Chapter 739 Are You Crazy?!!

Harry opened his eyes, then he looked at Darren, inhaled and said, “He’s screaming the shack, Nagini is protected by his magic, just now he saw Lucius……… Now he had asked Lucius to go to Snape! ”

“He’s screaming at the shack?”

Hermione exclaimed.

“Yes, he didn’t participate in the battle at all… He thought I’d deliver it. ”


Ron quickly asked.

Darren laughed.

“We’re looking for Horcruxes, he knows it, so we’ll definitely find him, that’s for sure.”

“Then we won’t go and let his plan fall through.”

Ron laughed.

But Darren shook his head.

“We have to go, we have to find him, it’s better if we can kill Nagini, and I feel like he wants to kill Snape, I have to save Snape!”

Darren said firmly.

Harry, they showed shocked expressions.

“You’re crazy, you can’t bear to kill him, you even have to save him? Have you forgotten that he almost killed you and that he also killed Dumbledore? ”

Harry exclaimed angrily.

Darren’s face turned pale.

He said a little nervously: “I think about it, think about it, I can’t think of the reason for Professor Snape’s betrayal………

You may not know that Professor Snape likes his mother, that’s why he treats me well…

Over the years, I really regarded him as a father, and I really couldn’t do it……… I also don’t really think he was a deliberate betrayal.

I want to save him……… I don’t know why, but my heart told me that I must save him, otherwise I will regret it.

Brother, no matter how you stop me, I will save him, even if I will be killed by this behavior of mine in the end, I must save him!” ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding……… ]

Harry they were dumbfounded, they stared at Darren.

After discovering that he really wasn’t crazy, they agreed to Darren’s idea.

“I agree, but Darren, I have to tell you that if I find out that he has done anything wrong, I will kill him!”

Harry looked at Darren nervously.

Darren finally nodded.

“I agree.”

Hermione sighed.

Then she said, “Well, I’ll go with Darren…”

“No, I’ll go with Darren!”

Harry said firmly.

Ron became furious.

“Enough, we…”

Before he could finish speaking, the tapestry of the stairs they were on was torn.

Two Death Eaters stood there.

Without waiting for them to react.

Darren waved his wand.

The corridor becomes a slide.

Two Death Eaters rolled down the slide.

Then Hermione exclaimed, “Faint! ”

A Death Eater fell.

Another Death Eater hurried outside.

He bumped into Lavender Brown.

Lavender Brown took two steps back.

Then a crystal ball smashed into the Death Eater’s head.

The Death Eaters fell to the ground in response.

Trelawney upstairs shouted, “I still have it, you guys get out of the way, let me smash them!” ”

They went down a flight of stairs.

As soon as she got down, Professor McGonagall directed a pile of tables to run up.

She had a wound on her cheek.

She didn’t notice Harry, she yelled and rushed, then dashed over Harry, and they waited until she left before coming out of the hallway.

They saw many Death Eaters fighting with the teachers and students.

Peeves was throwing the fruit at the top of the heads of the Death Eaters, and in a few moments vines grew on the top of the heads of these people.

Parvati was fighting a Death Eater.

She and Luna waved their wands almost non-stop.

Darren waved his wand, and the Death Eater fell. But there were still a lot of Death Eaters rushing here.

Darren waved his wand again.

A bunch of Death Eaters were thrown upstairs by him.

“Go, don’t waste time!”

Hermione exclaimed.

Darren could only say hello to Luna and the girls and left in a hurry.

They ran outside from the slippery wet floor of the foyer.

At this time, they heard Malfoy’s call.

“I’m Draco Malfoy, I’m your guy…”

He backed away.

But the two Death Eaters in front of him seemed ready to see him singled out and kill him.

Darren was trying to go up and help?

Who knew that when Draco retreated to the corner, he suddenly grabbed a handful of powder from the corner.

The powder drifted into the eyes of the two Death Eaters, who screamed.

Draco was not too addicted and pounded both of them hard.

Darren waved his wand.

Two people were tied.

Malfoy looked at Darren.

Darren didn’t speak, and Ron huffed, “Little bastard, you have to pick up your wand too, your wand!” ”

Without saying a word, Malfoy looked at them stupidly.

“Let’s go, let’s go, leave him alone!”

Hermione exclaimed.

Darren waved his wand, and a wand flew out of the two Death Eaters and smashed into Malfoy’s.

Ron shouted speechlessly, “No, even lost your wand?” ”

“Let’s go!”

Darren pulled him and they continued to run forward.

Then they saw Ted Tonks suddenly fall backwards under the attack of two Death Eaters.

They unleashed the Coma Charm at the two Death Eaters, then continued running outside with red eyes.

When they passed downstairs, two black figures fell.

It’s a werewolf.

The werewolf seemed to want to bite Ernie.

But at this time, Hagrid kicked a werewolf away.

Harry was trying to cheer for Hagrid.

Then he saw many werewolves rushing in.

They surrounded Hagrid at 057.

Hagrid was almost caught up in the middle of this group of werewolves.

Darren pulled it out of his arms, then he found a potion and threw it out.

The potion was thrown in the middle of the werewolf.

The werewolf then changed back to being human.

“Well done, Darren!”

Hagrid exclaimed.

Although he was surrounded by these people, he was not afraid.


Gerlop also cried out.

He strode over.

But two real giants surrounded him.

They then discovered that Group was indeed small compared to the real giant.

Those real giants are bigger than castles.

They roared to grab Groop.

Hagrid roared.

He rushed into the war of giants.


Darren exclaimed laboriously.

He raised his wand and seemed to rush over as well.

But at this time, there was a cold chill in the entire foyer, and everyone was terrified.

“It’s a dementor, a dementor!”

They screamed.

Harry tried to send out the Patronus.

But when he thought that Hagrid was about to be killed by those giants, he couldn’t send out any patron saints at all.

“Save Hagrid, I’ll come!”

Darren exclaimed.

Then a dragon soared into the sky.

It circled around the castle, and it drove away all the dementors in the castle.


Hermione suddenly screamed again…

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