When the little mute came in, his face was full of disbelief, and his eyes were full of surprise.

It wasn't until he turned his attention to Grete who was sitting against the wall that he suddenly became cautious again.

Grete raised his eyes calmly and watched the little guy walking briskly outside to prepare today's food.

To be honest, Grete was a little worried at first, because in this area, it was impossible for a roast chicken of such good quality to be thrown into the garbage.

Such good things can only happen in the upper city.

The nobles basically lived in that area, and they held banquets day and night.

Even my servants are tired of eating these big fish and meat.

But in this society where classes are extremely divided and wealth is infinitely moving towards the upper class, many of these food scraps that the nobles regard as garbage are once-in-a-lifetime delicacies for the people at the bottom.

So these feasts, which the nobles looked down upon, spawned a business after the banquet.

Servants who were also tired of eating often kept some for their own families.

The rest is packaged according to variety and passed on to the rookies who hear the news.

These foods will be plundered by them again, and some leftovers will become delicacies for the lower class people.

For a few pennies you can buy a pair with little meat left, adding some meatiness to your home.

If you are willing to spend more, such as a few shillings, the waiters will also generously sell some meat to the guests.

Like the meat that the little guy picked up before, it can only be said that he was very lucky.

Normally, as soon as this kind of thing leaves the store, it will be swept away by the beggars squatting nearby.

The 'defective' goods that Gretel left behind today were placed in the hands of the waiter. The meat, skeleton and other items were added up and sold in bits and pieces. The profit was no less than that of a store owner selling roast chicken.

Therefore, this kind of thing will never appear in garbage dumps in civilian areas.

That is to say, neither the little mute nor Gretel knew this situation, which led to this mistake.

The little guy was preparing food for two people outside, while Gretel silently weighed his magic power in the shelter.

If he has a showdown with the little guy now and he has recovered his health, if the little guy wants to run away, will he have the ability to stop him?

If the little guy was a Muggle child, or an ordinary little wizard, Gretel wouldn't have any worries.

Even though he only has a negligible amount of magic power now, he can still handle Muggles or young wizards with ease.

But the horn on the little guy's head and the blood can help him recover.

All this forced Gretel to be cautious.

The showdown is simple, and the explanation is simple, that is, he must have the ability to control the little guy.

There is only one such opportunity, otherwise the little guy will never give him a second chance.

You can tell from his defensive attitude that he lacks trust in anyone.

It was also because of this situation that Gretel did not dare to use Legilimency to explore the little guy's heart.

I'm afraid that a stimulus will break the hard-won balance between the two people.

It would be better to recover for a few more days. Gretel decided to be cautious for a few more days. By then, his magic power would be almost recovered.

By then, even adult unicorns will not be able to enjoy good fruits from Gretel.

However, Gretel did not intend to do this.

Trust is fragile, easy to destroy but difficult to establish.

Not to mention, the little guy now has no trust in him at all.

Of course, Gretel still wanted to use gentle methods to make the little guy lower his guard as much as possible when facing him.

However, if it is really difficult to obtain, Grete will not have time to spend time with the little guy here.

No matter what, he still has to return to modern society.

This place does not belong to him.

Even everything he is experiencing now is a script that has been programmed by time.

Grete also wants to work harder.

People are always fickle. What if he failed to save Fred or something else happened because of his wastage at this time.

Maybe under the butterfly effect, something unspeakable will happen on his timeline in modern society.

One week, this is the time Gretel left for himself to cope with it.

Of course, he also knew that it was almost impossible to gain the little guy's complete trust in a short period of time.

But he doesn't need the little guy to give him full trust like Dawn's companions.

The two were not of the same era, and Grete knew this.

Therefore, Gretel just wanted him to have a little bit of trust in himself.

In this way, Gretel would have less trouble when repaying his kindness by arranging a place for him.

Gretel could feel that the little guy was somewhat dependent on him, although he didn't quite understand where this dependence came from.

But it's not a bad thing after all.

Gretel was curious, but it was just curiosity. What he wanted to do most now was to settle the little guy.

After that, he quickly headed to America to save Fred King, who fell into the hands of an unknown dark wizard. Oh, at this time, his name was still called Bronze Seal.

Quite a fairy style.

As a pioneer in opening up the American market, he is a well-deserved decision-maker in the Americas.

Copper Seal's name is more suitable and goes well with his job.

However, I don’t know if he was originally called Tongyin or if he changed his name because he was sent to America to work.

Also, according to the intelligence collected by Dawn, the control of Gringotts in the seventeenth century should still be in the hands of wizards.

While thinking, Gretel pinched his chin. He was wondering if he could find a way to bury a few small nails in Gringotts in Europe now.

Gringotts, which is about to enter the 21st century, is really beyond Dawn's reach.

After the goblins completely took control of Gringotts, they completely turned it into an iron barrel.

Not to mention Shuguang, even the goblins themselves, without the goblin's appointment within the clan, would never even think of reaching out.

But now, the wizards of Great Britain still have Gringotts in their hands.

If you want to do something, this time is just right.

The goblins are ready to take action, but they have not yet taken power. There are both wizards and goblins in Gringotts.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank is not an empty name.

Later, after the goblins took control of the financial system, Gringotts at that time could really be renamed Gringotts Goblin Bank.

Wizards only have the right to use their own property.

Grete couldn't help but click his tongue when he thought about this.

I don’t know if everyone at the Ministry of Magic, from top to bottom, had their brains wet when they gave up power to the goblins.

