Chapter 85 Piles of gifts!!

“I must teach him a hard lesson in the future, I swear!”

Ron went mad with anger after being deducted points by Snape, pointing at Malfoy’s back, desperate to pounce on Malfoy’s face now.

“Teach whom?”

Hagrid came from behind them, carrying a fir tree on his shoulders. This is for Christmas.

“Malfoy and Snape, I hate both of them!”

Harry said through gritted teeth.

“Huh? What about Darren and Hermione? ”

Hagrid asked, looking behind them.

If Darren had been there, Snape might not have deducted points for them.

“As soon as they got out of class, they went to the library.”

Harry quickly explained.

“Library? They’re so hardworking! ”

“No, no, no, they went to find Nicolame, and we haven’t found Nicolame for a long time. After turning through almost a hundred books without results, Hagrid, do you want to remind us? ”

Harry hurriedly fawned over him. Hagrid immediately moved away from him.

“Stop it! I won’t tell you, and don’t get involved in it! ”

“Hmph, then we’ll find it ourselves!”

Ron angrily pulled Harry towards the library. They have read many books during this time.

Put “Modern History of the Wizarding World”, “The Great Wizard of the 21st Century”, “Modern Famous People”, “Research on the Development of the Modern Wizarding World”………

Watched them all.

But there seems to be no such person as Nicola Flamel in this world. Is he an ordinary person?

Probably not, how can someone who has a cooperative relationship with Dumbledore be an ordinary person?

Of course, they didn’t actually read all the books, after all, there were too many.

The books inside Hogwarts are as vast as the sea.

It is even possible that the name may be in the forbidden book area. That’s not even something they can see.

Darren sat in the library, listening to Hermione’s words obediently and flipping through the books to find someone. Of course he knew who Nicolame was.

But he just wouldn’t tell them.

What if this is Dumbledore’s script?

And he hasn’t touched Nicolamy’s name, and he hasn’t even gotten a chocolate frog yet.

It would be too abrupt for him to say he knew. Finally, after some time.

Hermione finally shook her head regretfully. She called them all together and said, “It seems that you can only come back from the holidays and look for them, and you can also rummage through the library more when you are at school.” In case something is gained, immediately the owl tells me! ”

“No problem!”

Ron nodded, and he even said, “You can also ask your parents, just don’t you know if it’s safe?” ”

“Of course it’s safe, they’re all Muggles”, the news reached Snow Watts! ”

Hermione rolled her eyes.

Then she hugged Darren with some sadness and said softly: “I’m going home, don’t be bullied in school.”

“How is that possible? Darren has us here! ”

Harry patted his chest.

Ron hurried to assure.

Then the two of them got Hermione a roll of the eyes.

“Well, if you don’t object, then I’ll leave and see you at school.”

Hermione let go of Darren and turned to leave. Looking at the back, it seems a little angry.

“What’s wrong? Why was she angry? And she gave Darren a hug, why didn’t she hug us, could it be that we did something wrong? ”

Ron asked Harry suspiciously.

Harry shook his head, his attention was now on the holiday. However, he still echoed: “That’s right, that’s right, didn’t say hug us……… Okay, Darren don’t look at it, let’s go play wizard chess! ”

Before Christmas.

Darren played late with Harry and Ron before returning to bed. In his sleep, he kept feeling like he had become a turtle. Walking the earth.

Panting with every step. Finally, he woke up tired.

He wiped a handful of sweat from his brain, and then his eyes widened in shock. His bed was piled with gifts.

The gift overwhelmed his whole body. And there are still some on the ground.

No wonder he felt breathless.

“Who gave this?”

Darren quickly sat up and looked through his gifts. He received more than a hundred gifts.

Most of it is candy. And it’s all sent by girls.

Darren is a little suspicious of his personality, could it be that he seems to like sugar so much?

The rest of the gifts are normal.

Paggy gave him a ten-percent stake in the Halo Company’s ongoing development of the Firebolt branch.

It is said that Packy bought it for three thousand galleons.

He was given to him by the portraits of the ancestors of the Potter family. Professor Flitwick gave him a copy of Spell Casting Tips

Professor McGonagall gave him a copy of Quidditch, Things You Don’t Know, and Harry bought him a pet cat.

It was a milky white little milk cat, and after seeing Darren, she decided to collapse in his arms and sleep.

Darren named it Le Zi, which means lazy. After that, there are four gifts left.

One was given to him by Snape, a cloak of invisibility.

After Darren wears it on his body, he can indeed hide his figure, but as soon as he uses the spell of ten thousand spells, he can find the clue.

Apparently not the one from the Potter family.

“Harry Potter received one, maybe you need one too, I hope you don’t use it to do bad things!”

Ah this………

Did the old professor go and look at Harry’s gifts one by one?

After putting the invisibility cloak away, Darren looked at the other three gifts. Both were filled with stuff and looked bulging.

Darren opened one of them.

Inside was a thick hand-knitted sweater, which made him feel very comfortable.

It’s a bright green sweater.

It also looks perfect for the Slytherin atmosphere. He quickly put the sweater on himself. Only to find out that there was also a letter D on it. Apparently very explicitly knitted for him.

And there is also a large piece of homemade milk fat gummies inside the package. Darren tasted a piece and immediately fell in love with the taste.

He couldn’t wait to write to Mrs. Weasley, begging her to make him a few more pieces. There was also a note sent with the package.

“Boy, I’ve heard Ron say about you, poor darling, expecting you to play in the Burrow after your holiday. Love your Molly. ”

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