Chapter 619 This is good!!

In addition to this, Harry also had a newspaper at hand.

The headline above reads: Rufus Scrimgeour succeeds Fudge. Scrimgeur’s photograph made up most of the paper’s pages. Scrimgeour above was looking at everyone seriously.

His lion-like expression immediately made people feel safe.

Rufus Scrimgeour succeeds Connory Fudge as Minister of Magic, the former Director of the Auror Executive Division.

According to rumors, though.

Scrimgeour has a feud with Albus Dumbledore, the newly restored chief wizard of the Wizengamot.

Scrimgeour representatives said that Scrimgeour had just corresponded with Dumbledore…

Next to this newspaper, there is also a magazine “About the Ministry of Magic Protecting the Safety of Students” on the side.

However, the above content was blocked by the birds that looked at Hedwig. Hedwig is grooming inside the birdcage.

But sometimes there were impatient clicks, but Harry didn’t hear them at all.

In the middle of the room is a chest.

Inside the box were several pieces of clothing, which were neatly folded, as if the owner wanted to pack them up, but did not.

In addition to the box, a little further away from the box, several apple cores and sugar paper were thrown, as well as some owl feathers.

In the corner of the wall lies a kitten. The cat was lying there stiffly.

In front of it sits a delicate cat bowl. The cat bowl is filled with cat food.

There is also a paper cup next to it with water. There is a cat litter on the bed.

The cat litter was made of a furry blanket, but it seemed that the cat did not go in to sleep for a while.

Next to the cat’s litter was a piece of parchment. The parchment lay flat there. Dear Harry,

If you wish, I will pick you up at eleven o’clock on Friday night to the Burrow, where the Weasleys invite you to play.

Of course, Sirius Black could live in it if he wanted to, and they built a small house for him.

Also, I need to do something on my way to the Burrow, and it would be nice if I could get your help.

Meet and talk.

If you wish, please write back to this owl to bring back. Love you Albus Dumbledore.

This letter, Harry has already memorized well. He was willing to go to the Burrow.

Because the Dursleys always mentioned Darren, he really couldn’t make up any more reasons why Darren was hospitalized without writing them a letter.

For more than a month, he has been suffering every day.

And he still couldn’t tell anyone in the Dursleys that Darren died like that.

He could never come back, there was no way, no more letters to send them, and no possibility of buying them any gifts.

Dumbledore’s letter saved him.

He let the owl give the most affirmative answer.

He packed everything, except for Darren’s things, which he put away and released again.

He always felt that if he left Darren’s things outside, would Darren have to come back and clean up himself?

In fact, he knew it was a luxury.

But he only had one way. Finally.

The alarm clock pointed to eleven five minutes away. The alarm clock Harry had set went off. Harry jumped to his feet.

Hedwig made an annoyed sound.

He quickly looked at the kitten in the corner, and when he found that there was almost no less cat food in front of the kitten, he showed a sad expression.

“Lez, you eat a little cat food, Darren… I’m gone, I can’t let you starve to death too, well… Eat some! ”

Harry shoved a handful of cat food into Lezi’s mouth. It rarely struggles.

If Harry shoehorned it, it would eat it. But it seems to have died with Darren. It has lost all lively movements. It squats here dumbly, as if waiting for death. Harry choked as he feeded.

“Please, how are you going to cheer up? Darren must not be willing to let you do this, but the kitten in front of him does not move. ”

It squatted back to where it was.

Harry thought it looked like a silly cat who had lost his home.

When he realized this, his own eyes turned red. OK.

At this time, it was finally eleven.

Harry saw a tall, thin figure appear outside the window. The figure was slowly walking over.

Harry hurriedly packed Darren’s box, he couldn’t put Darren’s things in Dursley’s house, they would definitely throw them away.

And that’s all he has.

Then he took Lez into his arms. He had to take Lez with him. Otherwise, Lez will surely die.

As soon as he took Lez in his arms, the doorbell downstairs rang.

Then came Uncle Vernon’s voice: “Who?” So late! ”

Harry froze.

He quickly opened the door and ran out. He forgot to tell the Dursleys.

As he opened the bedroom door, he heard Dumbledore’s voice.

“Good evening! You’re Mr. Dursley, and I think Harry should have told you that I would come and pick him up at this time! ”

Uncle Vernon’s face began to get bloodshot.

In Harry’s experience, it was that he was about to lose his temper. But Dumbledore didn’t care.

He smiled and said, “Judging by your surprised expression, Harry shouldn’t have told you… This point needs to be criticized for him, and if it is Darren, he will definitely remember it. ”

Harry’s footsteps paused.

The excitement just now dissipated.

From their mouths again, he heard their understated discussion of Darren.

It’s as if Darren didn’t die, but was really hospitalized and could come out right away.

“Good evening, Headmaster Dumbledore.”

Harry said softly.

“Good, good, very good!”

Dumbledore said with a smile. He beckoned Harry over.

“Don’t make a face, smile more, I’ll be a guest for a while!” By the way, Petunia, nice to meet you, we’re still through the letter!

Is this your son? It’s tall! ”

Dumbledore sat down on the Dursleys’ couch. Judging by Mr. Dursley’s expression, he should be unwilling. But he may realize that the old man in front of him is not easy to mess with.

He didn’t say a word.

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Dumbledore said with a smile. Then he waved his wand. A sofa appeared in front of him.

He motioned for the Dursleys to sit up. Then he waved his wand again.

A bottle of wine appeared, along with five glasses.

The glass was poured into the glass in front of him, and Dumbledore took one and said, “The wine from Lady Rosmerta is very good!” ”

Harry picked up the cup as well.

He gulped it in, as if he could drink it with the pain.

“Harry, drink slowly… If you are drunk, you won’t be able to help me with my affairs today, not to mention, I have to announce a few things. ”

Dumbledore said with a smile…

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