Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 282: Lucius' wrath

 Chapter 282 Lucius’s Wrath

 In the afternoon, Fred and George brought a big bag full of candy and went to the school hospital to visit Ron.

Kyle also went with him.

At the entrance of the campus hospital, two groups of people stood on either side of the door like door gods.

On the left is the Gryffindor team led by Oliver Wood, and on the right is the Slytherin Quidditch team led by Marcus Flint.

They came to visit the sick, but because there were too many people and they were noisy when they came, Madam Pomfrey didn't let them in at all.

 So they could only stand in a stalemate at the door, looking at each other fiercely, trying to kill each other with their eyes.

The arrival of the three Kyles immediately attracted attention. Under the gaze of more than a dozen pairs of eyes, they carefully knocked on the door of the school hospital.

"Why are you still here!" Madam Pomfrey opened the door, and after seeing the large group of people outside, she glared at Wood and Flint with dissatisfaction.

Quidditch players will inevitably get injured during games or training, so the two of them are frequent visitors to the school hospital, and they have a natural respect for Madam Pomfrey.

After being yelled at by her, the two of them did not dare to stay any longer, and quickly led the others out of the corridor where the school hospital was located.

As for Kyle and the Weasley brothers... Madam Pomfrey finally let them in through their status as relatives.

"You can't speak loudly, and you can't affect other people..." she warned: "If you violate any of the rules, you will never come to the campus hospital again."

"Of course." Fred smiled: "We are just here to visit our brother, and we promise not to talk too loudly."

"That's the best." Pomfrey pointed to a hospital bed against the wall on the left, "Weasley is there."


The three of them followed the direction of Madam Pomfrey's finger and came to the hospital bed. After opening the curtain, they saw Ron.

 There are only two people living in the entire campus hospital.

 The hospital bed next to him also had curtains, so he must be Malfoy.

 After all, there are only two of them in the entire campus hospital, and the rest of the place is empty.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or accidental, but Ron and Malfoy were next to each other.

Without this curtain, they probably wouldn't be as quiet as they are now.

 Besides Ron, Harry and Hermione were also inside the curtain.

 It's just that the atmosphere here is a bit strange.

Hermione and Harry both lowered their heads, not knowing what they were thinking. Instead, Ron, who was lying on the hospital bed with a bandage on his head, was comforting them.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just a curse that grows horns...it’s nothing.”

"Malfoy is much worse than me. He has vomited slugs all morning... Haha, this is the first time I have cast a spell so smoothly. If it were an exam, I feel like I will definitely get an "O" ."

  "What a pity, there is no curses class at Hogwarts..." Fred opened the curtain and walked in.

 George followed him, "You missed your only chance to get an 'O'."

"Fred, George..." Ron was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

"What you said is too much." Fred said dissatisfied: "My dear brother is admitted to the school hospital, of course we have to come and visit."

“Yes, we came back from Hogsmeade immediately after hearing about this…”

 “Don’t you think we can come and visit you?”

"No..." Ron quickly explained: "I didn't mean that...I'm sorry."

 “Wait, Hogsmeade?”

At this moment, Harry on the side suddenly raised his head and said, "Aren't you feeling unwell? Didn't you tell Wood that you were going to the campus hospital? I thought you had been discharged from the hospital just now and were going back to the dormitory to rest!"

 “Um…” Fred and George’s expressions paused.

 They actually forgot about it.

 “Don’t worry about the details.”

Fred said quickly: "We went to Hogsmeade after we came out of the school hospital."

 “That’s right.”

 George also took out the big bag of candies, "They are Honeydukes' most popular products. We bought them specially for Ron."

 “For me?” Ron was even more surprised.

 But he looked at the big bag of exquisite candies, thought about it and shook his head: "I...I won't use it, you can keep it for yourselves."

As he spoke, his throat moved slightly.

 He saw it. There were Buttercup mints inside, which was his favorite.

But how to put it... Since last year, the things Fred and George gave him were rarely normal, and they more or less had side effects. Ron didn't dare to accept them.

Fred seemed to have noticed his thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be no problem this time, we promise." "If you don't believe it, you can ask Kyle, he can vouch for us."

Kyle nodded.

These candies are Ron's reward for having the courage to raise his wand to Slytherin, and naturally there will be nothing else in them.

But it doesn't matter even if there is... Ron has been tricked not once or twice, not least this time!

Harry next to him frowned, as if he still had something to say.

But George was one step ahead of him and said: "By the way, Harry, I heard that you are sending out signed photos, why didn't Fred and I get them?"

 “I’m not and I don’t have one!”

Harry was so angry that he immediately forgot about their request for leave.

“These are all rumors spread by Lockhart. I have never sent any signed photos!”

 “Ha, that’s a shame.” Fred winked and said with a smile.

I have to say that Fred and George are really good at livening up the atmosphere.

 After they arrived here, the originally gloomy atmosphere was quickly swept away.

Even Hermione, who was in a complicated mood, was attracted by the anti-monster eyes they took out.

That was bought from Devis-Bance's store. It's a glass bead about the same size as a golden snitch. Its function is to find those howling banshees disguised as ordinary people.

Hermione has little resistance to this novel magical item.

Kyle also took out the automatic inkjet quill pen that he had made in advance.

 Originally, he wanted to give this to Hermione as a Christmas present, but it was just the right time to give it now.

There is also Ron, he also has a waterproof and moisture-proof badge of the same style as Harry.


The few people did not stay in the campus hospital for too long, perhaps because there was always laughter coming from the curtains, and they were reported.

“Malfoy told me you were disturbing him while he was resting.”

Madam Pomfrey said in a deep voice: "So I must ask all of you to leave!"

 “Wait a minute...the voice on his side is louder!”

 Ron said dissatisfied: "Pansy Parkinson's sarcastic voice has never stopped since I laid here."

 “So they have to leave soon.”

Madam Pomfrey said with a straight face: "Actually, the visiting hours are over. If you still want to see him again, you should all go out now!"

 There was no other way, Madam Pomfrey said so, and they could only say goodbye to Ron, and then left the campus hospital.

When they arrived at the Pendulum Courtyard, they happened to meet Lucius Malfoy who had just come out of the castle.

But his face didn't look very good, and he looked like he was still angry.

Lucius also noticed them...


 He ​​stopped, looked at Fred and George, and said in a long voice: "Your family is indeed a little smart, but believe me, "Weasley" will not always be so lucky."

This time, coupled with the conflict in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Lucius didn't even bother to pretend this time, and looked at Fred and George with vicious eyes.

 “Thank you for the reminder…”

Fred and George also stopped smiling.

 “But you should take care of your own family affairs first.”

"I never knew that Malfoy's tutoring was so... crude?"

 “What an eye-opener!”

 Lucius subconsciously tightened his cane.

In order to prevent him from being unethical and suddenly attacking Fred and George, Kyle also became nervous and calmly put his hand on the wand.

But fortunately, Lucius has not been overwhelmed by anger and knows that this is Hogwarts and Dumbledore is nearby... maybe he is looking at them.

 In this case, he naturally did not dare to do anything extraordinary.

 “Huh…let’s see!”

 After saying the harsh words, Lucius left without looking back.


 (End of this chapter)

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