
Birds screamed faintly discernable, the sun shining through the gaps between the leaves, shattering on the person sitting on the tree, werewolf Lupin, the rescued Modisti, and the one holding a sword tightly Harry, Sirius was still like a dog, lying peacefully on his stomach, drooling all over the place, as if he had slept for a century.

“Pa ta,” the ammunition fired by the bird just fell on the ground in front of the dog Sirius’ nose. His nose moved, and finally opened his eyes vaguely, struggling to stay away from the bird’s metabolites in front of him.

‘Come back,’ right in front of the forest before entering the fairy tale book, there was a signpost “Godric’s Hollow here” not far away, Sirius shook his head and regained consciousness.

It walked quickly to the side of Lupin who was still asleep, and looked at the pale and old face of this old friend,’Obviously I am the one who entered Azkaban, why does he look worse than me, ‘Thinking that, Sirius the black dog hit Lupin’s stomach.

“Uh!” Lupin woke up, he found himself lying on the ground next to a big tree, his stomach, especially near his stomach, was aching. It may be repercussions from a fairy tale book. Lupin was holding his stomach and mouthing. Breathing fresh air.

It turns out that the tree looks like this from this angle. The dense branches and leaves cover the sky and the sun. With the wind blowing, the fine sunlight flickers among the leaves. At that moment, Lupin, who is holding his stomach, feels incomparably– Quiet, his eyes could catch the children’s quiet sleeping faces, even though Harry had scars on his face, Modisti’s tears had not yet been wiped away.

But they are all safe.

Lupin smiled, and then a furry tail covered his eyes. His smile disappeared instantly, “Sirius, take your tail off my face, or I will let it disappear from the world.”

He renamed Sirius .Black as Sirius,’Perhaps there is really something hidden about Pettigrew Peter’s affairs, otherwise Sirius would never be able to take out such a powerful weapon from the jumping pot-betrayal, definitely not Knight spirit… ‘

Soon Lupin regained his sight. He was still lying on the ground, enjoying the silence of this moment, his clever head swiftly moving, thinking about whether he should trust Sirius.

‘And based on how he helped Harry many times in the fairy tale world…’ Lupin scratched his cheek. It’s really hard to imagine Sirius betraying. ’

Lupin failed to participate in Sirius’s trial, only to see the sentence in the Daily Prophet report, “Death Eater Sirius. Black could not say a word, he knew his behavior was too bad, and he didn’t even bother to justify the crime… ‘

The character of loyalty that Sirius showed when he was studying in school, and his friendship for so many years, in fact, the sensible Lupin has always been reluctant to believe that Sirius betrayed James when he was deep in one’s heart, because this is not logical, Sirius did not Reasons to do so——

Many people say that the surname “Black” represents extreme pure-blood supremacy” is enough to represent Sirius is a dark wizard, is Death Eater, is the minion of you know who, his identity does not need to be redundant Investigation,’Black’ speaks for itself.

But Lupin knows that Sirius.Black is not an ordinary Black, he is a wonderful work of House of Black.

Many children of pure-blood family may sometimes not be used to the family’s approach, but they will definitely not behave as…radically like Sirius…

The poster of the “super-large muggle bikini beauty” embedded in the wall by the permanent paste curse on the wall of his room is still making an all-out effort at 12 Grimmauld Place, exuding an artistic atmosphere that does not conform to the House of Black temperament ——

Lupin knew that Sirius’ mother Walburga Black did not like the poster, and she was still trying to get it off until her death in 1985, when Sirius was being held in prison.

‘Sirius has always had a bad relationship with his mother, but… I should still be sorry if I missed the last side.’ Of course, if Lupin now knows the painting of Mrs. Walburga’s Zuan hanging on the wall, Maybe there will be no such sentimental thoughts.

“Harry –” Anna’s voice came from not far away.

Harry opened his eyes in a daze. He found that he had returned to the real world. He tried to move and found that his left hand was numb with a silver sword. “The sword of the pot girl!” He was shocked. Phew, I actually brought this sword out.

Modisti was awakened by Harry’s exclamation. She rubbed her eyes and saw the surrounding scenery clearly. Tears filled her eyes again, “I…I’m back…I…” Harry knew for the first time. It turns out that there is such a crying girl in the world. Her tears are like water in the Pacific Ocean.

