Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 14 Leaving Diagon Alley

After coming out of the wand shop, Professor McGonagall's expression was not very good-looking, and she softened somewhat towards Hermione, but when it came to Ryan, she had a completely cold face.

But Li En didn't care at all, or it could be said that Li En had caused this.

After all, the admission notice made him panic.

Although he is now strong enough to protect himself, if he can live a good life, who wants to be that rat that keeps escaping?

The group fell silent, and the Grangers looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Hermione also noticed that there seemed to be some conflicts between Lean and Professor McGonagall, and stopped pestering Lean with questions.

This actually made Lean breathe a sigh of relief. Four years of living alone had made Lean develop a taciturn character.

"Okay, here is the bookstore. You can buy all the books you need for school here." Professor McGonagall stopped and said as if he was relieved.

Upon hearing this, Rean was about to go in and buy books, but was stopped by Professor McGonagall.

"You guys go in first, Mr. Zell and I still have something to say." Professor McGonagall said to the Granger family with a smile.

Mr. Granger looked at Professor McGonagall, and then began to invite Granger and Hermione to go in and choose books.

Hermione had almost no resistance to books and rushed into the bookstore with cheers.

"Mr. Zell, what are you thinking? Do you know the consequences of using the Unforgivable Curse in this place?" Professor McGonagall whispered sternly.

Rean looked at Professor McGonagall and replied: "I can cast the Death Curse silently and without a wand."

Then Lean opened the door and entered the bookstore with a smile on his face.

Professor McGonagall sighed and followed suit.

She understood what Rean meant, and it meant that if you really wanted to kill Ollivander, there was no need to go to such trouble.

But what Professor McGonagall meant was to remind Lean to pay attention to the fact that black magic can corrode people's will, because releasing black magic requires strong hatred and murderous intent as a driving force.

After Lean entered the bookstore, Hermione had already selected the books she needed, and was currently holding a copy of "History of Magic" and reading it with relish.

When she saw Rean coming in, Hermione raised her head and took a step or two back.

Rean noticed Hermione's condition, smiled and nodded, thinking to himself: It seems that she already knows what Death Eaters represent.

"I'm sorry, can you give me a copy of all the books you have?" Lean's voice was not loud, but it was like thunder in the ears of the store manager of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

"Kid, what did you just say? A copy of them all would be a lot of money." The store manager said to Lean with a smile. He thought Lean was joking.

Li En silently handed the seamless stretch bag to the store manager and said, "Are these enough?"

The store manager glanced at Lien suspiciously, then opened it and was instantly blinded by the huge amount of gold galleons inside.

"That's enough. All the books add up to about 1,700 Galleons. Please wait a moment. I'll prepare them for you." After the store manager finished speaking, he opened his mouth and went to the back.

Lien smacked his lips, glanced at the store manager's back, and couldn't help but sigh that money is better spent.

Soon, the store manager came out with a box and put it on the counter.

"Here are all the books. The favor is one thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two galleons. The change is waived. This traceless stretching box is also given to you."

The store manager smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. This order was worth a normal month's profit, not counting these two months. After all, it was the peak enrollment period.

Taking the box and a traceless stretch bag from the store manager, Rean transferred the corresponding amount of Galleons into it.

The store manager looked at it, and the smile on his face became thicker. He quickly held Lien's hand and said, "From now on, you will be a distinguished guest of Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, and you will get a 10% discount on all books you buy. By the way, if you have anything else to say, If you want a book, you can send it via owl."

Hermione was dumbfounded as she watched. Although two hundred galleons seemed like a lot, after purchasing the required items, there were basically only fifty or sixty galleons left, which still had to be kept for a year.

So Hermione bought three extra books. When she suddenly heard that Rean had bought all the books, she suddenly felt sour in her mouth.

"If there are any newly released books in the future, please send them to me as soon as possible."

After hearing what Li En said, the store manager was so happy that he wanted to hold Li En's hand and dance on the spot.

Finally, Lean and the Granger family left Flourish and Blotts Bookstore with a cordial farewell from the store manager.

"What about clothes next?" Lean asked.

Hermione looked at the list and nodded.

Professor McGonagall was waiting outside and came over when she saw them coming out.

"It seems that you have gained a lot?" Professor McGonagall noticed the box in Rean's hand and asked.

"Yes, Professor, Ryan bought all the books, all of them." Hermione exaggerated.

"I always believe that knowledge is a necessary condition for the existence of a wizard." Rean said calmly.

