Chapter 325 The Lost Diary

With Mrs. Norris's shrill screams, all the little wizards were attracted.

Kyle, who was under the Disillusionment Curse, stood at the back, observing everything that happened next calmly.

As in memory, people found Filch and Harry on the third floor and regarded him as their heir...

 The professors also came and took away Filch and Harry. The prefects began to lead the students back to the common room.

 After the crowd gradually dispersed, Kyle found with embarrassment that he seemed to have nowhere to go.

There is definitely no way to go back to the dormitory, but it is only Halloween now, and there are still several months before his original time. What will he do in the meantime? You can't just wander around the castle all the time.

Kyle walked along the stairs toward the eighth floor.

Myrtle was still in the bathroom, and "himself" would go there soon. He would definitely not be able to return to the secret room now, so he decided to go to the Room of Requirement.

 There seems to be the only place I can go to now.

 “I need a place to rest.”

A door appeared in the middle of the corridor. Kyle opened it and walked in... In an instant, all the previous worries were gone.

The room is so grand.

 The large four-poster bed is more than three times larger than the one in the dormitory. It is so soft and comfortable that you won’t want to get up when you lie down on it.

In front of the bed is an equally large desk, with parchment, quills and ink placed on it.

 Further forward are different rooms, dining is available.

Kyle even saw a crystal wizard chess piece, crackling exploding cards, and various flying broomsticks in one room...but the models of these broomsticks were a bit old, and the best one could only sweep five stars.

But it doesn't matter, after all, who would play with a broomstick in the room...not Kyle anyway.

 The ceiling is enchanted like the one in the auditorium, but the difference is that it can be adjusted at will.

If Kyle wants, he can make this place full of sunshine all day long, and he can also lie in bed and watch the stars, or drink tea with the sound of's just perfect.

As for the problem of eating, the elves in the kitchen can deliver food to anywhere.

Kyle walked around and suddenly felt that a few months was a little short. If possible, he even wanted to live here until graduation...and then apply for a professorship and come back to continue living.

 Although this is somewhat unlikely.

 After finding a place to stay, Kyle returned to the castle and found Peeves on the sixth floor holding a small brush and painting a turtle on a pair of armor.

"That diary?" Peeves tilted his head and thought for a while, "I threw it away... That thing is so useful, the little devil screamed very loudly."

Kyle's eyes twitched, "Where did you throw it..."

 “I don’t know.” Peeves said matter-of-factly.

 “A box of big dung eggs!”

Peeves still shook his head, "I really don't remember, who cares about the things thrown out.

 You can look for it yourself, maybe on the third floor, or the fifth floor, or the seventh floor..."

  Throughout the night, Kyle risked being discovered by the professor and searched almost all the floors.

As the sky grew brighter, Kyle, who had found nothing, returned to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.

The diary was lost and no one knows where it is now.

Kyle sat down at the desk and thought about the last words Peeves said.

“The little red-haired kid was so frightened that he fell over. Potter threatened to find Bloody Barrow, and then I ran away...that bad guy.”

  Red hair, and Potter...According to Peeves, the last person who was hit should be Ron, and the diary should also be taken away by one of them.

 Harry? Or Ron?

 Kyle stood up and lay down on the soft bed.

 He originally thought that he was the heir, but now it seems that he is not.

 It was probably just a coincidence that the basilisk suddenly came out of the bathroom. He had summoned the basilisk in the secret room before, which meant that at that time, the entrance to the statue had actually been opened.

 It was just the sudden appearance of the Big Four that made him forget about it.

 The basilisk probably came out with him after he left the secret room.

 And what Riddle said.

 Timid...cowardly...future servant...

The only person who can perfectly fit these descriptions is probably the mouse next to Ron, Peter Pettigrew.

 Could it be him?


 For the next period of time, Kyle lived in the Room of Requirement.

 The castle has always been peaceful, everything is just as in memory.

 Just like that, time soon came to November.

The first Quidditch match, that is, the day Professor Caredi Bubbaji was attacked, Kyle left the Room of Requirement early and came to the Chamber of Secrets.

Kyle originally thought he would have to wait until night, but within two hours, there was a rustling sound outside.

Kyle hurriedly hid in the shadows by the door.

The door was opened, and the ghostly Riddle floated in, followed by a mouse.

 “ should really get a wand.”

Riddle said softly: "I really don't understand, even Animagus can learn it, why can't he change back without a wand?"

The mouse stopped and banged its head against the floor.

"Don't be nervous, Peter, I don't know what my future will be like, but now, I don't mean to blame you."

Riddle said, "You're doing a great job and being a very good follower."

 He pointed at the diary, and the mouse quickly climbed up.

 The hair on the mouse's body became darker, but Riddle's figure became clearer.

"As a reward..." Riddle looked at the body that was staring more and more, and opened his arms in a daze, "Close your eyes, Peter!"

 The mouse quickly lowered his head.

Riddle made a hissing sound from his mouth... and summoned the basilisk,

 “Go, cleanse the school and kill those mudbloods!”

At this time, Kyle had already quietly left the secret room under the cover of the Disillusionment Curse.

The basilisk made a lot of noise, and neither Riddle nor Mouse noticed that there was an extra person in the secret room just now.

 Sure enough, it was the mouse who got the diary.

 After returning to the castle, Kyle did not stop and went directly to the place where the second attack occurred.

 It’s also the third floor.

Caredibubaji did not go to the Quidditch match. He was walking towards his office with a lawn mower in his arms.

 But as he was walking, he suddenly heard a strange friction sound, as if something huge was crawling on the ground.

 The sound came from another corridor in front.

 Professor Bubaji, who was unaware, sped up and wanted to go over and check the situation.


 (End of this chapter)

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