Chapter Forty-Nine: Poor Dogs Have No Choice

After being able to concoct the Wolf Poison Potion, Leonard began the path of improvement.

Of course, Leonard couldn’t make any favorable changes to the formula, after all, he didn’t have Damocles Belby’s knowledge or his potions master’s experience, so he could only figure it out from the material.

Wolf poison potion has three plant potion materials, namely ripe aconitum, belladonna and rue.

The former two are toxic and have a certain hallucinogenic nature, while the latter has a certain detoxification effect.

Other auxiliary materials have a calming effect.

The wolf poison potion that these materials combine is actually a powerful tranquilizer that allows the werewolf to forcibly calm down on a full moon night and thus maintain his sanity.

So the wolf poison potion did not have the effect of treating werewolves.

The only type of magic that can heal werewolves is a magic called the Restore Humanoid Charm, which allows wizards who transform into werewolves to return to human form.

It’s a pity that the old wizard who created this magic has been secretly calculated by a jumping beam clown named Gilderoy Lockhart with the Oblivion Charm.

“Although the main function of wolf poison potions is calm, those are mainly used with the main material aconitum, and if it is only simple calm, the werewolf will only be forced to calm rather than restore human consciousness.” Leonard pondered and found a piece of paper.

“Well, aconitum is essential, belladonna is an auxiliary, and rue is to neutralize toxins, strengthening focuses on aconitum, belladonna does not need to be strengthened, and then the detoxified rue needs to be strengthened, otherwise the strengthened aconitum will poison people…”

Just as Leonard was thinking about how to modify the ratio in the potion recipe, Gray flew in from the window with a letter in his mouth.

Leonard took the envelope casually, and after opening it, he found that it was sent by Midgard.

And the letter is that Quirrell attacked a goblin who went out and controlled him with the Soul Reaper Curse!

The letter also agreed on a place to meet, just where Damocles Bellby had been negotiated.

“Finally can’t help it?” Leonard tore up the letter and threw it under the crucible and burned it.

It seems that Quirrell does not intend to violently attack Gringotts, but sneaks in by controlling the goblins.

This is normal, no matter how strong Voldemort was when he was alive, he is now just a wisp of remnant soul after all, and he cannot forcibly break through the defenses of Gringotts.

It’s just that this method is good, it is not good for Leonard, and if Voldemort and Quirrell do not attract enough firepower, the risk that he wants to rob Gringotts will be greatly increased.

It would be much simpler without Voldemort, and Leonard could use the Fortified Thorn Venom collected as a powerful sweat potion.

At that time, it is only necessary to throw Kuku into Gringotts and put Quirrell and Gringotts guards down.

When the time comes, they go in and loot it, and then wake Quirrell up and make him a scapegoat.

It’s a pity that Voldemort’s existence makes Leonard’s idea impossible to implement.

Leonard also didn’t know if the bitter thorn venom could bring down the unknown state of Voldemort, which was too risky.

“However, Voldemort obviously does not know about Gringotts’ defenses, and a single soul reaper curse cannot invade Gringotts’ vaults.”

On the way to the vault in Gringotts, there is a waterfall that washes away all magical effects, including the Soul Reaper Charm and the Transfiguration Magic of the Compound Potion.

Leonard banged unconsciously on the table with one hand, thinking about the possible changes in Quirrell’s invasion of Gringotts.

“Let’s go and meet with Midgard first and discuss a specific plan of action.” Leonard took his wand, took a few seeds of biting kale and a few seeds of bitter thorns and left the Leaky Cauldron Bar and walked towards the junction of Diagon Alley and Overturned Alley.

Soon, Leonard meets Marcus, who is led by an anxious looking Midgard.

“Leonard.” Seeing Leonard, Midgard breathed a sigh of relief: “What should I do next?” Whether to give up the plan or not, that guy doesn’t seem to be planning to break into Gringotts. ”

“Give up? Think about how much money you still have in your hands, do you want to go back to the embarrassment of the past? ”

Leonard cheered Midgard on, and a word poked Midgard’s heart.

Midgard was soft-hearted and more racially minded than Fenrir, and she couldn’t bear to watch her unwilling fellow people suffer.

And the only way that works now, which does not want them to suffer, is to have enough galleons.

“But our robbery doesn’t seem to be any different from Fenrir and his men.” Midgard said hesitantly.

“Of course that’s different, our target is those property belonging to wizards that have been seized by goblins, how can it be the same as Fenrir who fights and extorts and robs.”

Leonard righteously said: “Their behavior is at best a punk, and our behavior is a rogue who robs the rich and helps the poor.” ”

“But we don’t plan to help the poor.”

“Just say you’re poor.”

“It seems to be quite poor.”

“Then don’t you get it, rob the rich goblin, help the poor yourself, there is no problem.”

Poor dogs have no choice.

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