Or rather, they were all corrupted by goblins with evil intentions.

Otherwise, more or less, even just a few words, there should be information passed down.

But no matter how hard everyone at Dawn investigated, they couldn't find any inside information.

After that, if the goblins rebel again, it will not be a clan action.

But every once in a while, someone would raise a flag of rebellion and randomly occupy a place belonging to wizards in the magical world.

Make it your headquarters and launch a rebellion that can be called a joke.

This kind of rebellion is small in scale and does not cause much commotion. Therefore, the goblins who commit crimes will not be punished too severely.

There are even times when the investigators wave their hands and generously hand over the criminals to the goblins to handle themselves.

Every time he saw these records, Grete felt that the goblins must have carried a halo of wisdom with them to make the wizards so stupid.

Rebellion, anywhere in the world, is a matter worthy of investigation in the direction of death and annihilation.

But in the eyes of the wizards of Great Britain, it turned into a farce!

It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

Let's put it in Gretel's case, when the wizard fought an all-out war with the goblins for the first time and won.

They began to prepare to destroy their country, destroy their history, destroy their clan, and seize their culture.

If you go too far, kill all those who are taller than the wheel. No, this won't work. The goblins are not as tall as the wheel.

The only goblins that can be taller than a wheel are their close relatives, the ogres.

Think of the house elves, who are more worried about the demise of wizards than the wizards themselves.

After countless years of slavery and brainwashing, they have completely become vassals of the wizards.

This is the most correct thing for a wizard to do after winning the war.

It is said that the former house elves were as powerful as any intelligent race in the world.

However, the brave ancestors still won the battle.

The point is, they are not only brave, but also full of wisdom, and have successfully integrated house elves into the wizarding camp.

Of course, Gretel is not encouraging this enslaving approach.

He was just comparing the house elf rebellion and the goblin rebellion.

Same behavior, completely different consequences.

You can't say that house elves are all weaklings, and they can't get up after being knocked down.

If house elves were such a race, there would be no such thing as rebellion.

It can only be that the ancestors have done everything they can to the extreme, completely pulling out their spines and breaking them.

So what if it's a goblin?

If you didn't look at the records, Gretel even felt that the goblin's rebellion was successful.

If you don’t believe it, just take a look. How can a defeated country step on the head of a victorious country to show off its power? From ancient times to the present, such a thing has never happened on any continent.

These two sides fought a war that destroyed the country and the species.

The victorious ones lingered, while the defeated ones thrived. It was even said that the victorious wizards had to rely on the breath of the goblins for their lives.

What about officials from the Ministry of Magic? When they get inside Gringotts, they will still be discriminated against.

Looking at them, they looked like they were staring at thieves who might commit crimes at any time.

Gretel felt that if he saw such a thing happening in the new era established by Dawn, he would explode.

What a stupid successor must be to do such a stupid thing.

If we hadn’t thought about it a bit and decided that the future was more important, our current actions might have caused abnormalities in the future.

Gretel is going to Diagon Alley today.

It's better to do less than to do more. Anyway, in that timeline of the twentieth century, he had already found a plan to deal with the goblins.

As long as we follow the instructions step by step, the goblins' problems won't be much of a problem.

In comparison, the American governments and the American Ministry of Magic have bigger problems.

Fred King, now known as Copper Seal, had to be saved.

After all, there is no Ministry of Magic in America now, but the goblins of Gringotts may have sent the people to open the branch there.

The American branch of Gringotts, which would be renamed Goblin International Bank in the 18th century, may be the oldest magical institution on that continent.

After dealing with the goblins in Europe, their help is indispensable when dealing with the American Ministry of Magic.

An organization that has been established for centuries will know many secrets even if it does not deliberately collect intelligence.

The collusion between the American Muggle government and the American Ministry of Magic is definitely not something that happened in the past few decades.

Maybe the opportunity for them to form a nest of snakes and rats happened centuries ago now.

It's not that difficult to accept that the descendants of prisoners and outcasts collude with dark wizards who have been rejected by the magical world, is it?

Besides, who in the right mind would engage in any genocide plan?

Just because they coveted wealth, they completely destroyed a civilization that could have been peaceful.

Until the entire race, only a handful of people are left.

It’s unreasonable to think about it.

Even the house elves who committed the crime of rebellion were not completely wiped out.

Although it is difficult to compare, which one is more serious, becoming a slave or dying.

Gretel didn't intend to explore it. Anyway, at this stage, he would not stand in the position of a house elf.

He doesn't have that much energy, and his compassion isn't that cheap.

My own race has not yet settled down, so there is no time to liberate these alien races.

If everything is settled in the future, he wouldn't mind giving these alien races a certain degree of freedom, so as to make the whole world more harmonious.

However, those people in America are not aliens. From the perspective of status alone, in front of these intelligent aliens, they are all human beings.

How could someone do such a cruel thing to a living being that is almost identical to themselves?

Is it possible that these people are born with malice running deep in their bones?

Even Voldemort, a sociopath who pursues immortality, did not go so far.

Perverts are perverts, but he still has a bottom line. His cruelty is only directed at those who resist his rule.

Death Eaters who wantonly killed innocent people were punished by him, and not just one or two were killed.

There was a lot of food today, but the little guy still gave Grete the largest portion.

There was only a handful of meat in his bowl.

Gretel has recovered, but he still hides it from the little guy.

Under such circumstances, how could he let the little guy treat him as a sick patient?

Following the little guy's attitude of refusing to refuse, Gretel put the meat in his bowl into the little guy's bowl.

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