Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 126: Life in the new semester

Latest website: The life of the new semester has just begun.

Since it was the beginning of the semester, there were a lot of things and a little hectic.

Those Aurors who frequently appeared in the auditorium and other places on campus also slightly affected everyone's mood... from time to time they reminded everyone that the three fugitives who escaped from Azkaban are still at large.

In addition, the strange-looking "dementors" who guard the main entrance and exit of the school can feel their influence even if they are far apart.

Other than that, they are all excellent.

Every day is still from the Slytherin common room, to the auditorium, to the classroom, and then to the library... four o'clock life.

However, compared with the same time period last semester, Matthew's condition is obviously much better.

There is not so much mess...

For example, the book, Matthew at this time last semester, still worries about when it will take his life; and now, after the sense of crisis is gone, he is even in the mood to joke with it.

At this time last semester, he was still worried about what the wizarding world of Grindelwald would look like after the victory; and now, compared with Dumbledore's wizarding world, there seems to be no essential difference.

Not to mention that for a long time after the beginning of last semester, Hogwarts was panicked because of a series of attacks.

Naturally, there was no fear in that semester. The fugitives of Azkaban seemed very far away.

The "Severus Snape" professor is indeed a bit suspicious, but he is a new teacher hired by Gellert Grindelwald after all, and there is no need to worry.

All in all, it seems that there is nothing to worry about!


The administrator of the castle, Mr. Apollon Pringle, still patrols the castle every day, or cleans the sanitation, and of course loudly reprimands the students who do not pay attention to sanitation.

Speaking of Mr. Pringle, I have to mention his golden retriever pet, Mr. Tang... Mr. Tang seems to have regained his former acumen (actually he was often dull in the last semester, which was caused by Morgana's interference). Angrily patrolling the castle, barking at the students.

Matthew himself has no prejudice against Mr. Pringle.

But several of his roommates were different. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore had been caught by Mr. Pringle and criticized severely.

Just because they broke into the castle with mud-soaked riding boots at the end of their Quidditch club activities, making mud and water everywhere at the castle gate...

He even found a reason and confiscated Draco Malfoy's newly bought "Light Wheel 2001" flying broomstick.

Poor Draco was naturally frustrated, he hadn't even been riding his new broomstick, showing off in front of his friends a few times.

He first howled loudly and wanted to write to his father, asking his father Mr. Malfoy to come to school to condemn Mr. Pringle's unreasonable behavior.

It's a pity that the owl quickly sinks into the sea.

It seems that Mr. Lucius Malfoy, after being involved in a summer “smuggling” case, did not want to be too high-profile during this time.

Then, Matthew was in the dormitory every night, together with Crabbe and Gore, discussing plans to avenge Mr. Pringle and take back the flying broomstick.

Despite these "plans", Matthew seemed a little naive.

But this also doesn't seem to matter to him.


The other teachers are pretty good, no different from last semester.

The course taught by Bathilda Bagshot in the "History of Magic" class is still very popular.

She has talked about the International Conference of Wizards in 1289. That meeting was of great significance in the history of magic, and many historical events in the next hundreds of years will be affected by it... For example, the wizard interface’s response to the "witch hunt", and Durmstrang and Boothbarton The establishment of two magic schools...

In addition, at the end of the first get out of class on the history of magic, Professor Bagshot made some implicit mention that she kind of wanted to find a successor in the next few years and then retired.

After retiring, she can spare more time to write a new version of "A History of Magic" and "Modern History of Magic".

Naturally, everyone does not want Professor Bagshot to retire. It is difficult for the entire UK to find a wizard who understands history better than her.

It’s just that everyone has to admit that she is indeed very old.


The spell class is still a light-hearted and enjoyable class.

Professor Felius Flitwick, who has half of the fairy blood (although he never admitted it in public), spent a whole class time and took everyone to review the demons they learned last semester. Spells... such as floating spells, flashing spells, and unlocking spells.

At the end of get out of class, Theodore Knott quietly ran to Professor Flitwick and asked him whether he would participate in the duel club this semester.

Then, he got a positive answer from Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick also told Knott that in addition to him this year, another teacher also voluntarily asked to join the duel club.


In the potions class, Slytherin's Dean, Professor Horace Slughorn, was also as usual.

The content of his courses is very rich, but in the classroom, he can only see the students who are valued by him.

And those ordinary students are often ignored by him.

Fortunately, Matthew Wickfield is a favorite student of Professor Slughorn.

When the potions class was over, Professor Slughorn also reminded him and Matthew not to forget to attend the slug club party on Sunday.

Matthew realized that if you count the slug club, he has actually joined two clubs.


The most solemn atmosphere is naturally the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Principal Vita Rozier exudes a stern breath all over her body. In her class, no matter how naughty students are, they will turn into well-behaved sheep.

The second-year dark magic defense, they will learn how to deal with some magical creatures.

In the first class ~www.ltnovel.com~Professor Rozier brought a group of Cornish elves.

It was a little iron-cyan monster about eight inches tall, with a small pointed face and a very piercing voice.

Many students despise them at first.

However, when Professor Rozier ordered them to come to the podium and face the little monsters alone, they couldn't help being embarrassed one by one.


All in all, the one-week course is over without knowing it.

Although a little tired, Matthew's heart is full.

At the same time, he could feel that this semester, there won't be so many messy things.

The coming year will definitely be a peaceful life.

PS: Let's just have two chapters this morning, I will make up one chapter later.

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