Although Malfoy's voice was very low, Rean still heard it.

To be honest, only those who understand the history of the wizarding world know the meaning of the curse word "Mudblood".

It's like someone scolding you in dialect. If you don't understand the specific meaning of that sentence, you have no idea that the other person has scolded you.

But Lien knew the meaning of this sentence, so Lien's hand had already touched the wand.

The Slytherin snakes around all looked over. It was obvious that they heard those words and began to pay attention to the excitement here.

But Lean gave up, because Dumbledore stood up now.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts, everyone! Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words. That is: Idiot! Crying nose! Residue! Screw it! Thank you everyone!"

Then, a lot of food appeared in front of Rean.

In front of his stomach, Lien released his right hand holding the wand.

Teach Malfoy not to rush this moment.

After all, it would be impossible to fight in front of all the professors and young wizards. At most, Malfoy would be put in solitary confinement.

That would be too much happiness for Malfoy.

During the meal, there were only whispers of conversation at the entire Slytherin table, which was not as lively as the other three tables, and no young wizard was willing to talk to Rean.

But this is exactly what Li En wants. He likes to eat quietly and enjoy his own time alone.

"Hahaha, I have practiced magic at home during the summer vacation. Although I am still not very proficient in it now, at least I can release it, which is much better than some people."

Malfoy's voice broke the silence at the Slytherin table.

Rean frowned. He didn't expect Malfoy to target him like this. Shouldn't it be Harry Potter?

But Lien ignored him completely and just ate the food on his plate.

After finishing a piece of potato quickly, Lien felt that a little more juice would be perfect.

Just when Lean's hand was about to touch the jug of orange juice, Malfoy's hand came out of nowhere and knocked over the jug containing orange juice.

The orange liquid flowed freely on the Slytherin table, and then dripped to the ground, exuding a sweet smell.

All the Slytherin snakes' attention was attracted by the situation here, and they even forgot to talk to each other.

The professors on the faculty bench naturally noticed the situation here, and Snape's already cold face became even colder now.

Did your own house have a conflict here in front of the entire Hogwarts during the opening ceremony?

Isn't this rubbing Snape's face on the ground?

Professor McGonagall frowned, she still believed that the Sorting Hat should not sort the houses in this way; Dumbledore also stopped his knife and fork and looked here.

The situation at the staff table quickly attracted the attention of the young wizards below, and then all the young wizards in Hogwarts turned their attention to the Slytherin table at this moment.

"I'm curious about something, Mr. Malfoy." Rean wiped his mouth and said, "Why are you always targeting me? Just because I am a Mudblood?"

A cold voice sounded in the extremely quiet restaurant, causing countless young wizards born into wizard families to start discussing in low voices.

Hermione also began to ask Percy next to her what "Mudblood" meant.

But soon, the little witch covered her mouth and looked at Lien in surprise.

"Of course, or are there other reasons?"

Although Malfoy realized that something was wrong, the honor of the Malfoy family did not allow him to back down at this time.

After hearing Malfoy's admission, the little wizards started talking louder.

"Mr. Malfoy, please pay attention to your words. Since you are so rude, Slytherin..." Professor McGonagall was interrupted by Ryan's words before she finished speaking.

"Malfoy, since you have such a problem with me, then wizard matters should be resolved the wizard's way. How about we have a duel?"

Rean stood up from his seat, pointed his wand at Malfoy and said.

Snape's hands were shaking with anger at this time. He didn't expect that the original Slytherin infighting turned into a fight between the same roommates.

Everyone was frightened by Li En's move, but immediately began to become restless again.

Young wizards who are in adolescence are full of desire for wizard duels, a battle full of blood and violence.

Now all the little wizards began to look at Malfoy, and thousands of gazes forced Malfoy to make a choice.

If you choose to fight, just look at Snape's face and you will know that there will probably be no good results.

If he doesn't fight, then Malfoy will definitely believe that tomorrow's Daily Prophet's headline will be that the heir of the Malfoy family refused to accept an invitation to a duel from a Muggle wizard.

In the end, Malfoy chose to accept the duel.

The little wizards quickly cleared a large area.

Originally, Professor McGonagall wanted to stop it, but quickly gave up the idea.

Wizards' duel holds an extremely high status in the magical world. It is the highest way to resolve conflicts between wizards.

Even if the enemy is killed in a duel, the Ministry of Magic will not care.

The two quickly stood on the clearing cleared by the little wizards, first bowed to each other, and then held up their wands to distance themselves from each other.

"One...two...three!" The one counting was Gryffindor's Lee Jordan, who was also the commentator for the Hogwarts Quidditch House Cup.

Just as Lee Jordan finished saying "three", Malfoy shouted loudly: "Front teeth..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

Before Malfoy finished shouting the spell, Rean recited the spell first.

A dark green light bloomed from the tip of Rean's elder wand, and then quickly hit Malfoy.

Malfoy was directly knocked into the air, and after drawing a beautiful arc in the air, he fell heavily to the ground, splashing some dust.

The little wizards looked at Malfoy, who was lying motionless on the ground, and were stunned for a moment, and then quickly screamed.

The professors on the faculty bench were stunned for a moment, but they quickly took out their wands.

Professor McGonagall was the most anxious. She raised her wand, but Dumbledore pressed it down.

Facing Professor McGonagall's confused look, Dumbledore just smiled and said, "Don't worry, Malfoy is not dead."

The words were spoken loud enough for everyone present to hear them.

For a moment, all the little wizards were stunned again, first looking at Malfoy lying on the ground, and then at Harry, who was huddled behind the Weasley twins.

Is it possible that there will be one more Boy-Who-Lived today?

This is the inner thought of all little wizards.

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