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall nodded and said, "Maybe you will be assigned to Ravenclaw. I believe you will gain something there."

"Maybe I will go to Slytherin?" Rean made a small joke.

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall said: "It is difficult for young Muggle wizards to enter Slytherin, and it is easy to be squeezed out after entering. Those purebloods...sigh."

Rean smiled and shrugged, not paying attention, but he always believed that strength was the foundation of a wizard.

The Grangers were once again worried, after all, these were words coming from the mouth of a school professor.

After measuring the data, Madam Malkin smiled and asked them to come back in two hours to pick up the clothes.

So they went to buy dragon skin gloves, crucibles, telescopes and other necessities.

Lien also bought an extra small pocket sewn from dragon skin, and then Lien cast a traceless stretching spell on it, transferring all his belongings into it.

"Here, maybe this will make it easier for you." Rean handed Hermione the seamless stretch bag he had replaced.

Hermione blushed and didn't know whether to take it for a moment, but she finally took it.

The Grangers were exhausted from carrying so many things. Although they kept up with nutrition, they had not exercised for a long time.

However, after putting everything into the seamless stretch pocket, Mr. Granger shook the bag and said in surprise: "This is very strange, why has it become lighter?"

"Because the levitating spell is cast on the bag, which is a spell that can make objects float, which offsets part of the weight to a certain extent." After hearing Mr. Granger's doubts, Lean replied.

The group of people then came to the Eela Owl Shop, and Lien took a fancy to an eagle owl with the blood of a scooter. Because it has a trace of the blood of magical creatures, the price is more than twice as expensive as other owls.

Hermione looked at it for a long time, and finally decided not to buy a pet after Professor McGonagall's persuasion that "Hogwarts has a public owl."

Finally, after a few people picked up their clothes at Madam Malkin's Robe Shop, it meant that the trip to Diagon Alley was coming to an end.

"Okay, you have bought all the necessities for school. Here are your tickets." Professor McGonagall handed over two golden tickets. "On September 1st, King's Cross Station, Nine and Quarters Don’t forget platform three, otherwise you will have to wait another year to go to school.”

After both Ryan and Hermione made it clear, Professor McGonagall used Disapparation and left.

"Wait a minute, is she... teleporting?" Mr. Granger exclaimed as he watched Professor McGonagall disappear before his eyes.

"Apparition, a spell used to move instantly, but to be honest, it's quite uncomfortable." Rean said, frowning and expressing his dissatisfaction with the uncomfortable feeling.

"I'll take my leave here." Rean said politely, and then he wanted to wave his wand and disapparate away from here.

"Wait a minute, Lean. Maybe we can practice magic together this summer. I mean... I don't know where you live yet." Hermione asked with a blush.

After all, she was a little embarrassed to ask a strange boy for his address, but she didn't want to give up such an opportunity to communicate with similar people.

After hearing this, Li En smiled bitterly and said, "I might scare you to death if I tell you where I live."

Hermione gave him a quizzical look.

"Clear Street." Those words made Mr. Granger feel like he was facing a formidable enemy.

He quickly pulled Hermione and his wife behind him, but suddenly he realized something. Mr. Granger smiled apologetically and said "Sorry".

But he had no intention of letting his guard down.

Lean smiled at Mr. Granger, then bent down and said, "Farewell."

"Lean, maybe you can write me a letter during the summer vacation..."

These were the last words Rean heard before he disapparated.

"Hermione, you'd better stay away from that kid."

Mr. Granger suddenly felt that he had better keep a closer eye on his daughter, not just the kid from Clear Street.

But Mr. Granger didn't know that this was just Hermione's joy of suddenly finding someone of the same kind after a few years.

"Hermione, to be honest, after seeing the magical world today, I think that maybe the magical world is not that kind to outsiders. Have you really decided to go to the so-called Hogwarts?" Mr. Granger He spoke to Hermione seriously.

Hermione ignored her father's words and said seriously: "Of course, I want to go, and I bought a lot of books about the history of the magical world today. I will try my best to understand the magical world."

Looking at his daughter who wanted to be strong, Mr. Granger didn't say much. He just smiled and touched Hermione's head and said with a smile: "What do you want to eat tonight to celebrate your first entry into the magical world?" .”

"Then let's have some cake, okay?" Hermione's eyes lit up.

Because her father is a dentist, Hermione's daily life has very few sugary desserts.

Mr. Granger thought for a moment and said, "Only a little."

"You're amazing, Dad." Hermione gave her father a big hug.

Mr. Granger burst into laughter.

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