Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 717 The priestess whose true identity is exposed

Hogwarts never remembers hatred. So, Hogwarts, the ancient magic school, has experienced disasters in time and finally exists today?

Moody seemed to be quite touched. His normal eye sometimes showed confusion, sometimes pain, and sometimes hatred. The intense emotions made his body tremble while sitting by the lake, and he was struggling fiercely in his heart!

Forget those unforgettable hatreds?

How long has the civilization of Muggles and wizards gone through, and for more than ten centuries, they and the Druids have been in hatred, which is unforgivable hatred. But Brain said, in order to survive, forget those hatreds. ?

Amosta knew how much his words would affect the hearts of the people opposite him. He also knew that no matter how hard he tried to force others, he was still on the outside and had a broader vision than Vitia. These Drews What are we fantasizing about?

Destroy the Holy See?

Don't be kidding, just like what he said to Vitia just now, the Holy See, like Hogwarts, has become a belief in the hearts of Muggles, a belief that cannot be destroyed. What's more, the omniscient influence of this force in the Muggle world and the unfathomable extraordinary power of the Holy See in the dark.

Do you expect to surrender to Voldemort, and after the Dark Lord conquers the magical world, he will use all the power of the magical world to defeat the Holy See?

Amosta did not doubt that Voldemort had the ambition to enslave the Muggle world after conquering the British wizarding world. However, in his opinion, this ambition was just nonsense. Voldemort had never looked squarely at Muggles and did not understand their potential. If he tries to subvert the order of the Muggle world, those powerful and extraordinary forces and civilizations that exist around the world will swarm him and tear him apart.

The silence lasted for a long time. Amosta didn't say anything else, but silently destroyed his kebab. Moody was still in a daze, and the barbecue that Amosta had handed him before, with only a bite of it, was still in his hand. .


The house elves brought a lot of barbecue, but Amosta tried his best to kill only a small half. He dropped the skewer in his hand, looked at the ice castle and sighed happily,

"I'm going back to the orphanage tomorrow--"

Suddenly, Amosta said abruptly.

"Oh um--"

Moody did not expect that Amosta would suddenly mention this. He stumbled and responded, thinking of the orphanage and the children in the orphanage unconsciously.

She felt guilty for the children in that orphanage. She approached the orphanage with an ulterior purpose, and after achieving her purpose, she quietly left. This undoubtedly hurt the emotions of the children. The saddest thing is that she went on the road of revenge and never Can realize this.

Moody realized that Amosta was looking at him with his head tilted, and suddenly woke up. Moody was not Vitia Cliona.


Moody tried hard to calm down those chaotic and gloomy thoughts, and said in surprise,

"You grew up in a Muggle orphanage. Sorry, I didn't hear about that!"

The corner of Amosta's mouth moved and he looked away.

She had investigated some of Amosta Blaine's past in that orphanage. She knew that Amosta Blaine was abandoned when he was born, and his mother wanted to throw him into the orphanage not far away. In the river outside, an old man who had died in the orphanage tried his best to save him.

If Brian's parents knew that their child would have such great achievements in the future, would they regret abandoning him?

Did Amosta Blaine ever try to find his father?

At least, his parents love him very much, and they sacrificed themselves to protect him.

Vitiya was startled by the idea that popped into her mind. Over the years, she has never forgotten the night when the light of hatred shone again. She kept the hatred in mind and always only hated it. It seemed that she had forgotten her father. Her mother died to protect her.

"Do you hate them?"

Uncontrollably, Moody blurted out.

Do you hate them?

The sound that fell into his ears made Amosta feel dazed for a moment. This was the second time he heard this question.

When I was in the orphanage, similar topics were taboo. No matter it was the staff of the orphanage or the children living there, no one would take the initiative to mention the parents who abandoned them.

The first time Amosta heard this question was from Harry.

"The staff at the orphanage and the children I grew up with gave me a happy childhood-"

Amosta's answer to Vitia was different from Harry's. He smiled and said,

"My life after entering Hogwarts was also very fulfilling and happy. Severus took very good care of me, and Dumbledore also cared about me. Ah, of course, his care had ulterior motives. I think that having these That’s enough.”

Moody pursed his dry lips.

"Speaking of which-" Amosta relaxed and said with a smile, "How are your old friends, Professor Moody? Have they received care and treatment?"

Moody was stunned for several seconds before he realized what Blaine was going to say.

"Well -" Moody nodded, "Thanks for your help, Blaine -"

Amosta Blaine knew exactly what she meant.

Downplaying the hatred and focusing on the beauty in front of you is the most important thing - what Amosta wants to express is more like the Druid's idea, but it is that she has been distorted beyond recognition by hatred. For those mistakes Yes, evil behaviors are becoming more and more commonplace.


The crisp sound of explosions passed through the howling wind and snow and reached Amosta's ears. He looked towards the ice castle. A series of colorful fireworks were blooming in the sky in front of the ice castle. The little wizards were probably doing their final celebrations. They set off all the hard-drawn fireworks Amosta had brought in one go.

Moody was also attracted by the splendor of the ice castle. He looked at those beautiful fireworks with obsession in his eyes.

However, the sudden strange feeling in his body made Moody stand up suddenly. His heart was beating rapidly and his eyes were horrified.

Moody's ferocious cheek suddenly began to twist, like a ball of plasticine being kneaded by big hands. The eye socket plugged with the magic eye was also swollen and uncomfortable. The blue magic eye made a crunching sound, as if it was about to be squeezed. The new pupils in the eye sockets squeezed out, the ferocious scars on the cheeks began to hide, and the skin color became white at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, a lot of vibrant emerald green hair quietly appeared in the gaps between the gray hair on the top of the head. Silk.


The wooden leg fell to the ground with a snap, and the new leg was growing rapidly!


Moody was horrified, and he immediately realized what had happened.

He has not taken a sip of Polyjuice Potion since he followed Amostar out of the ice castle. Now, the time for transformation has come, and he is about to be exposed!

To be honest, the exposure may have happened a long time ago. Amosta may have realized it a long time ago. He should have discovered it the night before the warrior selection, but for some reason she didn't understand. Maybe , trying to figure out the reason why she lurked into Hogwarts, but Amosta never exposed her.

The two have always maintained this wonderful tacit understanding, but now, this tacit understanding no longer exists, and she is about to expose her true identity to Amosta Brain.

There was boundless panic in her eyes that had turned green. This was not just because her and Voldemort's plan was about to fail completely, but there were other reasons. Perhaps even more important reasons.

She didn't want to face Amosta Blaine because of guilt and some unexplainable factors.


Amosta, who had his back turned to Vitiya, suddenly shouted,

"It's getting late. I think it's time to put those crazy kids to bed--"

With that said, Amosta jumped off the ice and walked towards the ice castle without looking back.

"Professor Moody, please clean up the grill and those empty bottles with the house elves -"

Amosta waved with his back to the lake, and then strode into the violent snowstorm.


The magic barrier shattered, and the wind and snow occupied this small piece of clear world. On the shore of the lake, Vitiya, with her emerald green hair dancing, stood there, looking longingly at Amosta's fading back.

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