“Harry! Are you okay?” Anna and Dumbledore walked over. “And this girl,” Anna handed Modisti a handkerchief, and soon the white handkerchief turned into a flowered handkerchief.

This was the second time Harry saw Headmaster Dumbledore. He greeted Anna and Dumbledore happily, “Hey! I’m fine—and I got this awesome sword!” He raised the sword vigorously and waved it. It was an unexpected gain.

Dumbledore took out a bottle of high-quality white fresh essence and handed it to Harry. “This will soon heal the wound.” Dumbledore pointed to the small scars on Harry’s face. “The effect is very good.”

“Thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore!” Harry politely thanked him. He had a good impression of Dumbledore. After all, who would hate the happily kind-looking white-bearded Master Master, Santa might just look like this.

In fact, Harry always believed that there was Santa Claus in the world. Although he had never received Santa Claus’s gifts before, he still expected Santa Claus to exist when he watched Dudley unpacking gifts under the Christmas tree.

“Perhaps because Dudley asked for too many things and Santa accidentally forgot my share when preparing, or maybe it was because I wanted something too difficult for Santa,” Harry thought so, so He changed from wishing for a’new football’ to wishing’hope that he would not be so lonely anymore. ’

Now, Dudley, who has a lot of Christmas gifts, no longer believes in Santa Claus, and often laughs at Harry, “My parents bought me those gifts! There is no Santa Claus in the world! Stupid Harry!” Harry shook his head. Head, only he knows that his wish has really come true-this may really be Santa Claus’s credit.

“Headmaster Dumbledore!” Lupin stood up from the ground, he patted the dirt on his body, “long time no see, I am ashamed that I contacted or for the first time in such a long time for you to save my life.”

“It’s my student after all,” Dumbledore smiled at Patted Lupin’s shoulder, looking at Lupin’s slightly old face and the finally shiny eyes, “You are in a much better condition now, and finally from there. Duan came out in the faint days? Excessive drinking is not a good habit. Alcohol can only numb yourself and never solve the problem.”

“Yes,” Lupin nodded, it seems that the days when he lived in Hogsmeade village was still seen by Headmaster Dumbledore, “Aberforth Boss threw me out of Hog’s Head, the moment my ass touched the ground, I never want to drink anymore.”

“he he he he…he is always so rough,” Dumbledore added with a smile, “but his intentions are good.”

“I know this, I am very grateful to Aberforth Boss…” Lupin was silent for a while, talking about Aberforth Boss, grumpy… it is similar to the character of the goat guy in the fairy tale…

“We met a man named Goatman in a fairy tale,” Lupin considered the language. He glanced at Headmaster Dumbledore, who motioned to him to continue, “He is very similar to the Aberforth Boss character, and we still meet There is a boy named Dess…and Grindelwald…” Lupin paused, “it seems to be the Grindelwald…”

“The first Dark Lord, failed in a duel with me, and now the Gellert. Grindelwald in Nurmengard, right?” Dumbledore helped him complete.

“Yes! Uh… it’s him…” Lupin touched his head, “I don’t know why he appeared in The Tales of Beedle the Bard? And he called the boy named Dess…Albus…I don’t know. headmaster, maybe this is your name?”

Anna stepped forward excitedly, wondering how Headmaster Dumbledore would answer this embarrassing question.

As expected to be Dumbledore, he laughed up, “It’s my name,” Dumbledore calmly said, “What you strayed into is indeed a book “The Tales of Beedle the Bard” but it is different from other books. Half of it is blank… the situation is more complicated. In short, when Grindelwald studied the dark magic above, he wrote it as a diary.”

“I knew him when I was young, so his diary has my name-it’s normal.”

Lupin understandably nodded, “So it is,” he seemed to agree with Dumbledore’s statement, but Anna saw it, Lupin’s eyes flashed with rays of light.

Just knowing? Lupin can’t believe it.

“Professor Dumbledore! I really didn’t expect to come across here!” A surprised voice came from behind everyone. An old man in a suit but a straw hat rushed to Dumbledore with a big smile on his face. , “What a coincidence!”

“Newt?” Dumbledore felt that today I saw too many friends who hadn’t been in contact for a long time.

“Aren’t you staying at home to study the postpartum care of the Boar Monster?”

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