Chapter 736 Let them run!!

Darren’s words were finished.

Everyone in the audience showed various expressions.

There are those who are afraid, there are those who are determined, and of course there are those who are disgusted and fearful.

Darren didn’t rush to comfort them right now.

He just looked at Slytherin.

“You guys go first!”

Kassandra said without hesitation: “I want to stay, I am seventeen years old, I am an adult, and I will decide where I go!” ”

Darren looked at her, and she looked at him without hesitation.

“I, Kassandra, have never flinched!”

“The Warley family…”

Darren tried to say something.

But Kassandra interrupted him.

“What the Warleys do has nothing to do with me, but what you do in Darren Potter has to do with me, and I think there is no one in Slytherin who doesn’t know that I like you.”

I stayed to help the people I loved the most, and I don’t think there was any problem with that, and you, Darren Potter, you can’t stop me! ”

Darren’s eyes were red.

He turned his head.

He also wanted to perform something more.

Suddenly, a voice resounded throughout Hogwarts.

It was Voldemort.

“I know you’re going to escape, but we’re guarding all the exits.

But you are not without a way out, as long as you hand over Harry Potter, I will let everyone at Hogwarts go.

I’ll just wait until midnight, after midnight, we’ll attack Hogwarts, I want you to think about it!” ”

That voice disappeared.

Then Crabbe shouted loudly 807: “Harry Potter is here, give him to the Dark Lord!” ”

Darren looked at Crabbe.

Then he raised his wand.


Crabbe fell to the ground.

Darren looked at everyone.

“I don’t care what you think, but my brother I protect, as long as I live, I will not allow anyone to hurt my brother!”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding……… ]

After he finished speaking.

All students raised their wands.

Instead of aiming their wands at Harry, they aimed them at Slytherin.

Cassandra walked out of Slytherin.

A few more Slytherin students headed for Gryffindor, Ravenclaw.

As for the other students.

They were pale and motionless.

Darren didn’t have a hard time for them.

He said calmly: “Okay, everyone put down their wands, I believe that everyone is a student, I don’t think you will go to the soldiers.”

So, Mr. Filch, you leave first with the Slytherin students! ”

Mr. Filch nodded.

He pointed his wand at the Slytherin students.

“Hurry up, don’t make me say it a second time!”

The Slytherin students were all out.

“Next is Ravenclaw!”

Some of the Ravenclaw students went out.

“And then Hufflepuff!”

Hufflepuff left more than half of the students still standing in the auditorium.

“Finally, Gryffindor.”

Gryffindor walked only by first-year classmates.

“Students under sixth grade must leave, if you don’t leave, I’ll knock you out with my wand, you guys choose one!”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding……… ]

The students who stayed and did not meet the requirements showed a look of chagrin.

Why don’t they grow faster?

“Darren, we heard that you are going to find something, go quickly, the rest of the people, we will drive them away!”

It’s Fred them.

Darren showed a little unease.

He anxiously instructed, “Be sure to let them all leave, they are still children…

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding……… ]

“Yes, yes, we will take care of it!”

Fred and George laughed.

Then they pushed Darren and Harry outside.

Darren sighed.

He seemed a little uneasy.

But at this time, it is really not the time to rush people.

He said with an anxious expression, “Half an hour before midnight, we must go to find the Ravenclaw Crown…”

“But where is it, Darren, do you have an eyebrow?”

Hermione asked worriedly.

Darren closed his eyes.

He seemed to be thinking.



Mapo tofu. Kung Pao Chicken.


He thought about it, and in Harry’s eager expression, he suddenly said: “A place to hide things, where can you hide things?” You say, where can you hide things? ”

Harry, they frowned and thought hard.

But Darren was already smiling.

“I’m really stupid, this sentence is the password to enter the door, there is a place to hide things in the room where you need it!”

He shouted.

Harry was abrupt.

He was about to praise Darren.

Suddenly, the whole castle vibrates.

“It’s midnight, and they’re on the offensive!”

Darren’s face was a little ugly.

But he calmed down anyway.

“Let’s go, let’s go find the Horcruxes!”

He shouted.

Then they ran to the eighth floor.

While on the first floor, they met Hagrid. Hagrid was running outside with Group.

When he saw them, he grinned.

“Boys, watch me go beat them up!”

As they passed by the second floor, they saw Professor McGonagall walking outside with Neville and a few other DA members, carrying bloody vines in their hands.

When they ran to the third floor, the top of their heads exploded.

The Death Eaters had stormed the castle.

Darren used his wand to swing away the exploding obstacle in front of him.

He quickened his pace.

Finally, they came to the Room of Requirement.

There were only three women left inside.

Ginny, Tonks, and Neville’s grandmother. Mrs. Longbottom’s face showed excitement.

She shook Darren’s hand.

“Darren, do you know what’s going on now?”

“They’re fighting, the Death Eaters have started attacking Hogwarts, Neville is out!”

Mrs. Longbottom nodded proudly.

“Very good, very good, he deserves to be my grandson, I’m going to help him, see you later!”

Mrs. Longbottom left.

Only Tonks and Ginny remained.

Tonks looked at Darren tightly.

She asked a little nervously, “Are you okay?” ”

“I’m fine!”

A silence followed.

Tonks just looked at Darren’s whole body.

After discovering that there was nothing wrong with him, she blushed.

“I’m going down too!”

She quickly shouted. Then she rushed down.

Ron looked at Ginny.

“Ginny, you have to go out too…”

Ginny immediately went out.

She couldn’t seem to ask for it.

But Darren stopped her.

He said with some concern, “Ginny… I remembered one thing, we forgot to inform the house-elves! ”

“Do you want them to come up and fight? I’ll call them! ”

Ginny said and went down.

But Darren pulled her again.

“No, let them run! They have nothing to do with us, let them run, take you away by the way, Ginny, you listen to me, you………

Darren didn’t finish speaking, Ginny kissed him hard…

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