the unchanged scenery below. When you see too much of a beautiful scenery, it can no longer be called a beautiful scenery.

But Lean was very fast and reached the Romanian forest in one night. The forest is full of bare trees, branches and white snow on the ground.

Lien fell from the sky and was not in a hurry to open the "magic vision". He just walked slowly in the forest, watching if he could catch one or two prey for his breakfast, and then wanted to have a good sleep.

Lean hadn't slept since the night before yesterday. He first searched the Corey family's castle. Then during the day, he spent his time in the small world sorting the things he collected. At night, he was rushing to the Romanian forest, without any time to sleep or eat.

Fortunately, Lean's body is no longer better than before. Even if he hasn't slept or eaten for two days, Lean still doesn't feel hungry or sleepy.

But feelings are feelings, and Lien would not treat his body so poorly. And I haven’t camped for a long time. It’s a good experience to go once in a while.

Soon, Lean took aim at a rabbit that ran out of his nest to look for food. The fur on this rabbit is not pure white, but has a hint of gray, which does not look so obvious in the snow.

But with Lien's magic-blessed vision, it's better not to notice it easily.

With just one finger, the rabbit flew into Li En's hand.

"Tsk, I really miss my childhood. At that time, I was also looking for rabbits in the woods, but I wasn't as strong as I am now."

Li En held the rabbit and shook it twice, then walked aside to prepare to handle it.

All the internal organs and everything were burnt clean with strong fire, and then Lien came to the tent with the processed rabbit.

The current tent is completely different from when Fovo gave it to him. First of all, a lot of defensive spells have been cast on the four walls of the tent, and secondly, the space inside the tent is also much larger. In addition to the original room, Lien expanded the storage room, study room, magic practice room and other rooms.

However, the magic practice room cannot experiment with spells that are too powerful, otherwise the traceless stretch spell will be destroyed.

After roasting the rabbit, Lien had a delicious breakfast with beer he took out from the storage room. Although roast rabbit for breakfast is quite greasy, for Lean who hasn't slept for two days, this is not strictly breakfast.

After eating and wiping everything clean, Lien opened the tent curtain again to let out the aroma of barbecue in the tent. While sitting on a chair, drinking tea, I looked to see if there was a little fox in my arms.

But no fool can live in the forest. By releasing the scent so blatantly, no animal would be fooled.

This is the outskirts of the Romanian forest, and it's still a hunter's territory. This method of using scent to attract prey has been used by hunters, and naturally, animals have also developed instincts.

As for those large carnivores, there is no need to be afraid of these. But here is the periphery, and there is not enough food to support the survival of a large carnivore, so they usually stay inside the forest.

Lean wasn't afraid that Voldemort would smell it, or rather, Lean hoped that Voldemort could smell it. It's best to follow this smell and come to him.

Ever since Voldemort attacked Rean, the two sides have been sworn enemies.

However, until the smell dissipated, Lien did not see any living things.

"Ah, forget it, go to bed."

Rean stretched, then lowered the tent curtain, took a nice bath, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, Lean woke up from bed. Looking at the already dark outside, Lean sighed, then got up from the bed, ate some dry food, packed up the tent, and started heading deep into the Romanian forest.

After opening the "Magic Vision", Lien saw several magic sources deep in the Romanian forest. However, two of the magic sources caught Li En's mind, one was human-shaped, and the other was long-shaped. If Rean guessed correctly, this should be Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew.

As for the other magic sources... two of them were in the shape of plants, and one was in the shape of a cat, but it was a bit bigger. Lien guessed that it should be some kind of feline creature.

Without any other source of magic power, Rean flew towards Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew. Even though the branches in the forest were dense and appeared randomly, with the help of the spell, Lien easily avoided the oncoming obstacles and shuttled through the jungle like an arrow.

Perhaps the snake that Voldemort parasitized was not very powerful, so Voldemort was smart enough not to go deep.

And Peter Pettigrew... suddenly felt that Azkaban was not as scary as written in the original book. Those Soul Eaters don't seem to have much effect on Animagus, or does the Ministry of Magic naively believe that all wizards will obediently go to the Ministry of Magic for Animagus certification?

Shaking his head to get rid of these strange thoughts, Lien began to slow down and then hid his figure.

"Master... I have finished making it... You can have the body." Pettigrew was lying on the ground, in front of him was a body with pale skin and no breath.

"Idiot, this is just temporary! You know, temporary!" said a snake on the ground spitting out a snake letter.

If others had seen this scene, they would have been so frightened that they would have started running back. However, Lien hid aside and watched with great interest.

Peter Pettigrew believed in the existence of Voldemort, and there would definitely be no wizards around. As for Voldemort, because he was only in a state of remnant soul and had no strength at all, he was unable to monitor his surroundings.

"I want to be resurrected and have a real body, not such a temporary container. Do you understand, idiot!"

The cold voice came out of the black snake's mouth, making people feel even weirder.

"Harry Potter, savior, ha, if it weren't for that stupid woman, would I have failed?"

"Of course not, Master, you are the king who should rule this world." Pettigrew, who was lying on the ground, flattered him in time.

"However, this woman has done a good thing. When I use Harry Potter's blood to resurrect, I will also have the protection of this prehistoric magic."

Voldemort said, controlling his soul to separate from the black snake, and then got into the body.

"Resurrection, I will resurrect! Do you hear me, my servant?"

"Yes, yes, the great master will definitely return in the near future. By then, the entire magical world of the Kingdom of Yu will be crawling at the master's feet."

"No, there is another person. I'm very worried. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have come to this corner of Gada." Voldemort was silent for a moment, "It seems that I have to use some tricks..."

In Voldemort's view, Dumbledore was old and no longer as powerful as before. But Lien was different. He was only fourteen years old and was in a period of rapid growth in strength.

Moreover, young people are easy to hold grudges and get easily taken advantage of. They don’t care about you or the overall situation. In order to avoid being found by Li En, he rushed over desperately, so he chose such a forest near the east.

"Dear Mr. Voldemort, are you worried about me? Don't worry, I eat well, sleep enough, and wear warm clothes. I don't need you to worry. If you have this leisure, why not worry about yourself?"

Rean floated out silently, landed in front of Voldemort, and said with a smile.

"What the hell!"

Voldemort yelled, then snatched Peter Pettigrew's wand in an instant and cast Disapparation. When Pettigrew saw Voldemort snatching away his wand and trying to escape, he immediately rushed over in a hurry and hugged Voldemort's thigh.

"Aren't you just a ghost..."

Before Rean could finish his words, Voldemort disappeared into the Romanian forest with Peter Pettigrew.


Li En was speechless and helpless. Looking at the empty snow in front of him, Li En was stunned for a long time, and then used apparation to return to the country of Yu.

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