Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 115 The Twelve Disciples of Dawn

Gretel obviously underestimated the status of himself in the hearts of this group of students who had not graduated yet after being cleared of his 'grievances' by Dumbledore and becoming a hero of Hogwarts again.

The news about the recruitment of people in the Dawn Club has only been released for a week, and when he announced the news, he had already made it clear that there would not be too many people recruited, and they would have to go through a difficult test before they could become a member of the Dawn Club. .

This means that after they have worked hard to prepare and pass the exam, they may be dismissed.

But even with such harsh conditions, registration forms for joining are still coming in like heavy snow.

In every grade, nearly 90% of the people discussed in their spare time the things that Gretel was still gestating.

Even freshmen who had just entered school and were not very clear about the situation, or graduates who were about to graduate and were preparing to enter the society, came to Grete's office with high hopes and stuffed their carefully prepared registration applications.

When Grete returned to the office, the number of registration forms was completely beyond his expectation.

He thought it would be great to have dozens or hundreds of copies at most. After all, he still carries the name of a Hogwarts traitor.

Although Dumbledore had already proved it for him, it was just a mouthful.

It's okay to just keep up the good work, but there are definitely very few people who really believe it.

Even looking at the worst-case scenario, it is not impossible that everyone except the freshmen who have just entered the school will not believe it.

Moreover, anyone who was in the Triwizard Tournament at that time had a clear understanding of the whole thing.

Everyone present at the time had read through the promotional page of Dawn.

Also, the reactions of the professors later can also prove the authenticity of this incident.

Therefore, Dumbledore's move to help Gretel clear his name could not achieve the desired effect at all.

But now seeing the mountain of application forms in front of him, Grete curled his lips helplessly.

The enthusiasm of these people was really beyond his expectation.

It was obviously just a simple application form, but many people came up with it with a hundred times more enthusiasm.

A thick stack of personal statements is simply much more serious than when they were looking for a job after graduation.

Originally, the test Gretel prepared was just a simple screening, but now it seems that he needs to take this matter more seriously.

At least, those who have been removed should have no complaints.

After stopping accepting new application form submissions, Grete rubbed his head and wrote hard in the office for a week.

He spent all his free time preparing test questions for this group of enthusiastic wizards.

According to the research projects of the Dawn Research Institute, Grete selected dozens of projects and listed them in a targeted manner.

The next day after preparing all the test questions, Grete posted the projects on the notice board at Hogwarts, and assigned different examination rooms according to different projects.

At the beginning of the weekend exams, they can go to the examination room of their respective projects of interest, take the exam, and finally be admitted based on their scores.

Of course, many of these projects have not achieved breakthroughs in the well-resourced Shuguang Research Institute, and even ideas have not been found.

Gretel's requirements are not high. What he wants to do is to see if anyone can answer some practical ideas in these test questions.

This also means a comprehensive consideration of knowledge system and research talent.

To Grete's surprise, even with such harsh selection conditions, more than one-third of the people were retained.

These people may be top academics with well-organized knowledge systems, or they may be research talents with bursts of inspiration.

Gretel recorded the names of these people and decided that even if these people failed in the final test, he would tell Penelo to absorb these people into Dawn's research institute after graduation.

But now, he still has to remove some people.

Daybreak, like Slughorn's Slug Club, follows a meritocratic policy.

Grete wants to build it into a cutting-edge research institution parallel to Dawn, responsible for research that cannot be broken through by Dawn's research institute.

There are hundreds of students from seven grades and four colleges left after the first assessment.

That's a lot for a club, but splitting people up based on their chosen projects doesn't leave much behind in each project.

The most is no more than ten, and the least is only one.

According to the college, there are only dozens of students in each college, and they are divided into grades. Only a handful of students in each grade can pass the initial assessment.

In this case, Gretel chose to use his trump card, magic particles.

After all, according to his prediction, no matter it is dawn or dawn, the difficulty that cannot be avoided in the research process is magic particles, which are currently unobservable substances.

In fact, the purpose of Dawn's initial appearance was to assist Gretel in his research on magic particles.

Although these people may not be of use at the moment, as time goes by and Gretel's research on magic particles gradually deepens, one day these people will become indispensable aids in his research.

Therefore, when it came to the last moment when he had to select members, Grete naturally chose the method that was most beneficial to his research.

Those who passed the first test lined up in a long queue according to Gretel's orders.

Immediately, Gretel captured a particle each from the air and himself.

But this time, he did not use his own will to manifest them.

When each person who undergoes the test comes to Gretel, Gretel will capture a magic particle of their own from their own body.

Then three particles were placed in front of the subject.

Gretel didn't tell them what they were going to test, he just told them to pay attention to the 'things' in their hands when they walked past him.

At the same time, Gretel also activated Legilimency, which had reached a high level.

He can guarantee that even if Dumbledore himself or Voldemort is resurrected, they will not be as high as his current Legilimency level.

Through Legilimency, Gretel can clearly sense the fluctuations of their thoughts.

This ensures that even if the subject himself does not pay attention to his fleeting thoughts, Gretel can clearly record them.

It also eliminates the existence of people who want to make a fool of themselves and fish in troubled waters.

Due to limited time, Gretel only gave everyone three minutes of observation time.

But that's enough. Magic particles are not something that can be observed based on time.

For those who can vaguely detect the magic particles in Grete's hand, three minutes is enough time.

Of course, Gretel didn't just let them leave if they didn't sense it.

After all, the unclear way of losing the election will definitely put a big shit basin on the head of Li Xiao, who has not yet fully established himself.

Of course Grete would not allow this to happen. A small drop of the elixir for each of them was enough for them to stay here for a whole day without any complaints.

There were more than a hundred people, but it didn't actually take Grete too long.

In just over an hour, everyone was tested.

Gretel then revealed to everyone the existence of the magic particles in his hand.

The restraint of the iron will once again tore off the veil of magic particles, revealing its mysterious form in front of this group of wizards who had never seen the world.

"It turns out that Professor Gretel really has something in his hand." This sentence came to many people's minds.

Gretel let out a sigh of relief. Who knows, after having eliminated dozens of people in a row at the beginning, Gretel was about to give up on this method.

Fortunately, he was left with twelve talents in the end.

After Gretel announced the list of those who had successfully passed the test, the unsuccessful ones lined up one by one and happily received their own elixir from Gretel.

After everything calmed down and all the unsuccessful people left, Gretel formally looked at the first members of Dawn.

Luna Lovegood, the 'crazy girl''s silver eyes had always been erratic, but now they were full of exploration and curiosity.

Her passing did not exceed Gretel's expectations, or in other words, Gretel had thought about it when Dawn was first established.

If only one person in Hogwarts passed his examination, then it must be Luna.

The only possibility for this girl to lose is that she is not interested in his daybreak, or is distracted by more interesting things, causing her to not participate at all.

This girl's spirituality was something he had never seen before in his life. When he first observed the magic particles, this girl was keenly aware of the changes in him.

The same was true for the thoughts that Grete had just read from her brain. Although they were erratic and seemed to have no focus, she could really detect the inexplicable fluctuations in Grete's hands.

And as the observation continued, the fluctuations in her thoughts also vibrated with the restlessness of the magic particles.

In addition to Luna, there were several other people Gretel was familiar with.

Among them, the one who surprised Gretel the most was Neville Longbottom, the fat little man who would lose contact from time to time.

Unlike Luna, he was aware of the existence of magic particles.

When he first walked up to Gretel, he looked nervous and widened his eyes, trying to find the invisible 'thing' that Gretel said.

Of course, he didn't find it.

Just when Grete thought he had failed, the idea of ​​seeds popped into his mind.

That was the test paper he chose when he took the first test.

Something strange happened. He thought about the seeds sprouting, blooming and bearing fruit, and then the magical particles in Gretel's hands that belonged to nature and belonged to Neville Longbottom began to resonate strangely with him.

If it weren't for Gretel's thoughts, they would have broken into Neville Longbottom's body like a swallow returning to its nest.

This was also the biggest surprise Grete received in this final test.

He felt that Mr. Neville Longbottom's potential should not be underestimated.

For this reason, Gretel left a sentence in Neville Longbottom's mind the moment he was judged to have passed the test.

"Neville, I can help you cure your parents, but you have to make results."

Well, when Gretel left these words, all thoughts about seeds in Neville Longbottom's mind were instantly wiped away.

The magic particles in front of him also became silent.

In addition, another surprise is Draco Malfoy, who became extremely sad after his parents were imprisoned in Azkaban.

Gretel never expected that this pure-blood young master, who had always been proud, would actually choose to participate in his Dawn Selection.

Moreover, based on the strength of the Malfoy family, he must know that he is the culprit who sent his parents to Azkaban.

It's strange that Gretel didn't feel resentment in his thoughts. Emptiness was the only thing Gretel felt.

Gretel could tell that it was not the emptiness caused by Occlumency. Besides, in the magic world, no one could use Occlumency to deceive him, the world's most powerful legilimens.

That kind of emptiness is more like the blank space after a great enlightenment.

Gretel didn't know what happened to Draco Malfoy, but this emptiness also resonated with the magic particles.

Gretel became curious about him.

The project Draco Malfoy chose in the preliminary test was to establish a system for distinguishing the magical bloodlines of pure blood, mixed blood, and Muggle wizards, and to find the inevitable connection between them.

This project is also one of Dawn's key projects. The end goal of the project is to allow all humans to understand the nature of magic and master the ability to cast spells.

The remaining people also have their own characteristics.

The only thing they have in common is that the magic particles in Tangret's hands, which all of them are active or passive, produce fluctuations.

Whether it belongs to Gretel, is from nature, or comes from themselves, as long as it fluctuates, it will pass the test.

Of course, there are also things that are beyond Grete's expectations.

Just like the original savior team, Hermione and her two useless sons.

Ron's failure was just as Gretel expected.

If he didn't want to be separated from Harry, he wouldn't even stuff the application into Gretel's office.

In the first test, he gloriously became a small drop of water in the sea, and proudly returned to the same front with the masses.

Harry's failure was beyond Gretel's expectations.

As the destined savior, Harry should be a beloved being in the world.

I don't know if Gretel took away the light, but he narrowly and narrowly passed the first test.

Perhaps it could be said that he was on the verge of passing, and it was Gretel who caught him back.

While observing the magic particles, the thoughts in his mind almost broke Gretel's serious expression.

"Is there something here?

Gretel said there is, so there must be.

It seems I'm too stupid. I'd better think about how to comfort Ron. After all, he was kicked out in the first test.


Gretel had never noticed that Harry was such a nagging person.

In one minute, he could talk enough to fill several feet of parchment.

If he had this talent when he was doing homework, he wouldn't have to worry about not being able to hand it in last night.

Then there is Miss Hermione Granger, the little incisor, this hard-working little genius.

She worked really hard, and she got a rare perfect score on the basic knowledge questions in the first test.

But once the question involves a breakthrough in research ideas, her answers fall into the trap.

But even so, her final score was rarely outstanding.

Helpless, Breaking Dawn needs the talent of sudden inspiration, even if Gretel released the water for her, she observed it for nearly an extra minute.

She still had no choice but to lose.

Thanks to book friend 20211026121037527 and ChrisWood for their monthly support~

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